NYT hit piece is a lie: Ex Girlfreind exposes media bullshit

I had a feeling this would be coming. :lol: It was a lamo hit piece to begin with.

"ROWANNE BREWER LANE: It was very upsetting. I was not happy to read it at all.

Well, because The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across.

promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not...

They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not...

That's correct. Yes, and he was never -- he never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way. He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.

I saw him around all types of people, all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous, you know. He was a gentleman."

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story
Typical left wing journalism...and it dupes leftists every time. One would think they would learn, but no.

The MSM has an army of reporters scrutinizing every aspect of Trump's life. They are thinking they can be the next Woodward and Bernstein.

Funny....they did not such research into Big Ears back in '08. Dupe leftists then too.
Nonsense. We learned about Obama smoking pot, belong to a church with an extremist preacher, associating with a former domestic terrorist and that whole birther thing. He was pounded on his lack of executive experience and his work as a community organizer being his only real job experience. It didn't stick and that is what pisses you off. But most of the Trump stuff isn't sticking either. You are afraid however that some of it will.
Yeah but no critical commentary and the stories did not have legs, cause the MSM quickly dropped them.

You sound like a duped leftist.

It would have stuck to an R...but then you probably don't understand that.
The only things that have legs in the world of the media is public attention and demand to hear more about a specific story. If the public is bored with a story or thinks it is old, obsolete or petty they will reject it and read the Kardashian stories. That is why the endless Trump scandals and lies only last a day or two and are quickly forgotten.
The MSM you guys are so convinced is conspiring have given Trump two billion dollars worth of free coverage. Heck, MSNBC covered Trump's rally speeches from start to finish, often without interruptions. All they and other media care about are ratings to boost ad rates.
As I have stated many times I'm not a Trump supporter but seriously a left winger calling Trump a serial adulterer given who the Democratic front runner is married to. Never will you see a finer example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Only one of your so called adulterers is running for president
First there is no so called in it not only are both Donald and Bill adulterers they are both mulptile adulterers second if Bills mulptile affairs didn't disqualify him for the Presidency no reasons Donalds should. However if you feel someone who has had mulptile affairs should not be President because that shows poor character and judgement on their part I will submit someone who stays with a person who has cheated on them mulptile times should not be President either because that also shows poor character and judgement.
Good thing Martha Washington didn't run for president and btw did you ever hear the saying "for better or worse"??
As I have stated many times I'm not a Trump supporter but seriously a left winger calling Trump a serial adulterer given who the Democratic front runner is married to. Never will you see a finer example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Only one of your so called adulterers is running for president
First there is no so called in it not only are both Donald and Bill adulterers they are both mulptile adulterers second if Bills mulptile affairs didn't disqualify him for the Presidency no reasons Donalds should. However if you feel someone who has had mulptile affairs should not be President because that shows poor character and judgement on their part I will submit someone who stays with a person who has cheated on them mulptile times should not be President either because that also shows poor character and judgement.
Good thing Martha Washington didn't run for president and btw did you ever hear the saying "for better or worse"??
I don't believe women were allowed to vote at that time so a Martha Washington run for the presidency seemed highly unlikely. Yes I have have you heard the saying partisan spin?
The original piece was a laughing stock. Anyone with a bit of common sense could see that there was nothing there. At any rate, you can't stump the Trump.

Next batter up!!

Yep and all the RWNJs need is ONE out of hundreds of examples of Drumpf's misogyny to believe none of them happened.

Like Duh Donuld, RWNJs don't seem to believe video exists. Or for that matter, what we've all seen in recent weeks.

(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????
I had a feeling this would be coming. :lol: It was a lamo hit piece to begin with.

"ROWANNE BREWER LANE: It was very upsetting. I was not happy to read it at all.

Well, because The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across.

promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not...

They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not...

That's correct. Yes, and he was never -- he never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way. He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.

I saw him around all types of people, all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous, you know. He was a gentleman."

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story
Typical left wing journalism...and it dupes leftists every time. One would think they would learn, but no.

The MSM has an army of reporters scrutinizing every aspect of Trump's life. They are thinking they can be the next Woodward and Bernstein.

Funny....they did not such research into Big Ears back in '08. Dupe leftists then too.
Nonsense. We learned about Obama smoking pot, belong to a church with an extremist preacher, associating with a former domestic terrorist and that whole birther thing. He was pounded on his lack of executive experience and his work as a community organizer being his only real job experience. It didn't stick and that is what pisses you off. But most of the Trump stuff isn't sticking either. You are afraid however that some of it will.
Yeah but no critical commentary and the stories did not have legs, cause the MSM quickly dropped them.

You sound like a duped leftist.

