Why don't you provide us with "credible" facts to back up your claims? BTW, Bush was president during 9/11 - not Clinton.

DETAILS: FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

and Obama's president now, but you guys love bringing bush up as the cause of all woes.

Next time think before you post, your logical faux pas are comical, and make you look rather stupid.

No, you think. Obama has kept America safe - so far - and Bush actions and policies are still driving the debt numbers. It ain't rocket science...


Lame response, but considering its all you got, and all you are capable of, I'm not suprised.
You should have added a "neener neener" after it for added effect.
Yes I did read it....that doesn't make a case.
Moussaoui was questioned....then Samit had "suspicions"....he didn't have a smoking gun.
He wasn't connected to any terrorist cell. There wasn't enough our legal system could do and stay within our laws....profiling is off the table remember that.
Hindsite is 20/20, but our laws kept us from doing anything more than what was done.
No smoking gun? You don't call a guy taking flying lessons for a commercial jetliner with no rudimentary flying skills, a smoking gun? You don't consider the FBI conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Ladin-related, a smoking gun? You don't call "suspected followers of bin Laden were learning to fly airplanes at schools inside the United States", a smoking gun?

What do you mean there was nothing the legal system could of done? For one thing, they could've gone down and interviewed these people taking flying lessons. They could of tapped their phones and put surveilance teams on them and followed their movements. They could of put airports on alert and beefed up security at major hubs.

There's a lot they could've of done. But that's not the issue. The issue is, the BA did nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There's no excuse for that. There was enough evidence from the various intel agencies that would warrant a closer look by the President, but he didn't consider it "attention worthy". That's issue. Bush inaction.
Yes I did read it....that doesn't make a case.
Moussaoui was questioned....then Samit had "suspicions"....he didn't have a smoking gun.
He wasn't connected to any terrorist cell. There wasn't enough our legal system could do and stay within our laws....profiling is off the table remember that.
Hindsite is 20/20, but our laws kept us from doing anything more than what was done.
No smoking gun? You don't call a guy taking flying lessons for a commercial jetliner with no rudimentary flying skills, a smoking gun? You don't consider the FBI conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Ladin-related, a smoking gun? You don't call "suspected followers of bin Laden were learning to fly airplanes at schools inside the United States", a smoking gun?

What do you mean there was nothing the legal system could of done? For one thing, they could've gone down and interviewed these people taking flying lessons. They could of tapped their phones and put surveilance teams on them and followed their movements. They could of put airports on alert and beefed up security at major hubs.

There's a lot they could've of done. But that's not the issue. The issue is, the BA did nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There's no excuse for that. There was enough evidence from the various intel agencies that would warrant a closer look by the President, but he didn't consider it "attention worthy". That's issue. Bush inaction.

So why didn't Clinton's folks do that?
This is significant in that it not only shows that Bush was an incompetent president, but it indicts all those who supported Bush.

Conservatives forced one idiot on us. Why should anyone believe that conservatives have any competence in politics or economics? If they failed to recognise what a bozo Bush was, why should we trust their judgement at all?

They've ruined the U.S. credit rating, invaded a country for no valid reason, failed to kill Bin Laden, left us open to the 9/11 attacks, exported our economy to China and stopped the Obama administration from taking action to fix the economy.

Conservatives are self-centered, short-sighted, dishonest, whining bastards who do everything to stop progress at the expense of the American people!

As long as they get to keep their tax cuts they could care less if America goes to hell.
And the Mittwit has retained all of the Neo-Con incompetents from the failed Bush administration.

Lyin' Ryan is currently being advised by PNAC-ers.
That's fiction. You have nothing to prove your statement.
Other than George Tenet's memoir's...

CIA Director Tenet said he made one last push to focus Bush on the impending terrorism crisis, but the encounter veered off into meaningless small talk.

“A few weeks after the August 6 PDB was delivered, I followed it to Crawford to make sure the President stayed current on events,” Tenet wrote in his memoir. “This was my first visit to the ranch. I remember the President graciously driving me around the spread in his pickup and my trying to make small talk about the flora and the fauna, none of which were native to Queens,” where Tenet had grown up.

