NYT hit piece is a lie: Ex Girlfreind exposes media bullshit

As I have stated many times I'm not a Trump supporter but seriously a left winger calling Trump a serial adulterer given who the Democratic front runner is married to. Never will you see a finer example of the pot calling the kettle black.
lNothing in the Times article was untrue. None of the quotes were taken out of context. The woman in question was used as an example of how Trump behaved and objectified women, whether married or single. The Brewer Lane woman is upset about the "spin". The spin was that she met him at a party at his Florida mansion where he led her to a bedroom, had her try on a bikini and began a purely sexual relation that lasted a short time. She enjoyed being a routine bimbo back then but doesn't like her promiscuous bimbo days being publicized today.

She was his girlfriend. What the fuck is with you calling her a bimbo?

Now to the bathing suit incident she turned up at a pool party WITH OUT A BATHING SUIT. He got her one.

You are one hell of a douchebag these days Camp. Calling her a promiscuous bimbo?
She impressed me as being a gold digger type groupie bimbo. I thought the whole point of that was that they were promiscuous as they chased after their targets.
She said the things she said though, didn't she? She didn't deny saying any of the comments. Did she?

Source: "Donald is a great guy and a really a great guy. But some of the health drinks he makes stink.

NY Times report: "Donald really stinks and drinks."

Leftist moron: They only used words that were said, right?
I did not see that portion of the story. Did you just make that stuff up?
I had a feeling this would be coming. :lol: It was a lamo hit piece to begin with.

"ROWANNE BREWER LANE: It was very upsetting. I was not happy to read it at all.

Well, because The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across.

promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not...

They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not...

That's correct. Yes, and he was never -- he never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way. He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.

I saw him around all types of people, all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous, you know. He was a gentleman."

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story
Typical left wing journalism...and it dupes leftists every time. One would think they would learn, but no.

The MSM has an army of reporters scrutinizing every aspect of Trump's life. They are thinking they can be the next Woodward and Bernstein.

Funny....they did no such research into Big Ears back in '08. Dupe leftists then too.
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I did not see that portion of the story. Did you just make that stuff up?

The DNC Times creatively crafted statements to misrepresent what Lane said. You know this, it's what you demagogues do.
I do not believe the article was misrepresentative. If it was, please provide an example of the misquote or misrepresentative statement so I will know what you are talking about.
As I have stated many times I'm not a Trump supporter but seriously a left winger calling Trump a serial adulterer given who the Democratic front runner is married to. Never will you see a finer example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Only one of your so called adulterers is running for president
I do not believe the article was misrepresentative.

Yes, but then you believe that "truth" is defined as 'that which serves the party."

If it was, please provide an example of the misquote or misrepresentative statement so I will know what you are talking about.

Read the thread, dozens of examples, including from leftwing sources have been provided.

I understand he is an enemy, and that demagoguery is the foundation of the party.
I had a feeling this would be coming. :lol: It was a lamo hit piece to begin with.

"ROWANNE BREWER LANE: It was very upsetting. I was not happy to read it at all.

Well, because The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across.

promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not...

They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not...

That's correct. Yes, and he was never -- he never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way. He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.

I saw him around all types of people, all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous, you know. He was a gentleman."

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story
Typical left wing journalism...and it dupes leftists every time. One would think they would learn, but no.

The MSM has an army of reporters scrutinizing every aspect of Trump's life. They are thinking they can be the next Woodward and Bernstein.

Funny....they did not such research into Big Ears back in '08. Dupe leftists then too.
Nonsense. We learned about Obama smoking pot, belong to a church with an extremist preacher, associating with a former domestic terrorist and that whole birther thing. He was pounded on his lack of executive experience and his work as a community organizer being his only real job experience. It didn't stick and that is what pisses you off. But most of the Trump stuff isn't sticking either. You are afraid however that some of it will.
I do not believe the article was misrepresentative.

Yes, but then you believe that "truth" is defined as 'that which serves the party."

If it was, please provide an example of the misquote or misrepresentative statement so I will know what you are talking about.

Read the thread, dozens of examples, including from leftwing sources have been provided.

I understand he is an enemy, and that demagoguery is the foundation of the party.
In short, you can not provide a misquote or misrepresentation. Everything in the article appears to be factual and true.
As I have stated many times I'm not a Trump supporter but seriously a left winger calling Trump a serial adulterer given who the Democratic front runner is married to. Never will you see a finer example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Only one of your so called adulterers is running for president
First there is no so called in it not only are both Donald and Bill adulterers they are both mulptile adulterers second if Bills mulptile affairs didn't disqualify him for the Presidency no reasons Donalds should. However if you feel someone who has had mulptile affairs should not be President because that shows poor character and judgement on their part I will submit someone who stays with a person who has cheated on them mulptile times should not be President either because that also shows poor character and judgement.
I had a feeling this would be coming. :lol: It was a lamo hit piece to begin with.

"ROWANNE BREWER LANE: It was very upsetting. I was not happy to read it at all.

Well, because The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across.

promised several times that they would do it accurately. They told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not...

They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not...

That's correct. Yes, and he was never -- he never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way. He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.

I saw him around all types of people, all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous, you know. He was a gentleman."

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story
Typical left wing journalism...and it dupes leftists every time. One would think they would learn, but no.

The MSM has an army of reporters scrutinizing every aspect of Trump's life. They are thinking they can be the next Woodward and Bernstein.

Funny....they did not such research into Big Ears back in '08. Dupe leftists then too.
Nonsense. We learned about Obama smoking pot, belong to a church with an extremist preacher, associating with a former domestic terrorist and that whole birther thing. He was pounded on his lack of executive experience and his work as a community organizer being his only real job experience. It didn't stick and that is what pisses you off. But most of the Trump stuff isn't sticking either. You are afraid however that some of it will.
Yeah but no critical commentary and the stories did not have legs, cause the MSM quickly dropped them.

You sound like a duped leftist.

It would have stuck to an R...but then you probably don't understand that.
I did not see that portion of the story. Did you just make that stuff up?

The DNC Times creatively crafted statements to misrepresent what Lane said. You know this, it's what you demagogues do.
I do not believe the article was misrepresentative. If it was, please provide an example of the misquote or misrepresentative statement so I will know what you are talking about.
She has directly stated they were misrepresentations.

It takes a lot of mental loops to trust a secondary source and reject the primary one because it agrees with your preconceptions.
I do not believe the article was misrepresentative.

Yes, but then you believe that "truth" is defined as 'that which serves the party."

If it was, please provide an example of the misquote or misrepresentative statement so I will know what you are talking about.

Read the thread, dozens of examples, including from leftwing sources have been provided.

I understand he is an enemy, and that demagoguery is the foundation of the party.
In short, you can not provide a misquote or misrepresentation. Everything in the article appears to be factual and true.
There goes the DUPE!

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