NYT hit piece is a lie: Ex Girlfreind exposes media bullshit

(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????

I can't wait until Hillary goes down this path and Trump brings up her husband. LOL This is gonna get good!
ANOTHER trump thread? Thought you were tired of trump, chump?
Damn nigga, you stupid as fuck
It's funny when this type of stuff comes out about a Democrat the lefts defense of them is they didn't campaign on family values well unless I missed it neither has Trump so to bring back a famous phrase from the Clinton years move on.
In short, you can not provide a misquote or misrepresentation. Everything in the article appears to be factual and true.

Again, the misrepresentation by the little Goebbels of the DNC Times is well documented in this thread, as is your propensity to demagoguery against enemies of the party,
No they didn't.

You are a democrat, ergo a shameless liar.

Lane on Monday said the Times had distorted her account of the time she spent as Trump’s companion.

“The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story I was telling would come across,” she said.

“They told me and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across in the way I was telling it and accurately. It absolutely was not. I don’t appreciate them making it look like it was a negative experience,” she added.

"They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump"

Trump later tweeted that "Rosanne" Brewer Lane said on the show that the Times "lied."}

Trump’s former girlfriend: New York Times 'spun' my comments

The question is why you think you would get away with your lies considering how thoroughly this has already been exposed in this thread.

Yes, the DNC Times lied, and you know full well they did. That you approve of the lies because you think they will harm enemies of the party in no way alters the fact that they lied.
They don't call it the NY 'Slimes' for nothin. I'm definitely not surprised its attacking Trump. Its a Clinton/Democrat Bootlicker Media Outlet. But i am surprised anyone's still reading it and caring what it thinks about anything. Aren't people done with the corrupt Dinosaur Media?
In short, you can not provide a misquote or misrepresentation. Everything in the article appears to be factual and true.

Again, the misrepresentation by the little Goebbels of the DNC Times is well documented in this thread, as is your propensity to demagoguery against enemies of the party,
Yet you can not respond with a specific example, only a generic opinion.
My take on the story is that the young lady thought she was living an appropriate lifestyle during that period of time in her life, but upon reading it and reflection realized that perhaps partying and modeling bikinis and entertaining men at a private party, jumping into a temporary sexual relationship with an older wealthy man was perhaps not something to be proud of. The truth did not reflect well on her past exploits. And so the article, while accurate, embarrassed her so she got defensive. The spin she objects to is just an interpretation of her activities in her younger years. That said, the article is about Trump, not her. His behavior was one of a freewheeling playboy and the article pointed out and gave him credit for hiring women and giving them good positions of the type few were giving in that era. It merely was pointing out his history of misogyny.
The only things that have legs in the world of the media is public attention and demand to hear more about a specific story.

:lmao: :rofl: :lol:

If the public is bored with a story or thinks it is old, obsolete or petty they will reject it and read the Kardashian stories. That is why the endless Trump scandals and lies only last a day or two and are quickly forgotten.
The MSM you guys are so convinced is conspiring have given Trump two billion dollars worth of free coverage. Heck, MSNBC covered Trump's rally speeches from start to finish, often without interruptions. All they and other media care about are ratings to boost ad rates.

The MSM is simply the propaganda wing of the DNC.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????

I can't wait until Hillary goes down this path and Trump brings up her husband. LOL This is gonna get good!

Big difference here....nigga's cheat, trashy cheat, her base all of em cheaters....in short they could give a damn. Both these sorry motherfuckers, Clinton and Trump are losers, like who gives a fuck if they cheat or talk shit about women and minorities....bottom line is this the American Stupid is out to vote in the worse of two evils and in the end, will regret the day, each of these sorry bastards were born...and you heard it here first.
Ha, the woman herself is saying the story is absolute Bullshite. WTG NY Slimes! Caught lying again.
(sigh)....clearly the guy is a sexist....there are ton's and ton's of comments on record to show just how sexist Donald Dumb really is.....but what is disturbing here, are women coming to his defense hoping to land a cushion job in the white house should this jerk get elected......my God.....I can see it all now....a bevy of beauties, all white, all blonde big tits, addressing the mindless and foreign dignitaries......yeah yeah yeah, the white boys are gonna love it, the white people are gonna love it, the nation.....??????
And you are the same person who defends Clintons blow job in the Oval Office, his history of sexual aggression including charges of rape! You are a freaking hypocrite!
Ha, the woman herself is saying the story is absolute Bullshite. WTG NY Slimes! Caught lying again.
I wonder how many lies does the NY Slimes have to publish before they are totally discredited by all Americans.
Ha, the woman herself is saying the story is absolute Bullshite. WTG NY Slimes! Caught lying again.
I wonder how many lies does the NY Slimes have to publish before they are totally discredited by all Americans.

