NYT: Trump told in January 2017 that Putin ordered hacking

Pretty clear now that the desired result of the Russian meddling was to plant doubt about the election result and make life difficult for the new President. Putin accomplished that pretty well.

Collusion with Trump was not required to accomplish that mission. Thus, no evidence of collusion exists.

Cool story bro. Now for some reality:

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Vladimir Putin admits he did want Donald Trump to win the 2016 election over Hillary Clinton

That does not in any way effect what I've said. It just says that Putin's level of success was very high.

Yes it does effect. You sad Putin's primary goal was to plant doubt about election outcome.

That is WRONG, Putin's goal was for Trump to get into office instead of Hillary.

Sorry. I edited my post so even the OCD morons can understand. Read it again.
Pretty clear now that the desired result of the Russian meddling was to plant doubt about the election result and make life difficult for the new President. Putin accomplished that pretty well.

Collusion with Trump was not required to accomplish that mission. Thus, no evidence of collusion exists.

Cool story bro. Now for some reality:

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Vladimir Putin admits he did want Donald Trump to win the 2016 election over Hillary Clinton

That does not in any way effect what I've said. It just says that Putin's level of success was very high. Sometimes you punt. Sometimes you walk away with a field goal. And sometimes you score the touchdown. Putin scored the touchdown.

Does that clear it up for ya?

Take 2:

Yes it does effect.

Your statement "desired result of the Russian meddling was to plant doubt about the election result "

That was not the touchdown for Putin. Touchdown for Putin was getting Trump into office instead of Clinton. GET IT?
Well there you have it - Another awesome piece of reporting from the NYT - With credit to Obejoekenobe

WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week.​

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered


Hate to break this to you, Sparky but the Russians have been "meddling" in our elections for decades! They did it under Obama, they did it under Bush, they did it under Clinton, they did it under the first Bush, they did it under Reagan! Barry didn't care about Russian attempts to meddle until Hillary lost and all of the sleazy things that his Party had been doing were revealed. Now you liberals care?

Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...
Oh HELL no. The whole AMERICAN involvement in campaign dicking was 1000 times worse than anything Russia or Putin did. From the fake Dossier, to having instigators inserted into the Repub campaign, to the yelling and screaming in CONGRESS over the corruption at the top level of FBI. Make no mistake. ALL the folks involved in those things and those partisan Battle Bots supporting them --- are HEROES of mother Russia. And Putin THANKS YOU for your service.

What has been proven to be fake in the dossier? Provide "credible" proof.

It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

Totally wrong - Putin's interference in our election to get Trump in office is the CENTRAL THESIS of the dossier.

And the dossier is a fucking fairy tale. Give it up.
What has been proven to be fake in the dossier? Provide "credible" proof.

It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

Totally wrong - Putin's interference in our election to get Trump in office is the CENTRAL THESIS of the dossier.

And the dossier is a fucking fairy tale. Give it up.

...fairy tales are not true dummy. Peter Pan does not exist, Russian interference operations did happen.
Pretty clear now that the desired result of the Russian meddling was to plant doubt about the election result and make life difficult for the new President. Putin accomplished that pretty well.

Collusion with Trump was not required to accomplish that mission. Thus, no evidence of collusion exists.

Cool story bro. Now for some reality:

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Vladimir Putin admits he did want Donald Trump to win the 2016 election over Hillary Clinton

That does not in any way effect what I've said. It just says that Putin's level of success was very high. Sometimes you punt. Sometimes you walk away with a field goal. And sometimes you score the touchdown. Putin scored the touchdown.

Does that clear it up for ya?

Take 2:

Yes it does effect.

Your statement "desired result of the Russian meddling was to plant doubt about the election result "

That was not the touchdown for Putin. Touchdown for Putin was getting Trump into office instead of Clinton. GET IT?

I get that you're an idiot. Was that the point you're trying to make?
It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

Totally wrong - Putin's interference in our election to get Trump in office is the CENTRAL THESIS of the dossier.

And the dossier is a fucking fairy tale. Give it up.

...fairy tales are not true dummy. Peter Pan does not exist, Russian interference operations did happen.

You're very confused. And CNN/MSNBC has sucked your brain out. The DOSSIER has NOTHING to do Russian Intel operations for hacking and disrupting America. It is a HIT PIECE on Trump and his campaign staff.

