George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

jonox: George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard
More AWESOME!!! :clap2:

More awsome hindsight. Most of the warnings were about people hijacking planes, and everyone assumed it would be an old fashioned take over the plane and demand X hijacking. Why would you even think of looking at flight schools if you were worried about a normal hijacking?

Its funny watching someone shoot an attempted 3 pointer, only to see the ball dribble out of thier hands.

Just admit you hate Bush, and no matter what he did, you would critisize it.

hindsight? to say that the right would have laid all of the blame on this president if g-d forbid we had been attacked???

that's not hindsight. that's a reasonable conclusion based on all of the evidence.

if i were saying the attack would have been prevented, then maybe you could lay some monday morning quarterback charges my way... but i don't know if it would have changed anything.

what i do know is they didn't DO anything. and that was unforgiveable.

Actually, you don't know squat. The CIA, FBI, and Defense Department did not go on vacation or cease to function because Bush had not given them new direction. They were doing the same things, prior to 9/11, that they were doing under the Clinton administration.

Consequently, if there was an organizational or leadership failure, it can be laid at Clinton's door. He is the one who had managerial control for the previous eight years.

The United States of America was unprepared for an event like 9/11, and a whole lot of people had a hand in that unpreparedness. Too many, to assign blame to anyone.

There were bits and pieces of information floating around various government offices, and if they had been all put together, might have created an actionable possibility. But, they were not put together because our bureaucracy was not organized in a way to put them together.

Should our agencies have considered the possibility of using an aircraft as a missile? Yes, especially since a well know author, Tom Clancy, wrote a thriller where a Japanese airline pilot used a 747 as a missile to wipe out our entire government during a state of the union address. I have always wondered whether that is where Al Quada got the idea.
This is significant in that it not only shows that Bush was an incompetent president, but it indicts all those who supported Bush.

Conservatives forced one idiot on us. Why should anyone believe that conservatives have any competence in politics or economics? If they failed to recognise what a bozo Bush was, why should we trust their judgement at all?

They've ruined the U.S. credit rating, invaded a country for no valid reason, failed to kill Bin Laden, left us open to the 9/11 attacks, exported our economy to China and stopped the Obama administration from taking action to fix the economy.

Conservatives are self-centered, short-sighted, dishonest, whining bastards who do everything to stop progress at the expense of the American people!

As long as they get to keep their tax cuts they could care less if America goes to hell.
So we are supposed to believe the op-Ed writer because he says so.

If it were yet another lie about President Obama, you wouldn't even need this much evidence.

You rw's read something on the bathroom wall at the beer joint and by golly, that's all you need.

Mittens is refusing to tell you anything about his tax returns or about how he plans to divest you of every cent you ever hope to see and that's just fine. You'll join the other little sheeples in the line to vote for --

Well, that's the point. You don't know what you'll be voting for.
This is significant in that it not only shows that Bush was an incompetent president, but it indicts all those who supported Bush.

Conservatives forced one idiot on us. Why should anyone believe that conservatives have any competence in politics or economics? If they failed to recognise what a bozo Bush was, why should we trust their judgement at all?

They've ruined the U.S. credit rating, invaded a country for no valid reason, failed to kill Bin Laden, left us open to the 9/11 attacks, exported our economy to China and stopped the Obama administration from taking action to fix the economy.

Conservatives are self-centered, short-sighted, dishonest, whining bastards who do everything to stop progress at the expense of the American people!

As long as they get to keep their tax cuts they could care less if America goes to hell.

It shows that you're a garden variety partisan hack. Tell us just exactly what was Bush supposed to do prior to 9-11? Please be specific, one liberal on here told us we should have profiled....you going to go with that, also? :eusa_whistle:
This is significant in that it not only shows that Bush was an incompetent president, but it indicts all those who supported Bush.

Conservatives forced one idiot on us. Why should anyone believe that conservatives have any competence in politics or economics? If they failed to recognise what a bozo Bush was, why should we trust their judgement at all?

They've ruined the U.S. credit rating, invaded a country for no valid reason, failed to kill Bin Laden, left us open to the 9/11 attacks, exported our economy to China and stopped the Obama administration from taking action to fix the economy.

Conservatives are self-centered, short-sighted, dishonest, whining bastards who do everything to stop progress at the expense of the American people!

As long as they get to keep their tax cuts they could care less if America goes to hell.

Another idiot leftist, another "BLAME BOOOOOOSHHHHH."

