More awsome hindsight. Most of the warnings were about people hijacking planes, and everyone assumed it would be an old fashioned take over the plane and demand X hijacking. Why would you even think of looking at flight schools if you were worried about a normal hijacking?

Its funny watching someone shoot an attempted 3 pointer, only to see the ball dribble out of thier hands.

Just admit you hate Bush, and no matter what he did, you would critisize it.

hindsight? to say that the right would have laid all of the blame on this president if g-d forbid we had been attacked???

that's not hindsight. that's a reasonable conclusion based on all of the evidence.

if i were saying the attack would have been prevented, then maybe you could lay some monday morning quarterback charges my way... but i don't know if it would have changed anything.

what i do know is they didn't DO anything. and that was unforgiveable.

Not knowing more than there was a threat, just what were they supposed to do short of profiling, Jillian?
If Bushies thought that engaging in unconstitutional acts and torture were warranted to protect the nation, why would something like profiling be a big deal to them?

Profiling does not rise to the level of 4th amendment violations or torture.
hindsight? to say that the right would have laid all of the blame on this president if g-d forbid we had been attacked???

that's not hindsight. that's a reasonable conclusion based on all of the evidence.

if i were saying the attack would have been prevented, then maybe you could lay some monday morning quarterback charges my way... but i don't know if it would have changed anything.

what i do know is they didn't DO anything. and that was unforgiveable.

Not knowing more than there was a threat, just what were they supposed to do short of profiling, Jillian?
If Bushies thought that engaging in unconstitutional acts and torture were warranted to protect the nation, why would something like profiling be a big deal to them?

Profiling does not rise to the level of 4th amendment violations or torture.

You would be first in line screaming your head off crying foul, Synth. Get real
After you there would have been the ACLU...but only after you. :D
hindsight? to say that the right would have laid all of the blame on this president if g-d forbid we had been attacked???

that's not hindsight. that's a reasonable conclusion based on all of the evidence.

if i were saying the attack would have been prevented, then maybe you could lay some monday morning quarterback charges my way... but i don't know if it would have changed anything.

what i do know is they didn't DO anything. and that was unforgiveable.

Not knowing more than there was a threat, just what were they supposed to do short of profiling, Jillian?
If Bushies thought that engaging in unconstitutional acts and torture were warranted to protect the nation, why would something like profiling be a big deal to them?

Profiling does not rise to the level of 4th amendment violations or torture.

because he's talking about pre 9/11.

Bush was never bashful about doing what he wanted. Therefore, had he enacted "profiling" based on intelligence reports we know he had - I'm sure screams of "profiling" from the ACLU and anyone else would have fallen on deaf ears. "Profiling" would have been the least of Bush's worries.
Bush was never bashful about doing what he wanted. Therefore, had he enacted "profiling" based on intelligence reports we know he had - I'm sure screams of "profiling" from the ACLU and anyone else would have fallen on deaf ears. "Profiling" would have been the least of Bush's worries.

Like Del said...pre 911, Lakhota
You people keep spinning, but in doing so you're moving the truth
Bush was never bashful about doing what he wanted. Therefore, had he enacted "profiling" based on intelligence reports we know he had - I'm sure screams of "profiling" from the ACLU and anyone else would have fallen on deaf ears. "Profiling" would have been the least of Bush's worries.

Like Del said...pre 911, Lakhota
You people keep spinning, but in doing so you're moving the truth

That's true, so why do you keep bringing up "profiling" and the ACLU?
Bush was never bashful about doing what he wanted. Therefore, had he enacted "profiling" based on intelligence reports we know he had - I'm sure screams of "profiling" from the ACLU and anyone else would have fallen on deaf ears. "Profiling" would have been the least of Bush's worries.

Like Del said...pre 911, Lakhota
You people keep spinning, but in doing so you're moving the truth

That's true, so why do you keep bringing up "profiling" and the ACLU?

Profiling laws has been in place for decades, and the ACLU has been front and center for the past 30 years with profiling laws.
One of the reasons we had nothing to counter what was going to happen on 9-11.

