Clinton was warned over and over also, and his response was the Gorelick Wall. But somehow I don't think you'll place any blame in his direction.
What did Bush do about the Cole attack?
Clinton was in OFFICE during the COLE IDIOT !!! OCT 2000.. I remember that clearly since one of our friends DIED in that
And - as I already said, and Clinton already said - he didn't want to impose a course of action on a new administration.

So - since Clinton left it for the new POTUS to handle, in accordance with their own foreign policy plans, what did Bush do?
I'm calling for protecting America.

Republicans held all three branches of Congress. Republicans are in favor of profiling. Except when it comes to protecting America, I guess is what you're saying.

I have no problem with profiling. If a car is cruising a street, stopping to talk to hookers, I don't assume he's asking for directions.

Congress only has two branches.

I call bullshit on you saying you have no problem with profiling. The only reason you are supporting it now is you think it can make Bush look bad.

i'm pretty sure he meant 'branches of government'.

i have a problem with profiling. it's illegal.

but do you know what's NOT illegal... going to every flight school in florida, finding out who was taking flying lessons but didn't want to learn to take off and land... and pulling them in for questioning.

know what else isn't illegal?


which is what they never did...

all i'll say is that if something so horrific had happened during the obama presidency, you'd be blaming him personally, even if he didn't have any intel.

I wouldnt blame anyone, unless they had a memo saying "they want to take planes and fly them into buildings, they are training here and here, and will attack sometime around here."

I firmly believe even theoretical President Al Gore would have not been able to stop the attacks.
BTW, the intelligence wasn't failed.

Can you source where the the intel stated which day, which flights all of this was going to happen...or was more like fragmented chatter? The same chatter the CIA and the FBI were picking up.

You do realize that it was the Clinton Administration that dummied down our own intel because we didn't need it any longer, right?

he told the agent that he had 'covered his ass' and not to worry about it any more.

they then did... nothing.

and when clinton was obsessed with OBL, bush's team kept asking for intel on Saddam Hussein.

and we knew there were middle eastern men getting flying lessons at schools in florida who didn't want to learn to take off and land... but only to steer.

if those things were all pursued, would 9.11 still have happened? no way to know... but it would have helped.

Forgot about that! Just more wood for the fire.
Again....no date, no time, no airport, no flights, there was chatter just like there was chatter for months and months prior, Synth.
Get real....... :eusa_whistle:
So, if the authorities get inside info that a bank is going to get held up, but they don't have the details, that bank will be successfully held up and nothing can be done about it?

Can you be MORE specific as to which bank in the US that was going to be held up...give the dates and times? That was weak, Synth....you must be off your game today.
You are claiming that unless we have exact dates, times, and places, we can not prevent attacks on America.

That's bullshit on the face of it.
Oh please! I could post HUNDREDS of links regarding Liberals pissing their underoos over so called "RACIAL PROFILING" of muslims.. Don't even try to revise history..

Racial Profiling For Terrorists is Racism - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
Liberals weren't in control of the U.S. government in 2001, skank.

LMAO Neg repping me for posting a link about Liberal crybabies over so called racial profiling of Muslims???? Liberals can't handle the truth..
No, neg repping you because you're an idiot whom I had thought we were rid of at this site.

But like a herpes sore, you keep coming back.
I'm calling for protecting America.

Republicans held all three branches of Congress. Republicans are in favor of profiling. Except when it comes to protecting America, I guess is what you're saying.

I have no problem with profiling. If a car is cruising a street, stopping to talk to hookers, I don't assume he's asking for directions.

Congress only has two branches.

I call bullshit on you saying you have no problem with profiling. The only reason you are supporting it now is you think it can make Bush look bad.

i'm pretty sure he meant 'branches of government'.

i have a problem with profiling. it's illegal.

but do you know what's NOT illegal... going to every flight school in florida, finding out who was taking flying lessons but didn't want to learn to take off and land... and pulling them in for questioning.

know what else isn't illegal?


which is what they never did...

all i'll say is that if something so horrific had happened during the obama presidency, you'd be blaming him personally, even if he didn't have any intel.

More AWESOME!!! :clap2:
So, if the authorities get inside info that a bank is going to get held up, but they don't have the details, that bank will be successfully held up and nothing can be done about it?

Can you be MORE specific as to which bank in the US that was going to be held up...give the dates and times? That was weak, Synth....you must be off your game today.
You are claiming that unless we have exact dates, times, and places, we can not prevent attacks on America.

That's bullshit on the face of it.

I'm saying we didn't have the TSA or any of the safeguards in place that we have now, infact, even with those safeguards in place, it's been proven to be not enough, Synth.
With 365 days a year and as many flights as we have per day and the amount of major airports, it couldn't have been stopped, unless we got lucky somehow.
So, no it's not bullshit on the face of it, it's called reality, no matter how you want to spin it, Synth.
Liberals weren't in control of the U.S. government in 2001, skank.

LMAO Neg repping me for posting a link about Liberal crybabies over so called racial profiling of Muslims???? Liberals can't handle the truth..
No, neg repping you because you're an idiot whom I had thought we were rid of at this site.

But like a herpes sore, you keep coming back.

You know all about herpes sores, don't ya? Nastyass..
So we are supposed to believe the op-Ed writer because he says so.

Two, why are we supposed to believe the CIA? Weren't they the ones that told us that Iraq had WMD's?