You hacks are such morons.
This is significant in that it not only shows that Bush was an incompetent president, but it indicts all those who supported Bush.

Conservatives forced one idiot on us. Why should anyone believe that conservatives have any competence in politics or economics? If they failed to recognise what a bozo Bush was, why should we trust their judgement at all?

They've ruined the U.S. credit rating, invaded a country for no valid reason, failed to kill Bin Laden, left us open to the 9/11 attacks, exported our economy to China and stopped the Obama administration from taking action to fix the economy.

Conservatives are self-centered, short-sighted, dishonest, whining bastards who do everything to stop progress at the expense of the American people!

As long as they get to keep their tax cuts they could care less if America goes to hell.

Another idiot leftist, another "BLAME BOOOOOOSHHHHH."

You hacks are such morons.

Not only blame Bush, but celebrate that a breakdown in intelligence (going back to Clinton) led to the death thousands of Americans so they could point their political fingers at someone they detest... I think it's sickening, they think it's just awesome... Go figure.
Not only blame Bush, but celebrate that a breakdown in intelligence (going back to Clinton) led to the death thousands of Americans so they could point their political fingers at someone they detest... I think it's sickening, they think it's just awesome... Go figure.

Since Obama is in trouble, they figure pissing on the graves of the 9/11 victims is warranted.
This is significant in that it not only shows that Bush was an incompetent president, but it indicts all those who supported Bush.

Conservatives forced one idiot on us. Why should anyone believe that conservatives have any competence in politics or economics? If they failed to recognise what a bozo Bush was, why should we trust their judgement at all?

They've ruined the U.S. credit rating, invaded a country for no valid reason, failed to kill Bin Laden, left us open to the 9/11 attacks, exported our economy to China and stopped the Obama administration from taking action to fix the economy.

Conservatives are self-centered, short-sighted, dishonest, whining bastards who do everything to stop progress at the expense of the American people!

As long as they get to keep their tax cuts they could care less if America goes to hell.

Especially since the idiot they want to force on us now has refused to answer even one question with a straight answer.

He hides every single detail, every fact, and yet, the rw's are ready to line up in little sheeple lines to vote for him.

That's just plain nutz.
I was just reading this on HuffPo. Damn, this is awesome!

This is awesome??? What exactly is so awesome about failed intelligence leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans? You are a fucking loon.

Yeah, we need to celebrate failed intelligence, how fucking low does one have to be to be excited over the death of innocent people? Just when I thought the left couldn't get more disgusting, they get excited over people dying. What a great bunch of assholes.

You mean just like the right does when they blow up an abortion clinic and kill the doctors? You are delusional. Oh, you also sound like an asshole. Bye!
You mean just like the right does when they blow up an abortion clinic and kill the doctors? You are delusional. Oh, you also sound like an asshole. Bye!

Yo fucktard;

Why don't you point out when the last time one of your holy abortion churches was bombed?

Standard Disclaimer: Maybe the scumbag dims will get so desperate that they bomb one of their own abortion churches to stir up the troops....
This is awesome??? What exactly is so awesome about failed intelligence leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans? You are a fucking loon.

Yeah, we need to celebrate failed intelligence, how fucking low does one have to be to be excited over the death of innocent people? Just when I thought the left couldn't get more disgusting, they get excited over people dying. What a great bunch of assholes.

You mean just like the right does when they blow up an abortion clinic and kill the doctors? You are delusional. Oh, you also sound like an asshole. Bye!

How many abortion doctors have been killed?

This is awesome??? What exactly is so awesome about failed intelligence leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans? You are a fucking loon.

Yeah, we need to celebrate failed intelligence, how fucking low does one have to be to be excited over the death of innocent people? Just when I thought the left couldn't get more disgusting, they get excited over people dying. What a great bunch of assholes.

You mean just like the right does when they blow up an abortion clinic and kill the doctors? You are delusional. Oh, you also sound like an asshole. Bye!

You fucktarded loons are all the same, you have no problem trashing the memories of thousands of Americans simply to take a stab at a Bush whose sole purpose after four years is to be the scapegoat for four years of Obama's failed Presidency... Now you're going to compare 9/11 to some wingnut blasting an abortion clinic? God knows an abortion clinic is high on the list of things worth preserving to you Leftist simpletons... You have got to go somewhere to flush that fetus down the toilet out of convenience. Go right ahead and make that ludicrous comparison between 9/11 and an abortion clinic... You sound like a complete fucking idiot. Bye asshole.
This has been kicking around forever....
Doesn't change anything really.

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