NYT - Trump seeks to end affirmative action - YAY

I love righties when they say shit like "the most qualified should get in". And then they hook up their white freinds and family !

For example . Donald Trumps staff! Oh the hypocrisy. The Don got into penn cause his rich daddy pulled strings .

Penn? you dumbass..............Trump went to Wharton Business College!

Which is the Penn business school you idiot ! And whoever hit the thank you button .

Look, you've probably never been on a college campus . Just so you know it's common for schools to name their degree schools after some big ass donor!

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (/ˈhwɔːrtən/ HWOR-tən; also known as the Wharton School or simply Wharton) is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy Leagueuniversity located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Wharton was established in 1881 through a donation from Joseph Wharton and is the world’s first collegiate school of business.[3]
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania - Wikipedia
The question is whether government has the power & responsibility to dictate the criteria for private college admissions.

If the government has this power, then it has to set the standards equally for all college admissions and for all types of discrimination, not just racial discrimination.

That means:

No more all men's or all women's colleges.
No more preference for athletes.
No more preference for relatives of alumni.
No more preference for religious affiliation..i.e no more religious based colleges or seminaries.
No more preference for community service.

Any of the above preferences could be interpreted as discriminatory. Academic merit would be the only criteria allowed.

That destroys the character and culture of every college...effectively turning them all into government run community colleges.
The question is whether government has the power & responsibility to dictate the criteria for private college admissions.

If the government has this power, then it has to set the standards equally for all college admissions and for all types of discrimination, not just racial discrimination.

That means:

No more all men's or all women's colleges.
No more preference for athletes.
No more preference for relatives of alumni.
No more preference for religious affiliation..i.e no more religious based colleges or seminaries.
No more preference for community service.

Any of the above preferences could be interpreted as discriminatory. Academic merit would be the only criteria allowed.

That destroys the character and culture of every college...effectively turning them all into government run community colleges.

Private colleges are free to do as they please . These AA programs mostly all volunteer at this point . Many schools want a diverse student body as another form of educating students who would normally have no contact wh people of different backgrounds .
The question is whether government has the power & responsibility to dictate the criteria for private college admissions.

If the government has this power, then it has to set the standards equally for all college admissions and for all types of discrimination, not just racial discrimination.

That means:

No more all men's or all women's colleges.
No more preference for athletes.
No more preference for relatives of alumni.
No more preference for religious affiliation..i.e no more religious based colleges or seminaries.
No more preference for community service.

Any of the above preferences could be interpreted as discriminatory. Academic merit would be the only criteria allowed.

That destroys the character and culture of every college...effectively turning them all into government run community colleges.

Private colleges are free to do as they please . These AA programs mostly all volunteer at this point . Many schools want a diverse student body as another form of educating students who would normally have no contact wh people of different backgrounds .

Like that could be of some value...utter nonsense. Negroes trying to be like whites benefits no one but it does create stress and cries for safe places.
Racism is not always a purposeful nefarious act .


Affirmative action is. It was and is all about hurting white people.

Billions of dollars of hard working folks has been squandered trying to make integration work...it has never worked, is not working now and never will work...as Abraham Lincoln recognized a long time ago...there are just too many differences between them for them ever to co-exist in any desirable manner.

Hurting white People ? That's a laugh . College campuses are overwhelmingly white . More than population % .

1. Here's what you're laughing at, you racist:

"To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

2. And here is the result of your plan:

When white student Allan Bakke was rejected from medical student because the university chose a different, less qualified student based on skin color, Patrick Chavis.....this was the result:

Liposuction Doctor Has License Revoked
The Medical Board of California revoked the license of a Lynwood obstetrician on Tuesday, calling him grossly negligent in his care of seven liposuction patients--including one who bled to death after he abandoned her bedside. Dr. Patrick Chavis' license should be pulled "to protect the public," according to a 28-page decision accusing the physician of violations ranging from botching procedures to allowing his nurse to practice medicine.

Articles about Patrick Chavis - latimes

Doctor in Landmark Anti-Bias Case Slain
To proponents of affirmative action, Patrick Chavis was viewed six years ago as a hero. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) called the personable black doctor the perfect example of how the controversial college admissions program could help minorities and disadvantaged communities. To opponents of the program, Chavis was seen four years ago as one of its failures.

View attachment 142088

I say just hand out any kind of a degree a negro wants...make them all Ph'ds ....do not waste tax money sending them to occupy space in our prestigious univirsities...which just go through the motions of affirmative action....a camouflage education...as in make it appear they negroes are really being educated...whilst most understand it is phoney b.s. The saner policy would be just to give them all degrees....free of charge...and let the universities educate those who are capable....no one is going to hire a negro anyway no matter what kind of degree he has unless the government forces them to. Folks this is not rocket science....quit being hypocrites and members of the cast of 'the emperor has no clothes' if you have any integrity, any courage, any morality aka........more reality....tell it like it is...cease mouthing propaganda aka politically correct nonsense.

