NYT: Trump told in January 2017 that Putin ordered hacking

Oh noes, it touched me last!!! Time to insert a pleas to legalize child sex slavery isn't it? Don't want to keep your Cause on the back burner just over this thread, after all. It 's just about 'supply and demand', right?

What the fuck are you talking about? Legalize Child sex slavery? Are you still having comprehension problems? I said if you go after and make sure to prosecute those that exploit children and human trafficking... then you take away the need for people to taffic them into the U.S. What is so hard for you to understand about that?

Says the scumbag who says in another thread it should be legalized and he's all for it. What's so hard for you sociopaths to understand that most sane people revile you scum? You said it 'was supply and demand n stuff' and no point in trying to stop it, is what you actually said, scumbag.

Your hatred of immigrants is SO strong you are excusing the ones that actually exploit those being trafficked. That's sad.

lol idiotic deflections about nothing. Par for your ilk.

I NEVER said it should be legalized. :abgg2q.jpg:

I said EXACTLY the opposite. It's just like capitalism. You TAKE AWAY the need by cracking down on U.S. citizens that take advantage of those being trafficked, then guess what happens? People quit trafficking people into the country. There is no profit in it anymore.

Go ahead and show me where I said to legalize it. Go ahead. Want to make an avatar bet on it? Or better yet how about we make a bet that we have to leave the forum for good? :abgg2q.jpg:

How many books have you read on human trafficking? Just curious. Did you know that the U.S. actually passed a law that if you go to another country on those advertised pedophile trips, even though it may be legal in THAT country, the U.S. will charge you under U.S. law? No, I doubt you know shit about it. Quit being so fucking dishonest.

Yeah, that must be why Jeffery Epstein got such "heavy sentence"....(insert sarcasm here). Human trafficking is in the top three revenue generators for the deep state.You don't know diddly squat about this topic.

He thinks the drug cartels and slavery biz is great, and we shouldn't do anything to hinder it, and said so. It's a 'supply and demand thing' you know, and that justifies anything in his mind. He's just another sociopath, pretending to be a 'progressive', while feeding drug cartels, narco state, kiddie porn operations and sex slaver smuggling.

I asked you to put your money where your mouth is. Put up or shut up. Accusing me of supporting illegal criminal behavior in a lie... is pretty scummy behavior.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records

No there aren't moron, because you just made that bullshit up.

I don’t know how much money it was, but as the New York Times reported in 2015, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Putin admitted, in Helsinki, that he wanted Trump to win.
Yes he did.............SO..............

I wanted Trump to Win also.............oh...................shit...............I just turned into a Russia spy.......

Holy crap I just gave them all the ammo to finally get Trump. OMFG...........

It's over now ............any day now............

^^ Pitiful logic
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records

No there aren't moron, because you just made that bullshit up.

I don’t know how much money it was, but as the New York Times reported in 2015, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Putin admitted, in Helsinki, that he wanted Trump to win.
Yes he did.............SO..............

I wanted Trump to Win also.............oh...................shit...............I just turned into a Russia spy.......

Holy crap I just gave them all the ammo to finally get Trump. OMFG...........

It's over now ............any day now............

^^ Pitiful logic


Sarcasm just ran over your ass.
No question exists that Russian govt official and agents interacted with Trump campaign staff.

Based on what? Jeff Sessions having cocktails with the Russian Ambassador at a public reception? What you talking about Squidward?

To quote Peter Strzok just 2 days before Mueller was made Special Counsel ---- on any Trump campaign collusion with Russians ---

"There is no there there"

And HE should know. Now can we have an investigation of the Democrat Campaign? With all of those nasty Russian Oligarchs and mafioso being represented by Podesta's lobbying firm?


He said “my gut sense and concern is there’s no big there there.”, this was BEFORE he joined investigation, BEFORE the many revelations. So NO he wouldn't know.

But you go ahead and square those words against tin-foil theories that Strzok was itching to frame Trump.
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I don't know what part Clinton played, but that deal could be the power Putin currently holds over Mueller.

Mueller was in on the uranium deal, and he also has millions invested in Russia himself via a select 'hedge fund', that has a minimum $10 million buy in. He's as dirty as the rest of them.

Here you go

It’s science, stupid: Why do Trump supporters believe so many thi...

