NYT: Trump told in January 2017 that Putin ordered hacking

The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

This bullshit conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked.

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States’ Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?


I don't know what part Clinton played, but that deal could be the power Putin currently holds over Mueller.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

If Hillary was so good to Putin and Russia, then why would Putin want Trump to win? Doesn't quite make sense does it? Unless Trump has something going on with Putin behind the scenes right?

Well if Hillary was serious about creating a no-fly zone in Syria, that would have directly impacted Russia’s position and could have led to war... he could have wanted her to lose for many other reasons as they’ve worked on the world stage at the same time so who knows what he knows about her. I think one of the reasons he preferred Trump is bc he thought Trump would be better for (obviously Russia) but also the world.

We can speculate all day but that’s all it is—speculation. As outsiders that’s the best we can do and we’ll probably never know if we’re right or wrong.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

This bullshit conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked.

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States’ Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?



Why don’t you read the New York Times article I supplied? I never said “Hillary Clinton gave 20% of United States’ uranium to Russia in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations.” That’s a very specific phrase. The article I supplied indicates she monetarily benefitted during the time after she (and others, as she wasn’t the only one who made the decision) gave the okay to give Russia control of 20% of our uranium.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

This bullshit conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked.

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States’ Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?



Also you’re one to talk of conspiracy theories, considering your signature LOL
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

This bullshit conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked.

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States’ Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?



Also you’re one to talk of conspiracy theories, considering your signature LOL

Once Putin obtained the Golden Shower video, there wasn't much need for Clinton anymore. He knew Trump would be under his thumb for a much lower cash outlay.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

This bullshit conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked.

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States’ Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?



Also you’re one to talk of conspiracy theories, considering your signature LOL

Once Putin obtained the Golden Shower video, there wasn't much need for Clinton anymore. He knew Trump would be under his thumb for a much lower cash outlay.

I hope you’re jesting.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records

No there aren't moron, because you just made that bullshit up.

I don’t know how much money it was, but as the New York Times reported in 2015, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Putin admitted, in Helsinki, that he wanted Trump to win.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records

No there aren't moron, because you just made that bullshit up.

I don’t know how much money it was, but as the New York Times reported in 2015, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Putin admitted, in Helsinki, that he wanted Trump to win.
Yes he did.............SO..............

I wanted Trump to Win also.............oh...................shit...............I just turned into a Russia spy.......

Holy crap I just gave them all the ammo to finally get Trump. OMFG...........

It's over now ............any day now............

Eagle is making no sense. He does not understand that the President of Russia has a different agenda then Eagle.

And that is how the cookie crumbles.
Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

Totally wrong - Putin's interference in our election to get Trump in office is the CENTRAL THESIS of the dossier.

And the dossier is a fucking fairy tale. Give it up.

...fairy tales are not true dummy. Peter Pan does not exist, Russian interference operations did happen.

You're very confused. And CNN/MSNBC has sucked your brain out. The DOSSIER has NOTHING to do Russian Intel operations for hacking and disrupting America. It is a HIT PIECE on Trump and his campaign staff.

The EXISTENCE of Russian Intel operations to divide and conflict Americans is WELL KNOWN. But that is not the crappy "opposition research" that Fusion GPS sold to Hillary and the DNC.

You need better morons informing you. Whoever they are -- FIRE THEM and hire new morons. Because you're getting the crap knocked out of you for not having the facts and evidence straight.

Ha! Pathetic. The only one who used the word "hacking" is YOU.

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

Totally wrong - Putin's interference in our election to get Trump in office is the CENTRAL THESIS of the dossier.

And the dossier is a fucking fairy tale. Give it up.

...fairy tales are not true dummy. Peter Pan does not exist, Russian interference operations did happen.

You're very confused. And CNN/MSNBC has sucked your brain out. The DOSSIER has NOTHING to do Russian Intel operations for hacking and disrupting America. It is a HIT PIECE on Trump and his campaign staff.

The EXISTENCE of Russian Intel operations to divide and conflict Americans is WELL KNOWN. But that is not the crappy "opposition research" that Fusion GPS sold to Hillary and the DNC.

You need better morons informing you. Whoever they are -- FIRE THEM and hire new morons. Because you're getting the crap knocked out of you for not having the facts and evidence straight.

Ha! Pathetic. The only one who used the word "hacking" is YOU.

You still got your panties in a wad...........

