NYT: Trump told in January 2017 that Putin ordered hacking

C'mon Oldy - Don't fein dumb .. ya ain't what I'd call "smart" but ya ain't dumb either.
Respond more intelligently as to the topic which is THIS: Putin hired over a thousand Russian trolls and a Swedish Rapist to rig the election for Donald FUCKING Trump.
And he's done NOTHING to prevent the same in midterms and 2020.

He Likee the Poot - Cuz, you know - Poot got the goods on his bright Orange Ass ..
Got that? :rolleyes:

What did Barack Obama do to prevent Russian "meddling" in the last election or the one before that? What did George W. Bush do to prevent Russian meddling during his two terms?

I'm intelligent enough to see that this wasn't something that only occurred during this last election...you're the one who seems to be struggling with that concept! Putin has been trying to destabilize western democracies all along. It wasn't something that only happened this once! So I ask again...why is it that you liberals are so obsessed with Russian "meddling" in this last election and didn't care a whit about it when it happened before? To me it's obvious that what the problem is...is that you lost an election you thought you couldn't lose (something you should take up with the liberal media's talking heads...who got it really wrong!) and you refuse to admit that you lost because you backed an AWFUL candidate!

Dummy you can’t just make shit up like that.

If you have specific findings of illegal meddling by Russia before 2016 lets have it.

I'm amazed that you people don't know that Russia has almost as long a history of "meddling" in foreign elections as the United States does! Are you all really that out of touch with reality?

Still tossing around the false equivalency are ya Oldie? Yes, Russia meddled in our elections and we meddled in theirs. NO ONE meddled to the extent that they did in 2006 by weaponizing social media and the Internet in general.

And no one hacked tens of thousands of emails and then strategically release them to targeted areas (see Lil Jared about that one) --- slow drip style.

Clearly we need a better word to describe what Putin did in 2016 than "meddling". It was like a full blown body slam by Lex Luger or Brock Lesnar or a B83 1.2 megaton bomb. Meddling? Meh, that ain't much worse than being tickled - That was a good old fashioned MAULING.

It's not even close pal. So kindly cut it out.

The ONLY reason that Russia's efforts in the last election were any more effective than their efforts in the past is that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign were so sleazy and so corrupt that exposing who they really were and how they operated made people turn away in disgust! Some of those people were Bernie Sanders Democrats who stayed home because of the way he was treated by Clinton and the DNC. You don't get "mauled" in a public relations nightmare unless you have something to be mauled over!

Nonsense - the Russians showed just how adept they are at making shit up and then weaponizing it. What they did or we did in the past pales in comparison.
The denialists' stubbornness in the far right of the GOP who deny the alt right trickery and deceptions using fake news and aiding the Russians before the election up to now startles, amazes the clear mind.

If Dems don't retake at LEAST the House, we're in a world of hurt. Can't let the orange a-hole run apeshit on the world unchecked for two more years, let alone 6.
If Dems don't retake at LEAST the House, we're in a world of hurt....

You think that will be a problem, I don't see how they could possibly lose while running on "the Russians are coming" program?
Can't let the orange a-hole run apeshit on the world unchecked for two more years, let alone 6.


What did Barack Obama do to prevent Russian "meddling" in the last election or the one before that? What did George W. Bush do to prevent Russian meddling during his two terms?

I'm intelligent enough to see that this wasn't something that only occurred during this last election...you're the one who seems to be struggling with that concept! Putin has been trying to destabilize western democracies all along. It wasn't something that only happened this once! So I ask again...why is it that you liberals are so obsessed with Russian "meddling" in this last election and didn't care a whit about it when it happened before? To me it's obvious that what the problem is...is that you lost an election you thought you couldn't lose (something you should take up with the liberal media's talking heads...who got it really wrong!) and you refuse to admit that you lost because you backed an AWFUL candidate!

Dummy you can’t just make shit up like that.

If you have specific findings of illegal meddling by Russia before 2016 lets have it.

I'm amazed that you people don't know that Russia has almost as long a history of "meddling" in foreign elections as the United States does! Are you all really that out of touch with reality?

Still tossing around the false equivalency are ya Oldie? Yes, Russia meddled in our elections and we meddled in theirs. NO ONE meddled to the extent that they did in 2006 by weaponizing social media and the Internet in general.

And no one hacked tens of thousands of emails and then strategically release them to targeted areas (see Lil Jared about that one) --- slow drip style.

Clearly we need a better word to describe what Putin did in 2016 than "meddling". It was like a full blown body slam by Lex Luger or Brock Lesnar or a B83 1.2 megaton bomb. Meddling? Meh, that ain't much worse than being tickled - That was a good old fashioned MAULING.

It's not even close pal. So kindly cut it out.

The ONLY reason that Russia's efforts in the last election were any more effective than their efforts in the past is that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign were so sleazy and so corrupt that exposing who they really were and how they operated made people turn away in disgust! Some of those people were Bernie Sanders Democrats who stayed home because of the way he was treated by Clinton and the DNC. You don't get "mauled" in a public relations nightmare unless you have something to be mauled over!