These folks clearly are competent enough to dress themselves, read the address of the rally and show up on time, and somehow they continue to believe stuff that's so crazy and so false that it's impossible to believe anyone that isn't barking mad could believe it. What's going on?

Peter Strzok wrote the letter saying they were re-opening the Hillary email investigation less than 2 weeks before the election that helped Trump win. How come you forgot that one?
You are under the false pretense that it made a real difference......Your side has it in your head that it really made a difference.......

Your side ran the worst candidate possible...........and your base was pissed because she threw Bernie under a Greyhound Bus. Not to mention the Unions turned on you over Trade issues.

Peter Strzok wrote the letter saying they were re-opening the Hillary email investigation less than 2 weeks before the election that helped Trump win. How come you forgot that one?
You are under the false pretense that it made a real difference......Your side has it in your head that it really made a difference.......

Your side ran the worst candidate possible...........and your base was pissed because she threw Bernie under a Greyhound Bus. Not to mention the Unions turned on you over Trade issues.

Really? You think it didn't make a difference? Did you see the posts on this forum when it came out? Holy shitballs. I think every Trump supporter on this forum jizzed at the same time.

Peter Strzok wrote the letter saying they were re-opening the Hillary email investigation less than 2 weeks before the election that helped Trump win. How come you forgot that one?
You are under the false pretense that it made a real difference......Your side has it in your head that it really made a difference.......

Your side ran the worst candidate possible...........and your base was pissed because she threw Bernie under a Greyhound Bus. Not to mention the Unions turned on you over Trade issues.

Really? You think it didn't make a difference? Did you see the posts on this forum when it came out? Holy shitballs. I think every Trump supporter on this forum jizzed at the same time.
Your side spent a billion on the elections........and you still lost.....

Please continue running old lying hags for election......we appreciate it.

Peter Strzok wrote the letter saying they were re-opening the Hillary email investigation less than 2 weeks before the election that helped Trump win. How come you forgot that one?
You are under the false pretense that it made a real difference......Your side has it in your head that it really made a difference.......

Your side ran the worst candidate possible...........and your base was pissed because she threw Bernie under a Greyhound Bus. Not to mention the Unions turned on you over Trade issues.

Really? You think it didn't make a difference? Did you see the posts on this forum when it came out? Holy shitballs. I think every Trump supporter on this forum jizzed at the same time.
Your side spent a billion on the elections........and you still lost.....

Please continue running old lying hags for election......we appreciate it.

My side? How many times do I have to repeat... I didn't support or vote for Clinton?

Now how much did the Russians give to Trump through the NRA for his campaign?

Peter Strzok wrote the letter saying they were re-opening the Hillary email investigation less than 2 weeks before the election that helped Trump win. How come you forgot that one?
You are under the false pretense that it made a real difference......Your side has it in your head that it really made a difference.......

Your side ran the worst candidate possible...........and your base was pissed because she threw Bernie under a Greyhound Bus. Not to mention the Unions turned on you over Trade issues.

Really? You think it didn't make a difference? Did you see the posts on this forum when it came out? Holy shitballs. I think every Trump supporter on this forum jizzed at the same time.
Your side spent a billion on the elections........and you still lost.....

Please continue running old lying hags for election......we appreciate it.

My side? How many times do I have to repeat... I didn't support or vote for Clinton?

Now how much did the Russians give to Trump through the NRA for his campaign?
Did you vote for Trump............or stay home.

I have no clue how much money or any money was given to Trump by the NRA..........You tell me and back it up.
Peter Strzok wrote the letter saying they were re-opening the Hillary email investigation less than 2 weeks before the election that helped Trump win. How come you forgot that one?
You are under the false pretense that it made a real difference......Your side has it in your head that it really made a difference.......

Your side ran the worst candidate possible...........and your base was pissed because she threw Bernie under a Greyhound Bus. Not to mention the Unions turned on you over Trade issues.

Really? You think it didn't make a difference? Did you see the posts on this forum when it came out? Holy shitballs. I think every Trump supporter on this forum jizzed at the same time.
Your side spent a billion on the elections........and you still lost.....

Please continue running old lying hags for election......we appreciate it.

My side? How many times do I have to repeat... I didn't support or vote for Clinton?

Now how much did the Russians give to Trump through the NRA for his campaign?
Did you vote for Trump............or stay home.

I have no clue how much money or any money was given to Trump by the NRA..........You tell me and back it up.