Looked right past all that data I put up earlier.......Don't blame you............Makes you look pretty disturbed.
No question exists that Russian govt official and agents interacted with Trump campaign staff.

Based on what? Jeff Sessions having cocktails with the Russian Ambassador at a public reception? What you talking about Squidward?
He got his ass handed to him in another thread, and as I already said he was so blinded by his hatred of immigrants he didn't even realize he was trying to defend pedophile U.S. citizens.

lol in your dope addled mind you handed anybody anything. Let's face it, you're just degenerate scum without a single moral bone in your body, and you apparently like to give money to pimps selling underage kids. You lame attempts at trying to cover your ass are just pathetic.

You're going to have to find a friendly mod to delete your posts advocating legalizing sex slavery because you think it's just a supply and demand thing, so we just ignore it' posts.
He got his ass handed to him in another thread, and as I already said he was so blinded by his hatred of immigrants he didn't even realize he was trying to defend pedophile U.S. citizens.

lol in your dope addled mind you handed anybody anything. Let's face it, you're just degenerate scum without a single moral bone in your body, and you apparently like to give money to pimps selling underage kids. You lame attempts at trying to cover your ass are just pathetic.

You're going to have to find a friendly mod to delete your posts advocating legalizing sex slavery because you think it's just a supply and demand thing, so we just ignore it' posts.

You're still doubling down on supporting pedophiles? Good lord, you might want to quit while you are still way behind.

I offered you a bet. Are you a chicken shit? Show where I said I support legalizing sex slavery, and I'll leave the forum forever. If you can't you have to leave. Let's get it on! :)
I don't know what part Clinton played, but that deal could be the power Putin currently holds over Mueller.

Mueller was in on the uranium deal, and he also has millions invested in Russia himself via a select 'hedge fund', that has a minimum $10 million buy in. He's as dirty as the rest of them.
The only people that are dividing our country are the ones that believe Putin and Trump over our own country. Congrats on that Comrade.

Oh noes, it touched me last!!! Time to insert a pleas to legalize child sex slavery isn't it? Don't want to keep your Cause on the back burner just over this thread, after all. It 's just about 'supply and demand', right?

What the fuck are you talking about? Legalize Child sex slavery? Are you still having comprehension problems? I said if you go after and make sure to prosecute those that exploit children and human trafficking... then you take away the need for people to taffic them into the U.S. What is so hard for you to understand about that?

Says the scumbag who says in another thread it should be legalized and he's all for it. What's so hard for you sociopaths to understand that most sane people revile you scum? You said it 'was supply and demand n stuff' and no point in trying to stop it, is what you actually said, scumbag.

Your hatred of immigrants is SO strong you are excusing the ones that actually exploit those being trafficked. That's sad.

lol idiotic deflections about nothing. Par for your ilk.

I NEVER said it should be legalized. :abgg2q.jpg:

I said EXACTLY the opposite. It's just like capitalism. You TAKE AWAY the need by cracking down on U.S. citizens that take advantage of those being trafficked, then guess what happens? People quit trafficking people into the country. There is no profit in it anymore.

Go ahead and show me where I said to legalize it. Go ahead. Want to make an avatar bet on it? Or better yet how about we make a bet that we have to leave the forum for good? :abgg2q.jpg:

How many books have you read on human trafficking? Just curious. Did you know that the U.S. actually passed a law that if you go to another country on those advertised pedophile trips, even though it may be legal in THAT country, the U.S. will charge you under U.S. law? No, I doubt you know shit about it. Quit being so fucking dishonest.

Yeah, that must be why Jeffery Epstein got such "heavy sentence"....(insert sarcasm here). Human trafficking is in the top three revenue generators for the deep state.You don't know diddly squat about this topic.

He thinks the drug cartels and slavery biz is great, and we shouldn't do anything to hinder it, and said so. It's a 'supply and demand thing' you know, and that justifies anything in his mind. He's just another sociopath, pretending to be a 'progressive', while feeding drug cartels, narco state, kiddie porn operations and sex slaver smuggling.
No question exists that Russian govt official and agents interacted with Trump campaign staff.

Based on what? Jeff Sessions having cocktails with the Russian Ambassador at a public reception? What you talking about Squidward?

To quote Peter Strzok just 2 days before Mueller was made Special Counsel ---- on any Trump campaign collusion with Russians ---

"There is no there there"

And HE should know. Now can we have an investigation of the Democrat Campaign? With all of those nasty Russian Oligarchs and mafioso being represented by Podesta's lobbying firm?

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