Bush and his neocon advisers continued their hostility toward what they viewed as the old Clinton phobia about terrorism and this little-known group called al-Qaeda. On Sept. 6, 2001, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld threatened a presidential veto of a proposal by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Michigan, seeking to transfer money from strategic missile defense to counterterrorism.
That's fiction. You have nothing to prove your statement.
Other than George Tenet's memoir's...

CIA Director Tenet said he made one last push to focus Bush on the impending terrorism crisis, but the encounter veered off into meaningless small talk.

“A few weeks after the August 6 PDB was delivered, I followed it to Crawford to make sure the President stayed current on events,” Tenet wrote in his memoir. “This was my first visit to the ranch. I remember the President graciously driving me around the spread in his pickup and my trying to make small talk about the flora and the fauna, none of which were native to Queens,” where Tenet had grown up.

Bush and his neocon advisers continued their hostility toward what they viewed as the old Clinton phobia about terrorism and this little-known group called al-Qaeda. On Sept. 6, 2001, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld threatened a presidential veto of a proposal by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Michigan, seeking to transfer money from strategic missile defense to counterterrorism.

None of Tenet's memoirs show that Clinton's people investigated the 9/11 terrorists taking flight lessons and that Bush treated it as "Clinton phobia."

None of Tenet's memoirs show that Clinton's people investigated the 9/11 terrorists taking flight lessons and that Bush treated it as "Clinton phobia."

How could they, they were out of office. It was Bush's job to protect the country and he did nothing.

I bolded the text about the "Clinton phobia". You didn't catch that?
I've been asking the question.....Just what should Bush have done to prevent the 9-11 tragedy? Try and be specific in your answer. Synth thought we should have profiled, what say you?

The article speaks for itself. Bush was on vacation the entire month of August 2001, while "Tenet, Richard Clarke, and several other officials were running around with their 'hair on fire,' warning that al-Qaida was about to unleash a monumental attack." (from the above link)

What did Bush do? It appears that he did nothing. What could he have done? At the very least, he could have place all government agencies on full alert and warned airports.

For the previous few years—as Philip Zelikow, the commission's staff director, revealed this morning—the CIA had issued several warnings that terrorists might fly commercial airplanes into buildings or cities.

From the above link.

the article is an opinion piece.

you are an idiot.
It is NOT an opinion piece. It is in the Op-Ed section because he's a Vanity Fair reporter, not a New York Times reporter. That's what the Op-Ed section is for, which is different from the Opinion section.

I should have been a teacher.
Okay....what should he have done, loinboy? Please be specific in your answer as to how he could have prevented it.
Well, for starters, by giving the reports he was getting some attention. Making this issue a top priority and asking for daily briefings on the subject. But he didn't do anything! No hi-level meetings, no sense of urgency, nothing.

This is a good example of what went on a couple of months prior to 9/11...

But they didn't get it. Hell, they couldn't get the Administration to take these threats seriously.

Here's one thing they could of done, but didn't.

FBI agents in Minneapolis arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August because of his suspicious behavior in trying to learn to fly commercial jetliners when he lacked even rudimentary skills.

FBI agent Harry Samit, who interrogated Moussaoui, sent 70 warnings to his superiors about suspicions that the al-Qaeda operative had been taking flight training in Minnesota because he was planning to hijack a plane for a terrorist operation.

But FBI officials in Washington showed “criminal negligence” in blocking requests for a search warrant on Moussaoui’s computer or taking other preventive action, Samit testified more than four years later at Moussaoui’s criminal trial.
Why they didn't authorize a search warrant is beyond me.

How could have 9-11 been avoided? Profiling...I think that's what you're saying. Nobody knew a date, an airport, or a flight, loinboy. If Bush had profiled the liberals would have been crying foul along with the ACLU. Let's keep it real.
There wasn't enough solid intel info to make a call on stopping it. he could have shut down all flights all over this nation for days, weeks months....but you know that wasn't an option, loinboy. There was chatter and fragmented info....that was what he had to go on.
You didn't read anything I posted, did ya?
Why should he? He made up his mind the minute the planes hit the towers.
Like Bush would have given a shit if anyone accused him of profiling. Get real...

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