NYT: Trump told in January 2017 that Putin ordered hacking

You chose nothing. Don't vote then don't complain.

We all have to make choices...........even if we have to vote for the lesser of evils.

I voted against Hillary...............and Trump is keeping his promises to the best of his ability.........I'm very happy about it.

I'm not going to vote for people I don't think are qualified. It's that simple. I'm not some partisan hack who votes straight ticket. I actually care what the politicians stand for and represent.
I see 2 Supreme Court Justices..........possibly 3..............and I'm was not about to vote for Clinton to push left wing into the courts.........

That was the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me in the last election.

That's kind of sad, because Trump told you to do that. He literally said at a rally to vote for him so he could pick justices.
Nobody told me to do anything..............Why is it with people like you that continually state that.........hmmmm.

He wasn't my first choice.............and he didn't tell me how to vote.............I knew it was him or the Hildabeast........and I knew the Dems couldn't take the courts............

Wasn't a hard decision at all.............but yeah.......Trump knocked on my door and told me how to vote..........jeesh.......

He literally said it. He repeated it several times at a campaign rally. He said over and over... I'll get two maybe 3 justice picks. When you vote remember that.
We already knew it. Didn't need to be said. One was vacant before the election. Doesn't take a rocket scientist.
I don't know what part Clinton played, but that deal could be the power Putin currently holds over Mueller.

Mueller was in on the uranium deal, and he also has millions invested in Russia himself via a select 'hedge fund', that has a minimum $10 million buy in. He's as dirty as the rest of them.

Already posted a couple elsewhere. If you're behind tough shit, I don't answer to degenerate Democrat scum's demands for anything, don't care at all what you like or don't like you vermin have to do your own searches. Anybody else can find the info as well, too. It's ben out for over a year at least.
Uranium None was, in fact, a normal business deal in which a Canadian company was sold to Russia. If a poster can't provide the links, the poster has nothing to say.
Anyone who suggests that Clinton would have lost if Comey/Strzok did not re-open the investigation is either mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, or malignantly motivated. In any case, such people should be flat ignored.

Anybody who thinks all the fake news and sniveling by left wing Democrat scum is magically going to reverse the election is a sicko lunatic who needs to be deported, to North Korea or somewhere else they will be happy little masochists.

Obviously most people already ignore you and the other tards and Fake Newsies, Jake, according to all the latest polls, and of course Trump's popularity is soaring as a result of the 'Da Resistance' you mentally ill gimps are conducting. You and your fellow loons just have less than zero credibility, that's all you've accomplished since your criminal syndicate lost the White House. lol lol lol it's funny how you think you can change that.
All of the posting above means nothing because you provide only fake news, which are lies. All of the alt right crying about child sex rings in pizza hut basements in buildings that don't have basements is reflective of the quality of the pro-TrumPutin arguments. The fact is that TrumPutin has known since January 2017 about Russian hacking and TrumPutin has done nothing about it.
Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:

So Russia DIDN'T try to affect our election before this last one? Is that what you're claiming, Doc? You do know that's total bullshit...don't you! Yet you're here making the claim anyways? That tells me how little you on the left have to work with these days. Your party is in total disarray. Your leadership is ANCIENT and doesn't want to go away! You don't have any policies to improve the economy...create jobs...secure the borders...reform immigration...and you can't run on a "war on women" because so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators! What's truly sad is that you NEED the Mueller investigation not to get at the truth...but to divert attention from the fact that the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has taken you down the garden path and now you're all lost in the political wilderness!

C'mon Oldy - Don't fein dumb .. ya ain't what I'd call "smart" but ya ain't dumb either.
Respond more intelligently as to the topic which is THIS: Putin hired over a thousand Russian trolls and a Swedish Rapist to rig the election for Donald FUCKING Trump.
And he's done NOTHING to prevent the same in midterms and 2020.

He Likee the Poot - Cuz, you know - Poot got the goods on his bright Orange Ass ..
Got that? :rolleyes:

What did Barack Obama do to prevent Russian "meddling" in the last election or the one before that? What did George W. Bush do to prevent Russian meddling during his two terms?

I'm intelligent enough to see that this wasn't something that only occurred during this last election...you're the one who seems to be struggling with that concept! Putin has been trying to destabilize western democracies all along. It wasn't something that only happened this once! So I ask again...why is it that you liberals are so obsessed with Russian "meddling" in this last election and didn't care a whit about it when it happened before? To me it's obvious that what the problem is...is that you lost an election you thought you couldn't lose (something you should take up with the liberal media's talking heads...who got it really wrong!) and you refuse to admit that you lost because you backed an AWFUL candidate!

Dummy you can’t just make shit up like that.

If you have specific findings of illegal meddling by Russia before 2016 lets have it.

I'm amazed that you people don't know that Russia has almost as long a history of "meddling" in foreign elections as the United States does! Are you all really that out of touch with reality?

