There are many such articles, but I don't see how any sane person could read the following article and still give Bush a pass. Seriously!

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard

Three thousand + lives or brush that needed "clearing".

He dropped the ball almost every day. He had several warnings and chose to ignore them all. The real reason he ignored the warnings came immediately after the attack when he quietly got all of bin Laden's family SAFELY out of the US.

If president Bush made any mistakes the worst ones were keeping the jerks that Clinton appointed to the FBI and the CIA. He tried to be a nice guy and keep democrat appointees and look what happens. Bush was in office for 7 months. The jihad monsters were planning the crime for years. Clinton's Attorney General ordered the CIA not to share information with the FBI under penalty of law even after the first attack during Clinton's watch. Some of the terrorists were illegally in the US when they were attending flight school in Clinton's back yard under his watch.
There are many such articles, but I don't see how any sane person could read the following article and still give Bush a pass. Seriously!

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard

Three thousand + lives or brush that needed "clearing".

He dropped the ball almost every day. He had several warnings and chose to ignore them all. The real reason he ignored the warnings came immediately after the attack when he quietly got all of bin Laden's family SAFELY out of the US.

His brush clearing was just for photo ops.
There are many such articles, but I don't see how any sane person could read the following article and still give Bush a pass. Seriously!

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard

Three thousand + lives or brush that needed "clearing".

He dropped the ball almost every day. He had several warnings and chose to ignore them all. The real reason he ignored the warnings came immediately after the attack when he quietly got all of bin Laden's family SAFELY out of the US.

His brush clearing was just for photo ops.

I've read that he really hated getting that far away from the booze.

All he did was yell "charge it" for 8 years and now the dumb rw's blame Obama for having to put Bush's bills on his tab.

Bush used our treasury as his own personal Petty Cash Fund. He was under the control of Bush's Brain and never made so much as one decision on his own. He was surely one of our worst, if not the absolute worst president we've had.

Now the rw's want to do it again with another brainless boob who is lucky to wear Magic Underwear because its pretty damn likely he couldn't pick out underwear every single day.
Okay....what should he have done, loinboy? Please be specific in your answer as to how he could have prevented it.
Well, for starters, by giving the reports he was getting some attention. Making this issue a top priority and asking for daily briefings on the subject. But he didn't do anything! No hi-level meetings, no sense of urgency, nothing.

A big part of the problem was the lack of urgency at the top. Counterterrorism coordinator Clarke said the 9/11 attacks might have been averted if Bush had shown some initiative in “shaking the trees” by having high-level officials from the FBI, CIA, Customs and other federal agencies go back to their bureaucracies and demand any information about the terrorist threat.

This is a good example of what went on a couple of months prior to 9/11...

By July 10, senior CIA counterterrorism officials, including Cofer Black, had collected a body of intelligence that they presented to Director Tenet.

“The briefing [Black] gave me literally made my hair stand on end,” Tenet wrote in his memoir, At the Center of the Storm. “When he was through, I picked up the big white secure phone on the left side of my desk – the one with a direct line to [national security adviser] Condi Rice – and told her that I needed to see her immediately to provide an update on the al-Qa’ida threat.”

After reaching the White House, a CIA briefer, identified in Tenet’s book only as Rich B., started his presentation by saying: “There will be a significant terrorist attack in the coming weeks or months!”

Rich B. then displayed a chart showing “seven specific pieces of intelligence gathered over the past 24 hours, all of them predicting an imminent attack,” Tenet wrote. The briefer presented another chart with “the more chilling statements we had in our possession through intelligence.”

These comments included a mid-June statement by Osama bin Laden to trainees about an attack in the near future; talk about decisive acts and a “big event”; and fresh intelligence about predictions of “a stunning turn of events in the weeks ahead,” Tenet wrote.

Rich B. told Rice that the attack will be “spectacular” and designed to inflict heavy casualties against U.S. targets. “Attack preparations have been made,” Rich B. said about al-Qaeda’s plans. “Multiple and simultaneous attacks are possible, and they will occur with little or no warning.”

When Rice asked what needed to be done, the CIA’s Black responded, “This country needs to go on a war footing now.” The CIA officials sought approval for broad covert-action authority that had been languishing since March, Tenet wrote.
But they didn't get it. Hell, they couldn't get the Administration to take these threats seriously.

At one CIA meeting in late July, Tenet wrote that Rich B. told senior officials bluntly, “they’re coming here,” a declaration that was followed by stunned silence.
Here's one thing they could of done, but didn't.

FBI agents in Minneapolis arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August because of his suspicious behavior in trying to learn to fly commercial jetliners when he lacked even rudimentary skills.

FBI agent Harry Samit, who interrogated Moussaoui, sent 70 warnings to his superiors about suspicions that the al-Qaeda operative had been taking flight training in Minnesota because he was planning to hijack a plane for a terrorist operation.

But FBI officials in Washington showed “criminal negligence” in blocking requests for a search warrant on Moussaoui’s computer or taking other preventive action, Samit testified more than four years later at Moussaoui’s criminal trial.
Why they didn't authorize a search warrant is beyond me.
Okay....what should he have done, loinboy? Please be specific in your answer as to how he could have prevented it.
Well, for starters, by giving the reports he was getting some attention. Making this issue a top priority and asking for daily briefings on the subject. But he didn't do anything! No hi-level meetings, no sense of urgency, nothing.

A big part of the problem was the lack of urgency at the top. Counterterrorism coordinator Clarke said the 9/11 attacks might have been averted if Bush had shown some initiative in “shaking the trees” by having high-level officials from the FBI, CIA, Customs and other federal agencies go back to their bureaucracies and demand any information about the terrorist threat.

