NYT blatantly anti semitic

My point?
My point is that Jews dominate Liberalism, (snipped>.

Well, you do have a point. What you say is true to a degree.

But are we going to blame all Jews for the actions of some? Are we being stupid and medieval like the old 15th Century peasants blaming Jews for collecting taxes levied on them by their Ruling Class masters?

I refuse to condemn an entire group for the actions of some, or even many, of them.

This goes for Blacks, Japanese for what they did during WWII, Germans for what they did during WWII, etc.

You want to be very careful not to fall into that trap.

You will make dimocrap scum very happy if you do
My point?
My point is that Jews dominate Liberalism, (snipped>.

Well, you do have a point. What you say is true to a degree.

But are we going to blame all Jews for the actions of some? Are we being stupid and medieval like the old 15th Century peasants blaming Jews for collecting taxes levied on them by their Ruling Class masters?

I refuse to condemn an entire group for the actions of some, or even many, of them.

This goes for Blacks, Japanese for what they did during WWII, Germans for what they did during WWII, etc.

You want to be very careful not to fall into that trap.

You will make dimocrap scum very happy if you do
We all know Shit4Brains hates Jews for existing.
Sorry, but that's not blame, that's observation.
At least you admit your blatant hypocrisy. .... :thup:

Jews don't have the goal of overturning Western Religion and culture through violent conquest.

Jews haven't flown any Airliners into our Skyscrapers recently. Jews don't go around shooting up places 'just because'.

Jews don't chant 'Death To America' at every opening of the Knesset.

Jews haven't driven a floating bomb into one of our destroyers lately.


All goat-fuckers know how to do is feed and breed like the animals they are. Conquer and enslave. Steal and butcher. It's all you people know how to do. Since the 7th Century. Since you stole Byzantine lands, since you invaded Europe. Your people are just like locusts. Wherever you go, you leave behind destruction, death and despair.

You have no work ethic, you have no animal husbandry, no history of science, art or engineering. What little bit of 'advancement' you claim; you stole from India. Ptolemy was Greek, NOT Egyptian.

Maybe if you'd try moving into a century closer to ours, people might change their opinion of you. But being continuously stuck in the 7th Century won't get you a lot of praise in these parts.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it
Sorry, but that's not blame, that's observation.
At least you admit your blatant hypocrisy. .... :thup:

Jews don't have the goal of overturning Western Religion and culture through violent conquest.

Jews haven't flown any Airliners into our Skyscrapers recently. Jews don't go around shooting up places 'just because'.

Jews don't chant 'Death To America' at every opening of the Knesset.

Jews haven't driven a floating bomb into one of our destroyers lately.


All goat-fuckers know how to do is feed and breed like the animals they are. Conquer and enslave. Steal and butcher. It's all you people know how to do. Since the 7th Century. Since you stole Byzantine lands, since you invaded Europe. Your people are just like locusts. Wherever you go, you leave behind destruction, death and despair.

You have no work ethic, you have no animal husbandry, no history of science, art or engineering. What little bit of 'advancement' you claim; you stole from India. Ptolemy was Greek, NOT Egyptian.

Maybe if you'd try moving into a century closer to ours, people might change their opinion of you. But being continuously stuck in the 7th Century won't get you a lot of praise in these parts.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it

So, there's one standard for judging Jews, it's a big no, no.
There's another standard for judging Muslims, it's a big yes, yes.

Sure they do.
Jewish money overturned Russia into a Marxist utopia, and in more modern times Jewish money is overturning the USA into a Liberal utopia.

USS Liberty, anyone?

How about the Lavon Affair?

How about Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg?

How about Jonathan Pollard?
New Yorkers are the most blatantly racist people in the country, regardless of nationality or politics.
New Yorkers are the most blatantly racist people in the country, regardless of nationality or politics.

If true, it would just prove that Multiculturalism causes prejudices.

Well...maybe. More like it proves what everyone already knows. NYers are loudmouth jerks who


Like Trump?
But, but, but Trump's "Kosher", right?
I guess it's only wrong when it's anti-Jewish, like this alleged anti-Semitism, by Jewish owned NYT.
New Yorkers are the most blatantly racist people in the country, regardless of nationality or politics.

If true, it would just prove that Multiculturalism causes prejudices.

Well...maybe. More like it proves what everyone already knows. NYers are loudmouth jerks who


Like Trump?
But, but, but Trump's "Kosher", right?
I guess it's only wrong when it's anti-Jewish, like this alleged anti-Semitism, by Jewish owned NYT.

Yep, Trump is New York, through and through. Still, he's not ALL bad.
Jews don't have the goal of overturning Western Religion and culture through violent conquest.
Juden are much more subtle and clever.

They worm their way into a country's political and financial systems to seize control. Which is why historically the Jews have been expelled and driven out of dozens of countries. Only to infect another host country and start the parasitic process again. .... :cool:

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