Here's an example, I'm sure you would admit that Israel is one of the most hated countries in the ME. Yet, they have had no attempts of terrorism using airlines...and the reason is that they profile like a hawk and are extremely good at what they do.
I was just reading this on HuffPo. Damn, this is awesome!

This is awesome??? What exactly is so awesome about failed intelligence leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans? You are a fucking loon.

Yes, it's awesome that Bush is being further exposed for the lazy, lying, vacationing, stupid asshole that he was for ignoring pre-9/11 warnings while planning to invade Iraq. Yes, this is awesome news! I'm sure the media will have plenty to say about it tomorrow.

so why didn't Clinton do his job in the first place?

"Former President Bill Clinton appeared before the panel in closed session on Thursday, but a Democratic commission member took issue Friday with Mr. Clinton's assertion that that there was not enough intelligence linking Al Qaeda to the 2000 bombing of the Navy destroyer Cole to justify a military attack on the terrorist organization.

''I think he did have enough proof to take action,'' Bob Kerrey, the former senator from Nebraska, said on ABC's 'Good Morning America.'


Bin Laden didn't appear out of thin air....

Why don't we talk about Bill Clinton as President being offered Bin Laden on a platter 3 different times--and Clinton refused to take him?

No one talks about that--and if you remember we were attacked on 4 different occasions on Bill's watch.

Why don't you provide us with "credible" facts to back up your claims? BTW, Bush was president during 9/11 - not Clinton.

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

DETAILS: FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?
From the op-ed linked in the OP:

In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush officials attempted to deflect criticism that they had ignored C.I.A. warnings by saying they had not been told when and where the attack would occur. That is true, as far as it goes, but it misses the point. Throughout that summer, there were events that might have exposed the plans, had the government been on high alert. Indeed, even as the Aug. 6 brief was being prepared, Mohamed al-Kahtani, a Saudi believed to have been assigned a role in the 9/11 attacks, was stopped at an airport in Orlando, Fla., by a suspicious customs agent and sent back overseas on Aug. 4. Two weeks later, another co-conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui, was arrested on immigration charges in Minnesota after arousing suspicions at a flight school. But the dots were not connected, and Washington did not react.

That's because there was this policy called the "Gorelick Wall" which prevented the CIA and the FBI from collaborating. Therefore, no action could have been taken because the dots had not been connected.
Both the FBI and the CIA report to the administration. FAIL.

National Security is the job of the National Security Adviser - Condi Rice. She marginalized Clarke and they all listened to Wolfowitz over the CIA and military experts.

Yes, both the FBI and the CIA report to the administration. And there was NO coordination between them due to a DOJ policy called the "Gorelick Wall."

National Security is the job of the National Security Advisor, but that position did not have any authority over the CIA, the FBI, nor any other intelligence entity. Rice didn't marginalize Clarke and there was no justification for pre-emptive strikes as he recommended. Look at how batshit you folks went over Iraq?

Factcheck.org is wrong. Bin Laden send militants to Somalia to fight with Mohammed Farah Aideed.

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS
That has nothing to do with the debunked notion that Clinton passed on killing bin Laden.

Now you're just flailing blindly.

Flailing blindly? I showed where Factcheck's analysis of that situation is wrong. I factchecked Factcheck.
Like they say, the truth hurts. Looks like the truth is President Bush was warned over and over about bin Laden. But ya'll gather round and defend your ultra-failed presidents' actions.

Clinton was warned over and over also, and his response was the Gorelick Wall. But somehow I don't think you'll place any blame in his direction.
What did Bush do about the Cole attack?

Probably criticized Clinton for it, since Bush was a candidate at the time.
Factcheck.org is wrong. Bin Laden send militants to Somalia to fight with Mohammed Farah Aideed.

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS
That has nothing to do with the debunked notion that Clinton passed on killing bin Laden.

Now you're just flailing blindly.

Flailing blindly? I showed where Factcheck's analysis of that situation is wrong. I factchecked Factcheck.

When you convince Factcheck.org that you're right, I'll take another look.