Three, Clinton had intelligence reports on Osama and and imminent attack. From what I have gathered, there was chatter about an attack for a few years.

However, Sunday morning QBing is pretty easy for an op-Ed writer.

why not? you guys fucking believe every Blog, opinion piece that attacks Obama.
LMAO Neg repping me for posting a link about Liberal crybabies over so called racial profiling of Muslims???? Liberals can't handle the truth..
No, neg repping you because you're an idiot whom I had thought we were rid of at this site.

But like a herpes sore, you keep coming back.

You know all about herpes sores, don't ya? Nastyass..

I'll pos rep you, LGS. Synth gets emotional at times.
I was just reading this on HuffPo. Damn, this is awesome!

This is awesome??? What exactly is so awesome about failed intelligence leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans? You are a fucking loon.

Yeah, we need to celebrate failed intelligence, how fucking low does one have to be to be excited over the death of innocent people? Just when I thought the left couldn't get more disgusting, they get excited over people dying. What a great bunch of assholes.

When ted Kennedy died i saw many on the right being disrespectful a few hours into the news.

get on your hypocrisy pants people, this is going to be fun
Pubcrappe EVERY time from the Pub Propaganda Machine. WAKE TF UP! How thick can you be?

On June 21, FOX News Channel co-host Sean Hannity repeated the false claim that former President Bill Clinton refused an offer from Sudan to turn over Osama bin Laden to the United States in 1996, even though the 9-11 Commission found no "reliable evidence to support" the claim that Sudan made such an offer. This false claim originated in a 2002 article by the right-wing news site NewsMax.com that distorted a 2002 statement by Clinton. Lanny J. Davis, former White House special counsel to Clinton, pointed out that Hannity was lying, but Hannity persisted.

From the June 21 edition of FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes:

HANNITY: Here's what bothers me. Is Bill Clinton gave a speech and he said "I couldn't take him [Osama bin Laden] for legal reasons, so I tried to get Saudi Arabia to take him but it was too hot a potato." He admitted to the Sudan offer.

DAVIS: No. That's a lie.

HANNITY: He offered it. It's not a lie. I have the tape, Lanny.

DAVIS: It is.

HANNITY: Lanny, I have the tape of the speech.

DAVIS: And I've heard tape. You've played it for me. He never refused, never refused to take Osama bin Laden.

HANNITY: How can he offer -- "I asked Saudi Arabia to take him but it was too hot a potato" -- how can he offer bin Laden to them if he doesn't have him?

The truth is that Clinton never offered Osama bin Laden to Saudi Arabia. Hannity distorted a remark Clinton made in a speech to the Long Island Association's annual luncheon on February 15, 2002, in which Clinton said that he "pleaded with the Saudis" to accept Sudan's offer to hand bin Laden to Saudi Arabia. Sudan never offered bin Laden to the United States. Hannity's mention of "the tape" is a reference to a video of this speech. NewsMax.com obtained a video of the speech in 2002 and began hyping the supposed Clinton "admission" (see transcript and listen to the audio). In fact, Clinton did not "admit" to the Sudan offer in that speech or anywhere else. Here's the relevant portion of Clinton's remarks to the Long Island Association:

CLINTON: So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [Al Qaeda]. We got -- well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, 'cause they could have. But they thought it was a hot potato and they didn't and that's how he wound up in Afghanistan.

Furthermore, during his June 20 interview on 60 Minutes with CBS anchor Dan Rather, Clinton categorically denied that such an offer was made: "'There was a story which is factually inaccurate that the Sudanese offered bin Laden to us,' says Mr. Clinton. 'As far as I know, there is not a shred of evidence of that.'"

Hannity repeated lie that Sudan offered bin Laden to Clinton; Lanny Davis to Hannity: "That's a lie" | Research | Media Matters for America

Oh right, Soros is a Nazi Marxist high finacier...drivel.

You should be happy about this news, after all the downfall of 9/11 is what helped usher in a democrat sweep of both houses in 2006 and the white house in 2008. Which makes you wonder just who stood to benefit most from it happening right? Oops......if there ever really is a truther conspiracy now that would be a good one right?

no it didnt. Massive spending and the GOP doing nothing but caused the dems to sweep in.
This is awesome??? What exactly is so awesome about failed intelligence leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans? You are a fucking loon.

Yeah, we need to celebrate failed intelligence, how fucking low does one have to be to be excited over the death of innocent people? Just when I thought the left couldn't get more disgusting, they get excited over people dying. What a great bunch of assholes.

They are no longer just "The left" or "Liberals".......they are the new communist party.

you are the new Taliban.

This is fun!
I'm calling for protecting America.

Republicans held all three branches of Congress. Republicans are in favor of profiling. Except when it comes to protecting America, I guess is what you're saying.

I have no problem with profiling. If a car is cruising a street, stopping to talk to hookers, I don't assume he's asking for directions.

Congress only has two branches.

I call bullshit on you saying you have no problem with profiling. The only reason you are supporting it now is you think it can make Bush look bad.

i'm pretty sure he meant 'branches of government'.

i have a problem with profiling. it's illegal.

but do you know what's NOT illegal... going to every flight school in florida, finding out who was taking flying lessons but didn't want to learn to take off and land... and pulling them in for questioning.

know what else isn't illegal?


which is what they never did...

all i'll say is that if something so horrific had happened during the obama presidency, you'd be blaming him personally, even if he didn't have any intel.

Awesome! Thank you!

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