It would have stuck to an R...but then you probably don't understand that.
The only things that have legs in the world of the media is public attention and demand to hear more about a specific story. If the public is bored with a story or thinks it is old, obsolete or petty they will reject it and read the Kardashian stories. That is why the endless Trump scandals and lies only last a day or two and are quickly forgotten.
The MSM you guys are so convinced is conspiring have given Trump two billion dollars worth of free coverage. Heck, MSNBC covered Trump's rally speeches from start to finish, often without interruptions. All they and other media care about are ratings to boost ad rates.
That is only half the story though. Ratings are all that matters BUT those ratings are closely tied to the target audience. That is why ratings may trump all but yet you still have extremely clear bias in a piece like this and FOX news on the other side. They are pandering to the target audience.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????

All say he is cool.

Fuck off.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????

All say he is cool.

Fuck off.
Yeah, cool like that crop of do nothing nuts voted in in 014', COOL?
I had a feeling this would be coming. :lol: It was a lamo hit piece to begin with.

"ROWANNE BREWER LANE: It was very upsetting. I was not happy to read it at all.

Well, because The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across.

promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not...

They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not...

That's correct. Yes, and he was never -- he never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way. He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.

I saw him around all types of people, all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous, you know. He was a gentleman."

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story
Typical left wing journalism...and it dupes leftists every time. One would think they would learn, but no.

The MSM has an army of reporters scrutinizing every aspect of Trump's life. They are thinking they can be the next Woodward and Bernstein.

Funny....they did not such research into Big Ears back in '08. Dupe leftists then too.
Nonsense. We learned about Obama smoking pot, belong to a church with an extremist preacher, associating with a former domestic terrorist and that whole birther thing. He was pounded on his lack of executive experience and his work as a community organizer being his only real job experience. It didn't stick and that is what pisses you off. But most of the Trump stuff isn't sticking either. You are afraid however that some of it will.
Yeah but no critical commentary and the stories did not have legs, cause the MSM quickly dropped them.

You sound like a duped leftist.

It would have stuck to an R...but then you probably don't understand that.
The only things that have legs in the world of the media is public attention and demand to hear more about a specific story. If the public is bored with a story or thinks it is old, obsolete or petty they will reject it and read the Kardashian stories. That is why the endless Trump scandals and lies only last a day or two and are quickly forgotten.
The MSM you guys are so convinced is conspiring have given Trump two billion dollars worth of free coverage. Heck, MSNBC covered Trump's rally speeches from start to finish, often without interruptions. All they and other media care about are ratings to boost ad rates.
That is only half the story though. Ratings are all that matters BUT those ratings are closely tied to the target audience. That is why ratings may trump all but yet you still have extremely clear bias in a piece like this and FOX news on the other side. They are pandering to the target audience.
Nothing new. It's been going on forever. I was doing some research on media in the 30's leading up to WWII. There was some ugly stuff going on back then that makes today's media look tame.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????

Prove his sexist statements when the New York Times can't.DO IT
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????

Show it. Prove it. or shut the fuck up.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????
You give stupid niggas a bad name.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????

All say he is cool.

Fuck off.
Yeah, cool like that crop of do nothing nuts voted in in 014', COOL?

This is the NYT who lied about my people Ukrainians dying at the hands of Stalin called the holomodor. Oh about 6 million.

Are you sure you want to fuck with me?

Game on from my end. LETS DANCE KID.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????
You're just jealous you won't be able to gain entry to the white house so you can rape them. I mean, it's what you feral type people do. Government statistics prove it.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????

All say he is cool.

Fuck off.
Yeah, cool like that crop of do nothing nuts voted in in 014', COOL?

This is the NYT who lied about my people Ukrainians dying at the hands of Stalin called the holomodor. Oh about 6 million.

Are you sure you want to fuck with me?

Game on from my end. LETS DANCE KID.
There is a whole lot more than just "the Times lied". At the same time they were publishing stories by Pulitzer Prise winner Walter Duranty who was promoting USSR propaganda, Cardinal Innitzer was also getting published in the Times promoting his warning that millions were dying in the Soviet genocide. Unfortunately, Duranty had support from some heavy hitters in H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw. There just wasn't enough good reliable news reporting coming out of Ukraine. Most of the data came from Moscow. It is fair to say that the Times got scammed by Duranty and the Soviet propaganda machine. That campaign is often credited with being the first "Big Lie" propaganda effort.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????
You give stupid niggas a bad name.

I so agree.....but nothing trumps the white trash you motherfuckers insult on a daily basis.....cha ching!!
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????
You're just jealous you won't be able to gain entry to the white house so you can rape them. I mean, it's what you feral type people do. Government statistics prove it.

Gov.stats has also proven that trickle down economics has never worked and your morons keep believing in the shit.
Well first of all, since when are Dims upset with the possibility that a misogynistic womanizer might make it to the White House ?

Second, Trump's behavior with women might be crass, but at least he's a private citizen. Clinton was fucking around with women as the president of the fucking United States !
Had the Times not tried this massive phony hit piece we might never have known that Trump was the first to promote women in the all male construction industry.

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