Nonsense - the Russians showed just how adept they are at making shit up and then weaponizing it. What they did or we did in the past pales in comparison.

Did they have to "make shit up" about Hillary Clinton? Or did they simply have to reveal the truth?
The people who resorted to making shit up was the Clinton camp and the DNC. But you can't see that...can you? (eye roll)
The denialists' stubbornness in the far right of the GOP who deny the alt right trickery and deceptions using fake news and aiding the Russians before the election up to now startles, amazes the clear mind.

If Dems don't retake at LEAST the House, we're in a world of hurt. Can't let the orange a-hole run apeshit on the world unchecked for two more years, let alone 6.

And what are you libs running on, Doc? Repealing ICE? Sanctuary cities? Raising taxes? Bringing back more regulations? You're screwed and you don't see it coming. You're not taking back the House. You'll be really lucky not to lose more seats in both the House and the Senate!
The right is campaigning in the old style way, not realizing they have already lost FL and several upper mid west states to the November elections.
Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:

So Russia DIDN'T try to affect our election before this last one? Is that what you're claiming, Doc? You do know that's total bullshit...don't you! Yet you're here making the claim anyways? That tells me how little you on the left have to work with these days. Your party is in total disarray. Your leadership is ANCIENT and doesn't want to go away! You don't have any policies to improve the economy...create jobs...secure the borders...reform immigration...and you can't run on a "war on women" because so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators! What's truly sad is that you NEED the Mueller investigation not to get at the truth...but to divert attention from the fact that the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has taken you down the garden path and now you're all lost in the political wilderness!

C'mon Oldy - Don't fein dumb .. ya ain't what I'd call "smart" but ya ain't dumb either.
Respond more intelligently as to the topic which is THIS: Putin hired over a thousand Russian trolls and a Swedish Rapist to rig the election for Donald FUCKING Trump.
And he's done NOTHING to prevent the same in midterms and 2020.

He Likee the Poot - Cuz, you know - Poot got the goods on his bright Orange Ass ..
Got that? :rolleyes:

What did Barack Obama do to prevent Russian "meddling" in the last election or the one before that? What did George W. Bush do to prevent Russian meddling during his two terms?

I'm intelligent enough to see that this wasn't something that only occurred during this last election...you're the one who seems to be struggling with that concept! Putin has been trying to destabilize western democracies all along. It wasn't something that only happened this once! So I ask again...why is it that you liberals are so obsessed with Russian "meddling" in this last election and didn't care a whit about it when it happened before? To me it's obvious that what the problem is...is that you lost an election you thought you couldn't lose (something you should take up with the liberal media's talking heads...who got it really wrong!) and you refuse to admit that you lost because you backed an AWFUL candidate!

Dummy you can’t just make shit up like that.

If you have specific findings of illegal meddling by Russia before 2016 lets have it.

So what stops you and CNN from making up nonsense?
It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

Totally wrong - Putin's interference in our election to get Trump in office is the CENTRAL THESIS of the dossier.

And the dossier is a fucking fairy tale. Give it up.

...fairy tales are not true dummy. Peter Pan does not exist, Russian interference operations did happen.

Hillary lost, or she is retarded like you for conceding
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week.

More: From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

This is a big deal that we'll be hearing a lot about tomorrow. What do you think?
lol Obama was told in 2016 that Russia was hacking the USA and he ordered the nsa to let them hack....

Treason, as Obama helped in the hacking

...dummy, treason is when you conspire with foreign power against UNITED STATES. Obama ordering nsa to counter-attack Russia is ANYTHING BUT THAT.
As usual your brain is wired backwards as we know. When obooba was told that Russia was hacking the USA, obooba ordered the nsa not to respond and in such obooba allowed the attack to continue, because he felt that it would help billary.

So obooba is a traitor, just like you for voting for hate

I misread your original post. You actual post is plain bullshit.

President Obama, angered by Russian hacking during the 2016 elections, authorized a covert cyber operation to deploy "implants" in Russian networks that could be triggered remotely in retaliation to any future cyber aggression by Moscow, The Washington Postreported Friday.

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

You misread everything, it's called stupid. But thanks for admitting your mental frailty
The only people that are dividing our country are the ones that believe Putin and Trump over our own country. Congrats on that Comrade.

Oh HELL no. The whole AMERICAN involvement in campaign dicking was 1000 times worse than anything Russia or Putin did. From the fake Dossier, to having instigators inserted into the Repub campaign, to the yelling and screaming in CONGRESS over the corruption at the top level of FBI. Make no mistake. ALL the folks involved in those things and those partisan Battle Bots supporting them --- are HEROES of mother Russia. And Putin THANKS YOU for your service.

What has been proven to be fake in the dossier? Provide "credible" proof.

It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

If the dossier was proven correct Trump would have resigned.

You got that kiddy
The alt right and Trumpers have made many charges, some over the top, others outlandish, only relying on Alt Facts and Fake News.