It's hard to see reality catching up to the Leftists....

...but a girl can dream.
The question is whether government has the power & responsibility to dictate the criteria for private college admissions.

If the government has this power, then it has to set the standards equally for all college admissions and for all types of discrimination, not just racial discrimination.

That means:

No more all men's or all women's colleges.
No more preference for athletes.
No more preference for relatives of alumni.
No more preference for religious affiliation..i.e no more religious based colleges or seminaries.
No more preference for community service.

Any of the above preferences could be interpreted as discriminatory. Academic merit would be the only criteria allowed.

That destroys the character and culture of every college...effectively turning them all into government run community colleges.

Private colleges are free to do as they please . These AA programs mostly all volunteer at this point . Many schools want a diverse student body as another form of educating students who would normally have no contact wh people of different backgrounds .

"Private colleges are free to do as they please ."

Sooo....you'd be perfectly copacetic if colleges declined to accept blacks?

Let me hear you say that.

Kind of painted yourself into a corner, huh?

"Asian American Legal Group Supports DOJ Plan to Probe Race-Based College Admissions"
Asian American Legal Group Supports DOJ Plan to Probe Race-Based College Admissions
Two years ago trump was on Meet the Press or some such show and he said he supported AA. That disappointed me but perhaps he didn't mean it and said it just to keep the idiot press happy.
He's GROWN over the years. He's very different from the person he was 20 years ago.

The vile Demonrats showed him the error of his ways.
Hurting white People ? That's a laugh . College campuses are overwhelmingly white . More than population % .

If we got smart and got rid of AA and taught only STEM courses at college, there would be no blacks there.
Now the media cartels will call trump racist for trying to end the extremely racist liberal policy of giving special treatment to black college students and thereby discriminating against whites!!!

Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions

aug 1 2017 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants, according to a document obtained by The New York Times.

The document, an internal announcement to the civil rights division, seeks current lawyers interested in working for a new project on “investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.”

The announcement suggests that the project will be run out of the division’s front office, where the Trump administration’s political appointees work, rather than its Educational Opportunities Section, which is run by career civil servants and normally handles work involving schools and universities.

The document does not explicitly identify whom the Justice Department considers at risk of discrimination because of affirmative action admissions policies. But the phrasing it uses, “intentional race-based discrimination,” cuts to the heart of programs designed to bring more minority students to university campuses.

you really shouldn't worry about it. it's not like you went to college anyway.
Hurting white People ? That's a laugh . College campuses are overwhelmingly white . More than population % .

If we got smart and got rid of AA and taught only STEM courses at college, there would be no blacks there.

why would anyone only teach STEM?

so we don't know history and literature?

dumb freaking wingnut

So very glad to see that you are a student of history.

Surely, then, you must be in agreement with this:

....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

Hurting white People ? That's a laugh . College campuses are overwhelmingly white . More than population % .

If we got smart and got rid of AA and taught only STEM courses at college, there would be no blacks there.

why would anyone only teach STEM?

so we don't know history and literature?

dumb freaking wingnut

So very glad to see that you are a student of history.

Surely, then, you must be in agreement with this:

....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

When did the US control China?
Hurting white People ? That's a laugh . College campuses are overwhelmingly white . More than population % .

If we got smart and got rid of AA and taught only STEM courses at college, there would be no blacks there.

why would anyone only teach STEM?

so we don't know history and literature?

dumb freaking wingnut

So very glad to see that you are a student of history.

Surely, then, you must be in agreement with this:

....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

When did the US control China?

they don't.,..she's reality averse
If we got smart and got rid of AA and taught only STEM courses at college, there would be no blacks there.

why would anyone only teach STEM?
so we don't know history and literature?
dumb freaking wingnut

Cause only STEM is useful. History is lies and literature is entertainment..

Like all libs you think a degree in Ancient Etruscan Mythology is valuable!!! HAHAHA
Hurting white People ? That's a laugh . College campuses are overwhelmingly white . More than population % .

If we got smart and got rid of AA and taught only STEM courses at college, there would be no blacks there.

why would anyone only teach STEM?

so we don't know history and literature?

dumb freaking wingnut

So very glad to see that you are a student of history.

Surely, then, you must be in agreement with this:

....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.

When did the US control China?

they don't.,..she's reality averse

Looks like I revealed your ignorance again, huh?

We should take this show on the road....kinda like a modern 'Punch and Jillian'

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