Still tossing around the false equivalency are ya Oldie? Yes, Russia meddled in our elections and we meddled in theirs. NO ONE meddled to the extent that they did in 2006 by weaponizing social media and the Internet in general.

And no one hacked tens of thousands of emails and then strategically release them to targeted areas (see Lil Jared about that one) --- slow drip style.

Clearly we need a better word to describe what Putin did in 2016 than "meddling". It was like a full blown body slam by Lex Luger or Brock Lesnar or a B83 1.2 megaton bomb. Meddling? Meh, that ain't much worse than being tickled - That was a good old fashioned MAULING.

It's not even close pal. So kindly cut it out.
The Russian attack on our election in 2016 was the atomic bomb on social media. They are masters of it, and we better learn how.

And we better get rid of those, like TrumPutin, who are the Russian allies.
Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:

So Russia DIDN'T try to affect our election before this last one? Is that what you're claiming, Doc? You do know that's total bullshit...don't you! Yet you're here making the claim anyways? That tells me how little you on the left have to work with these days. Your party is in total disarray. Your leadership is ANCIENT and doesn't want to go away! You don't have any policies to improve the economy...create jobs...secure the borders...reform immigration...and you can't run on a "war on women" because so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators! What's truly sad is that you NEED the Mueller investigation not to get at the truth...but to divert attention from the fact that the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has taken you down the garden path and now you're all lost in the political wilderness!

C'mon Oldy - Don't fein dumb .. ya ain't what I'd call "smart" but ya ain't dumb either.
Respond more intelligently as to the topic which is THIS: Putin hired over a thousand Russian trolls and a Swedish Rapist to rig the election for Donald FUCKING Trump.
And he's done NOTHING to prevent the same in midterms and 2020.

He Likee the Poot - Cuz, you know - Poot got the goods on his bright Orange Ass ..
Got that? :rolleyes:
If he rigged the 2016 elections why didn’t obama stop him? Was Obama incompetent? Or Putin’s bitch? Methinks the latter is true!

Obama told Putin to "CUT IT OUT". Putin told Trump to kneel at the alter.

And so it was.

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:

So Russia DIDN'T try to affect our election before this last one? Is that what you're claiming, Doc? You do know that's total bullshit...don't you! Yet you're here making the claim anyways? That tells me how little you on the left have to work with these days. Your party is in total disarray. Your leadership is ANCIENT and doesn't want to go away! You don't have any policies to improve the economy...create jobs...secure the borders...reform immigration...and you can't run on a "war on women" because so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators! What's truly sad is that you NEED the Mueller investigation not to get at the truth...but to divert attention from the fact that the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has taken you down the garden path and now you're all lost in the political wilderness!

C'mon Oldy - Don't fein dumb .. ya ain't what I'd call "smart" but ya ain't dumb either.
Respond more intelligently as to the topic which is THIS: Putin hired over a thousand Russian trolls and a Swedish Rapist to rig the election for Donald FUCKING Trump.
And he's done NOTHING to prevent the same in midterms and 2020.

He Likee the Poot - Cuz, you know - Poot got the goods on his bright Orange Ass ..
Got that? :rolleyes:
If he rigged the 2016 elections why didn’t obama stop him? Was Obama incompetent? Or Putin’s bitch? Methinks the latter is true!

Obama told Putin to "CUT IT OUT". Putin told Trump to kneel at the alter.

And so it was.

Yeah........that Red Line in Syria really worked as Obama armed Al Nusra and called them Freedom fighters.....

That group is allied to our enemies............you know that group from 9/11..........yeah he was so dang tough we got kicked out of Yemen..........and told to Fuck off by Egypt........over the Muslim Brotherhood......

Yeah........that Red Line in Syria really worked as Obama armed Al Nusra and called them Freedom fighters.....

That group is allied to our enemies............you know that group from 9/11..........yeah he was so dang tough we got kicked out of Yemen..........and told to Fuck off by Egypt........over the Muslim Brotherhood......


I love your declaration of Obama's dead legacy. Dead? Not a fucking chance :)

Donald Trump is America's worst president based on a survey of 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section.

The survey was conducted by Brandon Rottinghaus, a professor of political science at the University of Houston, and Justin S. Vaughn, an associate professor of political science and director of the Center for Idaho History and Politics at Boise State University.

Their op-ed, was posted Monday in the Times, showed Barack Obama faring much better than Trump. Obama shot into the top 10, up from 18th when a previous survey was conducted in 2014.​

History experts in New York Times op-ed: Trump worst president ever, Obama in top 10
Yeah........that Red Line in Syria really worked as Obama armed Al Nusra and called them Freedom fighters.....

That group is allied to our enemies............you know that group from 9/11..........yeah he was so dang tough we got kicked out of Yemen..........and told to Fuck off by Egypt........over the Muslim Brotherhood......