It's old corrupt Dinosaur Media. Very few left care what it thinks anymore. The woman herself said the story was Bullshite. If it had any integrity and credibility left, it would retract and apologize to Trump. But don't hold your breath waiting for that. It's all in on the Clinton Bootlicking
ANOTHER trump thread? Thought you were tired of trump, chump?
Damn nigga, you stupid as fuck
He's gotta stop with the lies.....the man is a walking joke. And for the last time white boy, the nigga you call out today, I promise you will be sitting at your table asking your white ass to pass the beaver gravy...cause somewhere in that redneck klan of yours is a white chic slobering over nigga meat...own it and embrace the future nigga down the street, beyatch!!
Yet you can not respond with a specific example, only a generic opinion.

The logical fallacy your are deploying is a "red herring." You attempt to derail the exposure of the party press by sending the opponent chasing after spurious items.

Brewer Lane said that her words were taken out of context. “The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across…” she said. “They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not.”

“They spun it to where it appeared negative,” Brewer Lane continued. “I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump.”}

Trump Ex-Girlfriend: NY Times Twisted My Words to Write ‘Hit Piece’

My take on the story is that the young lady thought she was living an appropriate lifestyle during that period of time in her life, but upon reading it and reflection realized that perhaps partying and modeling bikinis and entertaining men at a private party, jumping into a temporary sexual relationship with an older wealthy man was perhaps not something to be proud of. The truth did not reflect well on her past exploits. And so the article, while accurate, embarrassed her so she got defensive. The spin she objects to is just an interpretation of her activities in her younger years. That said, the article is about Trump, not her. His behavior was one of a freewheeling playboy and the article pointed out and gave him credit for hiring women and giving them good positions of the type few were giving in that era. It merely was pointing out his history of misogyny.

Your take on the story is that you think the dishonest hit piece can damage an enemy of your party, hence you support the narrative.
ANOTHER trump thread? Thought you were tired of trump, chump?
Damn nigga, you stupid as fuck
He's gotta stop with the lies.....the man is a walking joke. And for the last time white boy, the nigga you call out today, I promise you will be sitting at your table asking your white ass to pass the beaver gravy...cause somewhere in that redneck klan of yours is a white chic slobering over nigga meat...own it and embrace the future nigga down the street, beyatch!!
There you go making fun of my hypothetical family. Damn nigga
A last resort I assume :dunno:
BTW, that's kind of sad.. You black people are always saying black dudes go for the white chicks.. so what does that say about the black chicks? And why in the fuck do you invoke race in this? Are you that fuckin retarded? Damn nigga, fix yourself.
Yet you can not respond with a specific example, only a generic opinion.

The logical fallacy your are deploying is a "red herring." You attempt to derail the exposure of the party press by sending the opponent chasing after spurious items.

Brewer Lane said that her words were taken out of context. “The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across…” she said. “They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not.”

“They spun it to where it appeared negative,” Brewer Lane continued. “I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump.”}

Trump Ex-Girlfriend: NY Times Twisted My Words to Write ‘Hit Piece’

My take on the story is that the young lady thought she was living an appropriate lifestyle during that period of time in her life, but upon reading it and reflection realized that perhaps partying and modeling bikinis and entertaining men at a private party, jumping into a temporary sexual relationship with an older wealthy man was perhaps not something to be proud of. The truth did not reflect well on her past exploits. And so the article, while accurate, embarrassed her so she got defensive. The spin she objects to is just an interpretation of her activities in her younger years. That said, the article is about Trump, not her. His behavior was one of a freewheeling playboy and the article pointed out and gave him credit for hiring women and giving them good positions of the type few were giving in that era. It merely was pointing out his history of misogyny.

Your take on the story is that you think the dishonest hit piece can damage an enemy of your party, hence you support the narrative.
The key word is spin or spun, a subjective opinion unless or until fraudulent data or a misrepresentation can be specified. Everyone has their own moral standards. How this girl's moral behavior is interpreted is a subjective interpretation left to the reader.

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