NYT - Trump seeks to end affirmative action - YAY


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Now the media cartels will call trump racist for trying to end the extremely racist liberal policy of giving special treatment to black college students and thereby discriminating against whites!!!

Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions

aug 1 2017 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants, according to a document obtained by The New York Times.

The document, an internal announcement to the civil rights division, seeks current lawyers interested in working for a new project on “investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.”

The announcement suggests that the project will be run out of the division’s front office, where the Trump administration’s political appointees work, rather than its Educational Opportunities Section, which is run by career civil servants and normally handles work involving schools and universities.

The document does not explicitly identify whom the Justice Department considers at risk of discrimination because of affirmative action admissions policies. But the phrasing it uses, “intentional race-based discrimination,” cuts to the heart of programs designed to bring more minority students to university campuses.
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Two years ago trump was on Meet the Press or some such show and he said he supported AA. That disappointed me but perhaps he didn't mean it and said it just to keep the idiot press happy.
Even California state universities are purely MERIT based that don't even take race into account! So they should LOVE Trump!!
I always thought it was interesting how lefties go, "skin color shouldn't matter, we're all the same," blah-de-blah, but then they are the staunchest supporters of programs predicated upon the assumption that we are NOT AT ALL the same, and that some groups need more help than others.

But AA, even though it isn't very impactful in real life, hurts Asians the most, which includes Indians.
Even California state universities are purely MERIT based that don't even take race into account!

That is surprising. From what I understand California colleges and universities are among the worse offenders in admitting unqualified non-whites and non-asians.
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I always thought it was interesting how lefties go, "skin color shouldn't matter, we're all the same," blah-de-blah, but then they are the staunchest supporters of programs predicated upon the assumption that we are NOT AT ALL the same, and that some groups need more help than others.

But AA, even though it isn't very impactful in real life, hurts Asians the most, which includes Indians.

Yup - libs say there's no such thing as race but we have to hand out jobs based on race!!
True to form these stupid Moon Bats that hate opposition to affirmative action all helped to elect an unqualified affirmative action nitwit back in 2008.
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True to form these stupid Moon Bats that hate opposition to affirmative action all helped to elect an unqualified affirmative action nitwit back in 2008.

That's aunt barry for you. A semi-literate affirmative action baby who can't even add up a column of numbers. And he thought he was the MAN to overhaul our $2 trillion health care system!! HAHAHA
I love righties when they say shit like "the most qualified should get in". And then they hook up their white freinds and family !

For example . Donald Trumps staff! Oh the hypocrisy. The Don got into penn cause his rich daddy pulled strings .
Oh, is nepotism restricted to white people now? Wow we sure are all just born evil, huh. We have monopolies on imperialism, racism, and even nepotism now.
Would be nice, AA should be left in the dust bin of history. The report, it seems, is mostly fabricated though on a bunch of assumptions that have little connection with facts.

A whole hell of a lot of things are being assumed based on a job posting.
All the whites who have been impacted by AA should sue. It would be TRILLIONS of dollars.
Now the media cartels will call trump racist for trying to end the extremely racist liberal policy of giving special treatment to black college students and thereby discriminating against whites!!!

Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions

aug 1 2017 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants, according to a document obtained by The New York Times.

The document, an internal announcement to the civil rights division, seeks current lawyers interested in working for a new project on “investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.”

The announcement suggests that the project will be run out of the division’s front office, where the Trump administration’s political appointees work, rather than its Educational Opportunities Section, which is run by career civil servants and normally handles work involving schools and universities.

The document does not explicitly identify whom the Justice Department considers at risk of discrimination because of affirmative action admissions policies. But the phrasing it uses, “intentional race-based discrimination,” cuts to the heart of programs designed to bring more minority students to university campuses.

I see nothing wrong with bringing more minority students on campus. It seems that Trump is looking for a solution to a problem that does not exist. The Supreme Court decision in the Bakke case was a sound decision. If Trump is so worried about preferences, why not go after all preferences. This is a alt-right move.
Unrelated to Trump, but related to AA.

GoogleCareers at their website have this:


Riddle me this: How do you have affirmative action and equal opportunity at the same time?
Affirmative-action is a racist cowardly act… Fact
Two years ago trump was on Meet the Press or some such show and he said he supported AA. That disappointed me but perhaps he didn't mean it and said it just to keep the idiot press happy.
You don't know your own prez. He always contradicts himself sometimes in the same paragraph. He has the attention span of a flea.
Affirmative-action is a racist cowardly act… Fact
What you know about AA can fit on the head of a pin.
You don't know it's origin nor why it's been continued.
Racists dumbasses like you only see that it's keeping the black man down.... and that thrills you.
Affirmative-action is a racist cowardly act… Fact
What you know about AA can fit on the head of a pin.
You don't know it's origin nor why it's been continued.
Racists dumbasses like you only see that it's keeping the black man down.... and that thrills you.
Well, I happened to be a minority(American Indian). I don't believe in affirmative action whatsoever I think it makes people weak and useless.
Affirmative-action is a racist cowardly act… Fact
What you know about AA can fit on the head of a pin.
You don't know it's origin nor why it's been continued.
Racists dumbasses like you only see that it's keeping the black man down.... and that thrills you.

AA today is way to keep the blacks down. That's also the main reason lefties are defending it.

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