NYT hit piece is a lie: Ex Girlfreind exposes media bullshit

I had a feeling this would be coming. :lol: It was a lamo hit piece to begin with.

"ROWANNE BREWER LANE: It was very upsetting. I was not happy to read it at all.

Well, because The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across.

promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not...

They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not...

That's correct. Yes, and he was never -- he never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way. He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.

I saw him around all types of people, all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous, you know. He was a gentleman."

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story

Some people are saying she was paid off.
I had a feeling this would be coming. :lol: It was a lamo hit piece to begin with.

"ROWANNE BREWER LANE: It was very upsetting. I was not happy to read it at all.

Well, because The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across.

promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not...

They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not...

That's correct. Yes, and he was never -- he never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way. He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.

I saw him around all types of people, all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous, you know. He was a gentleman."

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story

You're rushing to the defense of Donald Trump - con man, liar, and fake Republican.

Obviously you have no idea how ridiculous that is.
I saw the interview on FOX, why she even talked to them is a mystery, maybe a little fame? They put 20 people on dirt sniffing on Trump, if this is the best of it they are hurting.

I took her intentions as supporting Trump as a gentleman. Not the way the NYT skewered the story they featured. Man did they ever bastardize her words.

Re: Washington Post Chris Wallace asked Bob Woodward when they were going to assign 20 reporters to Hillary

Assign 20 reporters to Hillary?

Republicans have already assigned 54 Senators to Hillary

Yet you can not respond with a specific example, only a generic opinion.

The logical fallacy your are deploying is a "red herring." You attempt to derail the exposure of the party press by sending the opponent chasing after spurious items.

Brewer Lane said that her words were taken out of context. “The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across…” she said. “They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not.”

“They spun it to where it appeared negative,” Brewer Lane continued. “I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump.”}

Trump Ex-Girlfriend: NY Times Twisted My Words to Write ‘Hit Piece’

My take on the story is that the young lady thought she was living an appropriate lifestyle during that period of time in her life, but upon reading it and reflection realized that perhaps partying and modeling bikinis and entertaining men at a private party, jumping into a temporary sexual relationship with an older wealthy man was perhaps not something to be proud of. The truth did not reflect well on her past exploits. And so the article, while accurate, embarrassed her so she got defensive. The spin she objects to is just an interpretation of her activities in her younger years. That said, the article is about Trump, not her. His behavior was one of a freewheeling playboy and the article pointed out and gave him credit for hiring women and giving them good positions of the type few were giving in that era. It merely was pointing out his history of misogyny.

Your take on the story is that you think the dishonest hit piece can damage an enemy of your party, hence you support the narrative.
The key word is spin or spun, a subjective opinion unless or until fraudulent data or a misrepresentation can be specified. Everyone has their own moral standards. How this girl's moral behavior is interpreted is a subjective interpretation left to the reader.
Or to make it simple,what business is it yours??
Yet you can not respond with a specific example, only a generic opinion.

The logical fallacy your are deploying is a "red herring." You attempt to derail the exposure of the party press by sending the opponent chasing after spurious items.

Brewer Lane said that her words were taken out of context. “The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across…” she said. “They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not.”

“They spun it to where it appeared negative,” Brewer Lane continued. “I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump.”}

Trump Ex-Girlfriend: NY Times Twisted My Words to Write ‘Hit Piece’

My take on the story is that the young lady thought she was living an appropriate lifestyle during that period of time in her life, but upon reading it and reflection realized that perhaps partying and modeling bikinis and entertaining men at a private party, jumping into a temporary sexual relationship with an older wealthy man was perhaps not something to be proud of. The truth did not reflect well on her past exploits. And so the article, while accurate, embarrassed her so she got defensive. The spin she objects to is just an interpretation of her activities in her younger years. That said, the article is about Trump, not her. His behavior was one of a freewheeling playboy and the article pointed out and gave him credit for hiring women and giving them good positions of the type few were giving in that era. It merely was pointing out his history of misogyny.