Trump has failed miserably vis a vis Russia and Putin.
heh - and the alt-left isn't pushing RUSSIA w/o a whole lot of proof at all.


...no proof that Russia interfered and conducted illegal activities in United States? Seriously? did you just say that?
their biggest crime is trolling. if that is illegal this board dies tomorrow.

...trolling is not a crime dumbass, stop opening your silly mouth and read the indictments.
When the only way a dumbass can win an argument is cry about trolling, the dumbass has already lost
The only people that are dividing our country are the ones that believe Putin and Trump over our own country. Congrats on that Comrade.

Oh HELL no. The whole AMERICAN involvement in campaign dicking was 1000 times worse than anything Russia or Putin did. From the fake Dossier, to having instigators inserted into the Repub campaign, to the yelling and screaming in CONGRESS over the corruption at the top level of FBI. Make no mistake. ALL the folks involved in those things and those partisan Battle Bots supporting them --- are HEROES of mother Russia. And Putin THANKS YOU for your service.

What has been proven to be fake in the dossier? Provide "credible" proof.

It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

If the dossier was proven correct Trump would have resigned.

You got that kiddy

What has been proven FALSE in the dossier so far?
The DNC never allowed the FBI to look at the server, so for all we know, this was just part of the current debunked narrative.

Obviously it was not necessary to do so in order to understand who was behind it.

Read the very detailed indictments.
Oh HELL no. The whole AMERICAN involvement in campaign dicking was 1000 times worse than anything Russia or Putin did. From the fake Dossier, to having instigators inserted into the Repub campaign, to the yelling and screaming in CONGRESS over the corruption at the top level of FBI. Make no mistake. ALL the folks involved in those things and those partisan Battle Bots supporting them --- are HEROES of mother Russia. And Putin THANKS YOU for your service.

What has been proven to be fake in the dossier? Provide "credible" proof.

It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

If the dossier was proven correct Trump would have resigned.

You got that kiddy

What has been proven FALSE in the dossier so far?

Let me explain US law to you.

Nothing has to be proven wrong, the accused does not have to prove anything, the prosecution bears the entire burden of proof.

That being the case, nothing has been proven true.

Yawn, this is like third grade level law, which eludes you
Dummy you can’t just make shit up like that.

If you have specific findings of illegal meddling by Russia before 2016 lets have it.

I'm amazed that you people don't know that Russia has almost as long a history of "meddling" in foreign elections as the United States does! Are you all really that out of touch with reality?

Still tossing around the false equivalency are ya Oldie? Yes, Russia meddled in our elections and we meddled in theirs. NO ONE meddled to the extent that they did in 2006 by weaponizing social media and the Internet in general.

And no one hacked tens of thousands of emails and then strategically release them to targeted areas (see Lil Jared about that one) --- slow drip style.

Clearly we need a better word to describe what Putin did in 2016 than "meddling". It was like a full blown body slam by Lex Luger or Brock Lesnar or a B83 1.2 megaton bomb. Meddling? Meh, that ain't much worse than being tickled - That was a good old fashioned MAULING.

It's not even close pal. So kindly cut it out.

The ONLY reason that Russia's efforts in the last election were any more effective than their efforts in the past is that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign were so sleazy and so corrupt that exposing who they really were and how they operated made people turn away in disgust! Some of those people were Bernie Sanders Democrats who stayed home because of the way he was treated by Clinton and the DNC. You don't get "mauled" in a public relations nightmare unless you have something to be mauled over!

Nonsense - the Russians showed just how adept they are at making shit up and then weaponizing it. What they did or we did in the past pales in comparison.

Did they have to "make shit up" about Hillary Clinton? Or did they simply have to reveal the truth?

Reveal their feloniously obtained information you meat to say.
The DNC never allowed the FBI to look at the server, so for all we know, this was just part of the current debunked narrative.

Obviously it was not necessary to do so in order to understand who was behind it.

Read the very detailed indictments.

I agree. Also, the right-wing bullshit about the "DNC server" is just that - bullshit.

Donald Trump's 'missing' server comments get all of the details wrong

During former FBI director James Comey’s testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, Comey was asked whether the FBI had ever received the DNC’s hacked hardware.

He said they did not, but obtained access from a review of the system performed by CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity firm.

"We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this, my folks tell me, was an appropriate substitute," Comey said.

DNC spokeswoman Adrienne Watson told PolitiFact that the DNC cooperated with the FBI’s requests, which resulted in the DNC providing a copy of their server.

Trump said, "The servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC" are "missing."

The DNC servers were never missing. The DNC provided the FBI with a copy of their server, rather than the original hardware, but Comey testified that the evidence was an appropriate substitute.

Awan, the "Pakistani gentleman" in the news, never worked for the DNC. Conservative news outlets suggested he had stolen a House Democratic server, but the U.S. Attorney’s Office found no evidence of such theft.

We rate this statement False.

The missing servers Donald Trump brought up with Putin
Rosy has no specific or unspecific, for that matter, findings of Russian illegal meddling before 2016.

Mueller might has some very specific evidence, though.

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