NYT: Kushner got loans from companies after White House Meetings

So if you work in government your family can't get any loans, right? Or is it only the people you don't like families? If you note is was ONE of the largest loans the families firm got that year, not THE largest, so evidently others consider the firm credit worthy also. Fuck you and your GD propaganda.


Kushner also met with the CEO of citigroup.

And, it was part of his job.

All mouth and no proof
Again, even without proof, it is a problem. And stop being a little pud... these are not "my rules", they are the traditional rules of ethics and ACTUAL laws that bank regulators now must investigate the violation of. Doesn't bother you one bit, though. Fascinating.

KNow what I think? I think you admire their corruption.
This helps explain the Trump White House’s decision to make visitor logs private; Pay to Play 101.

Kushner's business got loans from companies right after they visited the White house. :102:
One-half billion dollars? How can Kushner not go to prison for this? No wonder Kushner was working for free.
Kushner's business got loans from companies right after they visited the White house.
...which is a huge red flag. Also a red flag is the influx of Russian and Deutsche Bank money (same thing, really), when the Trump Corp was strapped for cash. Manafort also took shady loans, and he is probably not the only person going to jail for it. Some of the bankers who lent to him might be bunking with him.

Did i mention Mueller's team contains literally the global allstar team of lawyers who tackle these crimes?
All mouth and no proof
Again, even without proof, it is a problem. And stop being a little pud... these are not "my rules", they are the traditional rules of ethics and ACTUAL laws that bank regulators now must investigate the violation of. Doesn't bother you one bit, though. Fascinating.

KNow what I think? I think you admire their corruption.

And if there's no violation?

eventually, he'll get around to the $1m condos trump sold to *anonymous* buyers for $10m

that should be fun
All mouth and no proof
Again, even without proof, it is a problem. And stop being a little pud... these are not "my rules", they are the traditional rules of ethics and ACTUAL laws that bank regulators now must investigate the violation of. Doesn't bother you one bit, though. Fascinating.

KNow what I think? I think you admire their corruption.

And if there's no violation?

he won't go to jail

his wh career is toast, though
No he resigned form his families companies and divested other assets.
...but still owns a majority stake in the family business
And if there's no violation?

What would constitute a violation to you? And how would it be proven? see... again ... I don't think you are following this. Such *wink wink* deals are very hard to nail down, despite being highly illegal. And that is why the appearance of and possibility of impropriety is avoided by divestment. again, even the crooked politicians do it, ffs!

I really, really don't think you are following this.
I would also like to know if Kushner was sharing classified information with foreign countries - such as Israel. I''m sure Mueller is looking into that.
and the deflections begin with an old wingnut chestnut, uranium one


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