NYT blast Pocahontas: "How Elizabeth Warren Raised Big Money Before She Denounced Big Money"

I was for it before I was against it....

NYT is attacking every one but Quid Pro Joe.... Bet you cant guess who they are going to prop up...
I happened to catch the "Wine cave" attack that Warren tried on ButtiFudge. That woman's hypocrisy is next level.
I thought the NYT gave passes to the hypocritical Democrats who trashed Wall Street in public while capitulating to it behind the scenes? Interesting.
I was for it before I was against it....

NYT is attacking every one but Quid Pro Joe.... Bet you cant guess who they are going to prop up...

This makes sense. His corruption aside, Biden is their best chance. Everyone else is too radical. Too Left. America tried that for 8 years and followed up with Trump. Why go back to Obama?
I thought she made all her money off the reservations tax free tobacco and casino ?
When the corporate media does an attack piece on a candidate, they are just showing they don’t want them to win the nomination.

From what I have seen, they are all in for Biden.

Warren is so flawed. Can you imagine if it was a Republican woman who lied about being an indigenous person to further their career? Holy shit, they would be lambasted so brutally by the press.

Out of everyone running for the Dimm ticket at this time, Biden is the only one who has a chance...and it’s slim.

That’s why the media is so mad about the Hunter Biden Ukraine thing, they know it’s very bad for Biden.
Pocahontas is physically frail, but with a voice like a foghorn!

Klobuchar is a thick muscular woman who Trump should nickname "The Wrestler"!
I thought the NYT gave passes to the hypocritical Democrats who trashed Wall Street in public while capitulating to it behind the scenes? Interesting.

Generally they do. It is interesting that they are not here.

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