I love your declaration of Obama's dead legacy. Dead? Not a fucking chance :)

Donald Trump is America's worst president based on a survey of 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section.

The survey was conducted by Brandon Rottinghaus, a professor of political science at the University of Houston, and Justin S. Vaughn, an associate professor of political science and director of the Center for Idaho History and Politics at Boise State University.

Their op-ed, was posted Monday in the Times, showed Barack Obama faring much better than Trump. Obama shot into the top 10, up from 18th when a previous survey was conducted in 2014.​

History experts in New York Times op-ed: Trump worst president ever, Obama in top 10
New York times...........LOL

Your losing..........and you know it..............Now you will whine even more after another SCOTUS goes in.......ENJOY.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records

No there aren't moron, because you just made that bullshit up.

I don’t know how much money it was, but as the New York Times reported in 2015, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Putin admitted, in Helsinki, that he wanted Trump to win.

Yes... and? I’m providing evidence to people who say this uranium deal didn’t happen that it did happen, which has ZERO to do with the Helsinki summit, so not sure where you think you were going with that...

When people deny something happened that did, I take issue with that. The Uranium One deal happened and there’s evidence to suggest Clinton benefitted financially—as reported by the New York Times, not some radical right-wing outlet.
UraniumNone did not happen.

UrainiumOne did happen: a legal sale of a CANADIAN company to Russia with appropriate sign offs by nine US agencies. Hillary had no authority in the matter.

Now do you understand?
UraniumNone did not happen.

UrainiumOne did happen: a legal sale of a CANADIAN company to Russia with appropriate sign offs by nine US agencies. Hillary had no authority in the matter.

Now do you understand?
As you overlook who's who that got money and the fact that U.S. Gov't agencies have to approve it because it's uranium.

You really think these countries give money to the Clinton Foundation for Charity and pay big bucks to hear Clintons speak.
Anyone who suggests that Clinton would have lost if Comey/Strzok did not re-open the investigation is either mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, or malignantly motivated. In any case, such people should be flat ignored.

Anybody who thinks all the fake news and sniveling by left wing Democrat scum is magically going to reverse the election is a sicko lunatic who needs to be deported, to North Korea or somewhere else they will be happy little masochists.

Obviously most people already ignore you and the other tards and Fake Newsies, Jake, according to all the latest polls, and of course Trump's popularity is soaring as a result of the 'Da Resistance' you mentally ill gimps are conducting. You and your fellow loons just have less than zero credibility, that's all you've accomplished since your criminal syndicate lost the White House. lol lol lol it's funny how you think you can change that.
All of the posting above means nothing because you provide only fake news, which are lies. All of the alt right crying about child sex rings in pizza hut basements in buildings that don't have basements is reflective of the quality of the pro-TrumPutin arguments. The fact is that TrumPutin has known since January 2017 about Russian hacking and TrumPutin has done nothing about it.

This is why I feel something sinister is afoot! Mueller and the DOJ have known Putin was running the US by proxy for 18 months, yet the American people have been left in the dark. Only American greats such as Brennan and Clapper are sounding the alarm!
he is brain dead

You saying you AREN'T braindead?

Because here you are, braindead as could be, accusing Obama of conspiring with Russia against United States.
he did.

Can you explain what you believe that video shows?

sure, happy to.

It shows obammy conspiring with russia. Simple, thanks for asking.

To do what, dope?

conspire. I already stated that.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

How did Clinton benefit from the foundation and how did she control the approval of the uranium deal?
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

How did Clinton benefit from the foundation and how did she control the approval of the uranium deal?
huh, what kind of stupid set of questions is that? hly fk dude, you flew the coupe.
Last edited:
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

This bullshit conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked.

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States’ Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?



Why don’t you read the New York Times article I supplied? I never said “Hillary Clinton gave 20% of United States’ uranium to Russia in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations.” That’s a very specific phrase. The article I supplied indicates she monetarily benefitted during the time after she (and others, as she wasn’t the only one who made the decision) gave the okay to give Russia control of 20% of our uranium.

The point then is?
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

This bullshit conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked.

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States’ Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?



Why don’t you read the New York Times article I supplied? I never said “Hillary Clinton gave 20% of United States’ uranium to Russia in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations.” That’s a very specific phrase. The article I supplied indicates she monetarily benefitted during the time after she (and others, as she wasn’t the only one who made the decision) gave the okay to give Russia control of 20% of our uranium.

The point then is?
quid pro quo? I mean I'm only saying it is kind of obvious.
You saying you AREN'T braindead?

Because here you are, braindead as could be, accusing Obama of conspiring with Russia against United States.
he did.

Can you explain what you believe that video shows?

sure, happy to.

It shows obammy conspiring with russia. Simple, thanks for asking.

To do what, dope?

conspire. I already stated that.

You're such a loser.

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