Here's their contact information:

FactCheck.org : Contact Us

Why don't we talk about Bill Clinton as President being offered Bin Laden on a platter 3 different times--and Clinton refused to take him?

No one talks about that--and if you remember we were attacked on 4 different occasions on Bill's watch.

Why don't you provide us with "credible" facts to back up your claims? BTW, Bush was president during 9/11 - not Clinton.

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

DETAILS: FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

and Obama's president now, but you guys love bringing bush up as the cause of all woes.

Next time think before you post, your logical faux pas are comical, and make you look rather stupid.
His record on fighting international terrorism is part of history as is the fight he had with the GOP and their partners the ACLU. Who watered down his anti-terrorist bills to the point of uselessness. That being said I've alway been of the opinion that he should have hit the Taliban and al Queda hard after Oct 12, 2000.

The ACLU and the GOP aligned? That's a farce. Also, Presidents don't write bills and bills don't fight international terrorism.

Clinton had all the tools he needed but did not want to go to war. He had quite a history of doing that. I actually think it was his appointees who were incompetent, but that is also a major blind spot of his.

They fought together against the tough anti-terrorist bill of 1996.

Republicans Watered Down 1996 Clinton Anti-Terrorism Bill

No version of that bill would have done squat to stop Al Qaida. The parts the rebublicans bocked were the chemical tags and the increased law enforcement powers of the FBI. But since the Gorelick Wall was implemented, the FBI and the CIA couldn't collaborate.

Nice try, but no cigar.
I'm calling for protecting America.

Republicans held all three branches of Congress. Republicans are in favor of profiling. Except when it comes to protecting America, I guess is what you're saying.

I have no problem with profiling. If a car is cruising a street, stopping to talk to hookers, I don't assume he's asking for directions.

Congress only has two branches.

I call bullshit on you saying you have no problem with profiling. The only reason you are supporting it now is you think it can make Bush look bad.

i'm pretty sure he meant 'branches of government'.

i have a problem with profiling. it's illegal.

but do you know what's NOT illegal... going to every flight school in florida, finding out who was taking flying lessons but didn't want to learn to take off and land... and pulling them in for questioning.

know what else isn't illegal?


which is what they never did...

all i'll say is that if something so horrific had happened during the obama presidency, you'd be blaming him personally, even if he didn't have any intel.

Then you should blame Clinton's team.

Before July 2000: 9/11 Hijackers Reportedly Living and Attending Flight School in Punta Gorda, Contradicting Official Account

Complete 911 Timeline: Mohamed Atta
Why don't we talk about Bill Clinton as President being offered Bin Laden on a platter 3 different times--and Clinton refused to take him?

No one talks about that--and if you remember we were attacked on 4 different occasions on Bill's watch.

Why don't you provide us with "credible" facts to back up your claims? BTW, Bush was president during 9/11 - not Clinton.

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

DETAILS: FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

and Obama's president now, but you guys love bringing bush up as the cause of all woes.

Next time think before you post, your logical faux pas are comical, and make you look rather stupid.

No, you think. Obama has kept America safe - so far - and Bush actions and policies are still driving the debt numbers. It ain't rocket science...

That has nothing to do with the debunked notion that Clinton passed on killing bin Laden.

Now you're just flailing blindly.

Flailing blindly? I showed where Factcheck's analysis of that situation is wrong. I factchecked Factcheck.

When you convince Factcheck.org that you're right, I'll take another look.

Here's their contact information:

FactCheck.org : Contact Us

See that's where you and I are going to have to disagree. I don't think FactCheck.org is an authority on what actually happened during that time.

You can choose to ignore documented facts at your pleasure.
Why don't you provide us with "credible" facts to back up your claims? BTW, Bush was president during 9/11 - not Clinton.

DETAILS: FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

and Obama's president now, but you guys love bringing bush up as the cause of all woes.

Next time think before you post, your logical faux pas are comical, and make you look rather stupid.

No, you think. Obama has kept America safe - so far - and Bush actions and policies are still driving the debt numbers. It ain't rocket science...


Obama has all the authority he needs to reverse any Bush policy.

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