Your take on the story is that you think the dishonest hit piece can damage an enemy of your party, hence you support the narrative.
The key word is spin or spun, a subjective opinion unless or until fraudulent data or a misrepresentation can be specified. Everyone has their own moral standards. How this girl's moral behavior is interpreted is a subjective interpretation left to the reader.
Or to make it simple,what business is it yours??
Um, this is a message board where people offer opinions, but I guess that being a citizen and voter I am permitted to offer an opinion regarding the events and activities regarding a Presidential candidate and the media coverage of same.
The young lady was not obligated of forced to sit down with the NY Times and recount her affair with a Presidential candidate. She could have said "no thankyou".
Well certainly are free to form an opinion,snd yes she could have said nope don't want to,but she didn't and the distorted the interview into a hit piece,over basically nothing,that is relevant to this election.
I don't care how 'Donald the liar' treated women.

I mean look at that face could you vote for a face like that?

Aesthetically-pleasing he is not.
Deja vu? Given enough X girlfriends, how long until someone finds a Paula Jones, aka, Eliza Doolittle, promises her a big payoff and gets Prof Higgins to take her out of the trailer park and prepare her for a civil suit with Trump as the defendant. Which will lead to another period of political theater; this time the Democrats will be directing the event.

Methinks the Republicans need to learn from history, sadly for them they have rewritten much of it and can't possibly gleen fact from fiction.
Well first of all, since when are Dims upset with the possibility that a misogynistic womanizer might make it to the White House ?

Second, Trump's behavior with women might be crass, but at least he's a private citizen. Clinton was fucking around with women as the president of the fucking United States !
Seriously? Why in the world would you ever in a million years think that his behavior would change? Has he ever changed in this "women" arena? Ever ever ever?

what difference does it make whether one is in the white house or not?

The girlfriend that claims the NYT lied, SAID not a single word they quoted her on was a lie, just that she felt they didn't spin it the way she would have...

And might I remind you all, this supposed girlfriend that he was sleeping with while he was still married to Marla Maples, was also someone he was screwing while Melania was in the picture as Trump's new mistress, while married to Marla....so he not only cheated on his still married to wife, he cheated on Melania, the supposed mistress of Trump's....and now third wife, if the year reported on this indiscretion and when he and Melania began seeing one another is correct....

and what this girlfriend said was that she didn't feel mistreated by him and the times didn't report it that way.... well duh, what 21 year old who a Millionaire in his 40's chose to f**k and fly all over the country to first class hotels think that she was being mistreated?

Monica at 23 yrs old didn't think she was being mistreated either...
Well first of all, since when are Dims upset with the possibility that a misogynistic womanizer might make it to the White House ?

Second, Trump's behavior with women might be crass, but at least he's a private citizen. Clinton was fucking around with women as the president of the fucking United States !
Seriously? Why in the world would you ever in a million years think that his behavior would change? Has he ever changed in this "women" arena? Ever ever ever?

what difference does it make whether one is in the white house or not?

The girlfriend that claims the NYT lied, SAID not a single word they quoted her on was a lie, just that she felt they didn't spin it the way she would have...

And might I remind you all, this supposed girlfriend that he was sleeping with while he was still married to Marla Maples, was also someone he was screwing while Melania was in the picture as Trump's new mistress, while married to Marla....so he not only cheated on his still married to wife, he cheated on Melania, the supposed mistress of Trump's....and now third wife, if the year reported on this indiscretion and when he and Melania began seeing one another is correct....

and what this girlfriend said was that she didn't feel mistreated by him and the times didn't report it that way.... well duh, what 21 year old who a Millionaire in his 40's chose to f**k and fly all over the country to first class hotels think that she was being mistreated?

Monica at 23 yrs old didn't think she was being mistreated either...

Wow. Your time lines are all screwed up. Big time. And all he did was offer a bathing suit at a pool party for heaven's sake. That's the original story you know before the sons of bitches at the NYT lied their asses off about their first encounter.
Let's get this right as far as time lines go. Ivana and Donald were already in the throes of a separation and divorce. The marriage was toast.

Brewer dated him briefly in that time period as did Marla.

When he met Melania and you can check this out easily he was separated from Maples. And they've together ever since.

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