As the Rush song goes, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
Why is Trump inviting Putin to the White House right before the mid-term elections? Apparently he is calculating it will help him more than hurt him. It seems like a bad idea to me. What do you think?
You are under the false pretense that it made a real difference......Your side has it in your head that it really made a difference.......

Your side ran the worst candidate possible...........and your base was pissed because she threw Bernie under a Greyhound Bus. Not to mention the Unions turned on you over Trade issues.

Really? You think it didn't make a difference? Did you see the posts on this forum when it came out? Holy shitballs. I think every Trump supporter on this forum jizzed at the same time.
Your side spent a billion on the elections........and you still lost.....

Please continue running old lying hags for election......we appreciate it.

My side? How many times do I have to repeat... I didn't support or vote for Clinton?

Now how much did the Russians give to Trump through the NRA for his campaign?
Did you vote for Trump............or stay home.

I have no clue how much money or any money was given to Trump by the NRA..........You tell me and back it up.

As the Rush song goes, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
You chose nothing. Don't vote then don't complain.

We all have to make choices...........even if we have to vote for the lesser of evils.

I voted against Hillary...............and Trump is keeping his promises to the best of his ability.........I'm very happy about it.
Why is Trump inviting Putin to the White House right before the mid-term elections? Apparently he is calculating it will help him more than hurt him. It seems like a bad idea to me. What do you think?
To piss people like you off...........That is how he rolls.............Doubling down.
Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:

So Russia DIDN'T try to affect our election before this last one? Is that what you're claiming, Doc? You do know that's total bullshit...don't you! Yet you're here making the claim anyways? That tells me how little you on the left have to work with these days. Your party is in total disarray. Your leadership is ANCIENT and doesn't want to go away! You don't have any policies to improve the economy...create jobs...secure the borders...reform immigration...and you can't run on a "war on women" because so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators! What's truly sad is that you NEED the Mueller investigation not to get at the truth...but to divert attention from the fact that the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has taken you down the garden path and now you're all lost in the political wilderness!

C'mon Oldy - Don't fein dumb .. ya ain't what I'd call "smart" but ya ain't dumb either.
Respond more intelligently as to the topic which is THIS: Putin hired over a thousand Russian trolls and a Swedish Rapist to rig the election for Donald FUCKING Trump.
And he's done NOTHING to prevent the same in midterms and 2020.

He Likee the Poot - Cuz, you know - Poot got the goods on his bright Orange Ass ..
Got that? :rolleyes:

What did Barack Obama do to prevent Russian "meddling" in the last election or the one before that? What did George W. Bush do to prevent Russian meddling during his two terms?

I'm intelligent enough to see that this wasn't something that only occurred during this last election...you're the one who seems to be struggling with that concept! Putin has been trying to destabilize western democracies all along. It wasn't something that only happened this once! So I ask again...why is it that you liberals are so obsessed with Russian "meddling" in this last election and didn't care a whit about it when it happened before? To me it's obvious that what the problem is...is that you lost an election you thought you couldn't lose (something you should take up with the liberal media's talking heads...who got it really wrong!) and you refuse to admit that you lost because you backed an AWFUL candidate!
Really? You think it didn't make a difference? Did you see the posts on this forum when it came out? Holy shitballs. I think every Trump supporter on this forum jizzed at the same time.
Your side spent a billion on the elections........and you still lost.....

Please continue running old lying hags for election......we appreciate it.

My side? How many times do I have to repeat... I didn't support or vote for Clinton?

Now how much did the Russians give to Trump through the NRA for his campaign?
Did you vote for Trump............or stay home.

I have no clue how much money or any money was given to Trump by the NRA..........You tell me and back it up.

As the Rush song goes, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
You chose nothing. Don't vote then don't complain.

We all have to make choices...........even if we have to vote for the lesser of evils.

I voted against Hillary...............and Trump is keeping his promises to the best of his ability.........I'm very happy about it.

I'm not going to vote for people I don't think are qualified. It's that simple. I'm not some partisan hack who votes straight ticket. I actually care what the politicians stand for and represent.
Why is Trump inviting Putin to the White House right before the mid-term elections? Apparently he is calculating it will help him more than hurt him. It seems like a bad idea to me. What do you think?
To piss people like you off...........That is how he rolls.............Doubling down.

Actually, I think it will greatly help Democrats.

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