NYT: Kushner got loans from companies after White House Meetings

...which is a huge red flag. Also a red flag is the influx of Russian and Deutsche Bank money (same thing, really), when the Trump Corp was strapped for cash. Manafort also took shady loans, and he is probably not the only person going to jail for it. Some of the bankers who lent to him might be bunking with him.

Jared Kushner gave a confusing explanation for his alleged 'back channel' plan with Russia

Jared Kushner gave a confusing explanation for his alleged 'back channel' plan with Russia
Kushner's statement appears consistent with a Washington Post report published in May that said he had floated the possibility of setting up a secure line of communication between the Trump transition team and Russia — and having those talks take place in Russian diplomatic facilities in the US, essentially concealing their interactions from US government scrutiny.

According to The Post, Kislyak was "taken aback" by Kushner's request because it posed significant risks for both the Trump team and the Kremlin. But he passed along that request to Moscow anyway.

Kushner did not previously disclose the December meetings with Kislyak and the CEO of a Russian bank, Sergey Gorkov, on his security clearance form. He said in his statement that the form was submitted prematurely.

I would also like to know if Kushner was sharing classified information with foreign countries - such as Israel. I''m sure Mueller is looking into that.

he probably was, but he also probably did it out of ignorance.
I have yet to see any proof he discussed the loans.
That's nice, but it's still a problem.This is why government officials traditionally divest.

Get that and we can talk.

Ok, take a hike then... ;)

His families business got the loan, not him.


huge difference


Does nazi palousy's hubby get loans for his businesses?


beats me, did he?
the uranium one deflection isn't working, on to the whataboutism

frankly, i'm surprised we didn't take a little detour through benghazi
Does nazi palousy's hubby get loans for his businesses?
Of course, there was not nearly the same level of direct interaction in that instance to which you are referring. By "not nearly the same level", I mean exactly none. As opposed to repeated meetings by a top advisor to the president, unethically not divested from his family business.

This is pathetic 'whataboutism".
No he resigned form his families companies and divested other assets.
...but still owns a majority stake in the family business
And if there's no violation?

What would constitute a violation to you? And how would it be proven? see... again ... I don't think you are following this. Such *wink wink* deals are very hard to nail down, despite being highly illegal. And that is why the appearance of and possibility of impropriety is avoided by divestment. again, even the crooked politicians do it, ffs!

I really, really don't think you are following this.

Well child, a court requires you to nail it down.

I would also like to know if Kushner was sharing classified information with foreign countries - such as Israel. I''m sure Mueller is looking into that.

he probably was, but he also probably did it out of ignorance.

I had a TS clearance - so I know Kushner would have been thoroughly briefed and warned by the SF 86 process and humans - so "ignorance" isn't an excuse.
No he resigned form his families companies and divested other assets.
...but still owns a majority stake in the family business
And if there's no violation?

What would constitute a violation to you? And how would it be proven? see... again ... I don't think you are following this. Such *wink wink* deals are very hard to nail down, despite being highly illegal. And that is why the appearance of and possibility of impropriety is avoided by divestment. again, even the crooked politicians do it, ffs!

I really, really don't think you are following this.

Well child, a court requires you to nail it down.


well, pops, i bet mueller won't have a problem with that, if it's there.
This may be some very highly illegal activity on the partly of Kushner. Like, "serious prison time" illegal.
Kushner knows he has a safety net when he gets indicted. Trump will pardon him within weeks further exposing himself he has no respect for the law.
I would also like to know if Kushner was sharing classified information with foreign countries - such as Israel. I''m sure Mueller is looking into that.

he probably was, but he also probably did it out of ignorance.

I had a TS clearance - so I know Kushner would have been sufficiently briefed and warned by the SF 86 and humans - so "ignorance" isn't an excuse.

i had one, too, and i don't disagree

but you and i are mere mortals, i'm sure jared knew all he needed to know.

somebody said he was going into meetings with the prc with people *who couldn't find beijing on a map*, so how much attention do you think he paid to a briefing from some prole?

i agree he wouldn't be able to plead ignorance, in a legal sense.
Well child, a court requires you to nail it down.
Yes, thank you for that deep thought. But again ... wow, you really are not getting this....one does not require a conviction to condemn such behavior. And it is precisely because such things are so hard to prove, that we need this divestment from our officials.

It's very bad form, and it is typical of a clearly unethical administration that has given us every reason to believe it dwells on the wrong side of the law quite often. If I were you, I would not be carrying their water right now. Looks pretty nasty...
Seeing this covered now on TV. Kushner is as dirty as can be.
This is why Trump likes him so much. Birds of a feather.
Just like Maxine Watters and Farakhan and Kieth Ellison.
What the fuck are the babbling about? Kushner will be indicted whereas the 3 you pulled out of your ass WONT.
Whether they are indicted or not, they are racist trash and some of your heroes.
We have to import uranium, why would we sell what we have?
"We have"? Uh.... wha? Since when is the uranium mining business nationalized in the United states? What in the world are you talking about????

When it required federal approval for the sale. You know there is a federal law against exporting uranium from the US, right? Uranium Ones has already violated that one.


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