NYT: Global Warming Is Turning Polar Bears Into ‘Refugees’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Shortly after writing the article the author decided to do a selfie with a polar bear and her cubs. It went poorly for the author.

Polar bear status, distribution & population


Before 1973
  • Several polar bear populations were decimated by unsustainable hunting by European, Russian and American hunters and trappers from the 1600s right through to the mid-1970's.
  • Ministers and other leaders from the five polar bear range states met in Moscow for the first International Forum on Polar Bear Conservation. The leaders made significant commitments to address issues of polar bear habitat, research and trade. This event was supported by WWF.
  • Today, polar bears are among the few large carnivores that are still found in roughly their original habitat and range--and in some places, in roughly their natural numbers.
  • Although most of the world's 19 populations have returned to healthy numbers, there are differences between them. Some are stable, some seem to be increasing, and some are decreasing due to various pressures.

    Status of the polar bear populations in 2014
    • 3 populations were in decline
    • 1 population was increasing
    • 6 populations were stable
    • 9 populations were data-deficient (information missing or outdated)
  • Some populations are still hunted quite heavily, and their status is uncertain.
In the future
Polar bear status, distribution & population


Before 1973
  • Several polar bear populations were decimated by unsustainable hunting by European, Russian and American hunters and trappers from the 1600s right through to the mid-1970's.
  • Ministers and other leaders from the five polar bear range states met in Moscow for the first International Forum on Polar Bear Conservation. The leaders made significant commitments to address issues of polar bear habitat, research and trade. This event was supported by WWF.
  • Today, polar bears are among the few large carnivores that are still found in roughly their original habitat and range--and in some places, in roughly their natural numbers.
  • Although most of the world's 19 populations have returned to healthy numbers, there are differences between them. Some are stable, some seem to be increasing, and some are decreasing due to various pressures.

    Status of the polar bear populations in 2014
    • 3 populations were in decline
    • 1 population was increasing
    • 6 populations were stable
    • 9 populations were data-deficient (information missing or outdated)
  • Some populations are still hunted quite heavily, and their status is uncertain.
In the future
The ice caps melted 4 years ago, dufus.
At least that's what you doomsdayers predicted 12 years ago
If the population of the unknown groups (several of whom are still hunted) are reacting as are the known groups, polar bear population as a whole is declining.

There is very good reason to believe that polar bears (and walrus and spotted and ringed seals) will suffer population loss from ice loss. You've presented ZERO reason that should not be the case.
Not for nothing but in 2016, nobody is caring about the polar bears. Ten years ago, Gore got folks all riled up but like all the other Gore predictions that were total fakery, so was the polar bear bs.

The only place you even see mention of polar bears anymore is on internet forums with threads posted only by the radical green k00ks.:popcorn:. Of 30,000 USMB members, only about 5 care.:spinner:
Shortly after writing the article the author decided to do a selfie with a polar bear and her cubs. It went poorly for the author.
View attachment 102778

How times have changed:
172 Rare Historical Photos That Will Blow Your Mind
113. Soviet soldier feeds a polar bear

below the photo it says:
This real photo, taken in 1950 shows a Soviet patrolman handing a can of condensed milk to a polar bear sow while a playful cub embraces his leg. Soldiers stationed in the Chukchi Peninsula took pity on the many bears they shared the landscape with, who became emaciated during an especially cold winter. Condensed milk was plentiful, and the soldiers offered them as gifts to the hungry (and extremely dangerous) animals.

And now the CO2 freaks will have it the other way around with the temperature and "starving bears".
Knowing how polar bears behave first hand in the wild I can tell you that there is no way a mom with 2 cubs would let you get anywhere near them under normal circumstances.
So, you're suggesting that the your emboldened text indicates that polar bears prefer an environment with no ice. That, in fact, they'd rather live somewhere between Miami and Rio de Janeiro. Is that right?
So, you're suggesting that the your emboldened text indicates that polar bears prefer an environment with no ice. That, in fact, they'd rather live somewhere between Miami and Rio de Janeiro. Is that right?
No that is not right. I am not suggesting that.
Your strange interpretation of the text below the picture does however suggest that you are the kind of person that would go to China to open a package labeled "made in China...open here"
After reading your reply I suggest you take a look with Google how to recognize the signs of having been brainwashed.
Identifying the Brainwashed

Look for a mixture of fanaticism and dependency. Brainwashing victims can appear focused on the group and or its leader to the point of obsession. At the same time, they seem to be unable to solve problems without the help of the group or its leader.

It should not be too hard for you to figure out who the group and the leaders are in your case
No that is not right. I am not suggesting that.

Then why did you underline "who became emaciated during an especially cold winter"?

I suggest you man up and own the stupid thing you just said. When that stupid thing is right up there for everyone to see, denying you said it just makes you look dishonest. And no, crying at us and tossing insults won't make the stupid thing look any less stupid.

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