This is a good example of what went on a couple of months prior to 9/11...

But they didn't get it. Hell, they couldn't get the Administration to take these threats seriously.

At one CIA meeting in late July, Tenet wrote that Rich B. told senior officials bluntly, “they’re coming here,” a declaration that was followed by stunned silence.
Here's one thing they could of done, but didn't.

FBI agents in Minneapolis arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August because of his suspicious behavior in trying to learn to fly commercial jetliners when he lacked even rudimentary skills.

FBI agent Harry Samit, who interrogated Moussaoui, sent 70 warnings to his superiors about suspicions that the al-Qaeda operative had been taking flight training in Minnesota because he was planning to hijack a plane for a terrorist operation.

But FBI officials in Washington showed “criminal negligence” in blocking requests for a search warrant on Moussaoui’s computer or taking other preventive action, Samit testified more than four years later at Moussaoui’s criminal trial.
Why they didn't authorize a search warrant is beyond me.

How could have 9-11 been avoided? Profiling...I think that's what you're saying. Nobody knew a date, an airport, or a flight, loinboy. If Bush had profiled the liberals would have been crying foul along with the ACLU. Let's keep it real.
Bush incompetence allowed 9/11 to happen, and then he looted the U.S. Treasury. Bush actions and policies are still driving the debt numbers that wingnuts try to blame Obama for.

So now, Romney (who has many of the same Bush wingnuts on his staff) wants to double down on the Bush holocaust with even more tax cuts for the rich.
There are many such articles, but I don't see how any sane person could read the following article and still give Bush a pass. Seriously!

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard

I've been asking the question.....Just what should Bush have done to prevent the 9-11 tragedy? Try and be specific in your answer. Synth thought we should have profiled, what say you?

The article speaks for itself. Bush was on vacation the entire month of August 2001, while "Tenet, Richard Clarke, and several other officials were running around with their 'hair on fire,' warning that al-Qaida was about to unleash a monumental attack." (from the above link)

What did Bush do? It appears that he did nothing. What could he have done? At the very least, he could have place all government agencies on full alert and warned airports.

For the previous few years—as Philip Zelikow, the commission's staff director, revealed this morning—the CIA had issued several warnings that terrorists might fly commercial airplanes into buildings or cities.

From the above link.

Also, the OP article speaks for itself.

You know a president has access to any information he wants, even if he is at Camp David, or at his Ranch in Texas? Even in 2001 the availibility of remote communications allows the president to do thier job anywhere.
The article speaks for itself. Bush was on vacation the entire month of August 2001, while "Tenet, Richard Clarke, and several other officials were running around with their 'hair on fire,' warning that al-Qaida was about to unleash a monumental attack." (from the above link)

What did Bush do? It appears that he did nothing. What could he have done? At the very least, he could have place all government agencies on full alert and warned airports.

From the above link.

the article is an opinion piece.

you are an idiot.

It also contains supporting links for the mentally impaired, and so does the OP article.

it's an opinion piece. opinion, not fact.

english, motherfucker, do you speak it?
And why was Bush in such a big hurry to get bin Laden's family out of the country? Why weren't they detained and questioned?
How could have 9-11 been avoided? Profiling...I think that's what you're saying. Nobody knew a date, an airport, or a flight, loinboy. If Bush had profiled the liberals would have been crying foul along with the ACLU. Let's keep it real.
Unlike your post!

The point is, Bush didn't do anything. Just calling an anti-terrorism meeting would've been something, but he didn't even do that.
How could have 9-11 been avoided? Profiling...I think that's what you're saying. Nobody knew a date, an airport, or a flight, loinboy. If Bush had profiled the liberals would have been crying foul along with the ACLU. Let's keep it real.
Unlike your post!

The point is, Bush didn't do anything. Just calling an anti-terrorism meeting would've been something, but he didn't even do that.

There wasn't enough solid intel info to make a call on stopping it. he could have shut down all flights all over this nation for days, weeks months....but you know that wasn't an option, loinboy. There was chatter and fragmented info....that was what he had to go on.
There wasn't enough solid intel info to make a call on stopping it. he could have shut down all flights all over this nation for days, weeks months....but you know that wasn't an option, loinboy. There was chatter and fragmented info....that was what he had to go on.
You didn't read anything I posted, did ya?
The NYTimes is toilet paper but of course we need to believe their bullshit and ignore Bill Clinton blew off killing UBL a handful of times.
There wasn't enough solid intel info to make a call on stopping it. he could have shut down all flights all over this nation for days, weeks months....but you know that wasn't an option, loinboy. There was chatter and fragmented info....that was what he had to go on.
You didn't read anything I posted, did ya?

Yes I did read it....that doesn't make a case.
Moussaoui was questioned....then Samit had "suspicions"....he didn't have a smoking gun.
He wasn't connected to any terrorist cell. There wasn't enough our legal system could do and stay within our laws....profiling is off the table remember that.
Hindsite is 20/20, but our laws kept us from doing anything more than what was done.
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Dumbfuck...the head of the UBL Task Force at the CIA said Bill Clinton was either too busy to give the ok or too scared of killing women/children in the camp when the CIA asked for permission to attack UBL's camps in Afghanistan NUMEROUS TIMES.

Dumbfucks like you denying those FACTS 11 years later shows you are a pile of shit.

The NYTimes is toilet paper but of course we need to believe their bullshit and ignore Bill Clinton blew off killing UBL a handful of times.

Please provide "credible" facts of your claim.

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