The EXISTENCE of Russian Intel operations to divide and conflict Americans is WELL KNOWN. But that is not the crappy "opposition research" that Fusion GPS sold to Hillary and the DNC.

You need better morons informing you. Whoever they are -- FIRE THEM and hire new morons. Because you're getting the crap knocked out of you for not having the facts and evidence straight.
The only people that are dividing our country are the ones that believe Putin and Trump over our own country. Congrats on that Comrade.

Oh HELL no. The whole AMERICAN involvement in campaign dicking was 1000 times worse than anything Russia or Putin did. From the fake Dossier, to having instigators inserted into the Repub campaign, to the yelling and screaming in CONGRESS over the corruption at the top level of FBI. Make no mistake. ALL the folks involved in those things and those partisan Battle Bots supporting them --- are HEROES of mother Russia. And Putin THANKS YOU for your service.

What has been proven to be fake in the dossier? Provide "credible" proof.

It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

We'll never find out, but what if Steele's Russian source is the same double agent the U.S. has in the Kremlin?
It's not what's proven fake. That's not how science or law or reason works. It's that ONLY the facts about Page working in Russia have been verified. And the credibility of any it is busted because all of the things that CANNOT be verified. Even Chris Steele when taken to court in England admitted this.

It was DEVIOUSLY marketed by Clapper in an "official US document" which wasn't actually an Intel Doc at all. And sold to press by C. Steele doing his circular reporting where he was basically quoted as a "source" vouching for his OWN WORK.

P.O.S. Slime product. Brought to you by the RUSSIANS and the Pro slimers at Fusion GPS. THAT's what they get paid for. To destroy people..

Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

Totally wrong - Putin's interference in our election to get Trump in office is the CENTRAL THESIS of the dossier.

And the dossier is a fucking fairy tale. Give it up.

...fairy tales are not true dummy. Peter Pan does not exist, Russian interference operations did happen.

Oh Russisan interference DID happen. Hillary and the DNC paid a foreign agent to PAY Russians for the once upon a time accusations in the dossier.

The Russian collusion is true. But it took place in the D Presidential campaign.

True story.
Dossier has been proven correct in many assertion, primary one is that Russia was conducting operations to help Trump campaign.

And brought to you by Russians? Russians like Putin who admited his government wanted Trump to win????

You're conflating the "Intel Report" wrapper that Clapper slapped AROUND the dossier -- with the dossier itself that ONLY appeared as "an appendix". The wrapping stuff was garden variety crap that any cleared person was TOLD about Russian spying and intel ops since at LEAST the 90s. Very general. VERY UNCLASSIFIED and NOT "an Intel Report". I read the same shit in the 90s.

Totally wrong - Putin's interference in our election to get Trump in office is the CENTRAL THESIS of the dossier.

And the dossier is a fucking fairy tale. Give it up.

...fairy tales are not true dummy. Peter Pan does not exist, Russian interference operations did happen.

Oh Russisan interference DID happen. Hillary and the DNC paid a foreign agent to PAY Russians for the once upon a time accusations in the dossier.

The Russian collusion is true. But it took place in the D Presidential campaign.

True story.
They don't care about facts........nor the BS their side did.............I laid it out pretty well all the BS earlier in this thread.........waste of time with them.

Hey Mueller...............have fun bringing the Phishers from Russia...........LOL

He knows he can't arrest them in Russia.............Enjoy the show.
The alt right and Trumpers have made many charges, some over the top, others outlandish, only relying on Alt Facts and Fake News.

Trump has failed miserably vis a vis Russia and Putin.
heh - and the alt-left isn't pushing RUSSIA w/o a whole lot of proof at all.


...no proof that Russia interfered and conducted illegal activities in United States? Seriously? did you just say that?
their biggest crime is trolling. if that is illegal this board dies tomorrow.

...trolling is not a crime dumbass, stop opening your silly mouth and read the indictments.
obviously i know it's not illegal - did you bother to read more than a few words you fucktarted excuse for an assflap?
The alt right and Trumpers have made many charges, some over the top, others outlandish, only relying on Alt Facts and Fake News.

Trump has failed miserably vis a vis Russia and Putin.
heh - and the alt-left isn't pushing RUSSIA w/o a whole lot of proof at all.


...no proof that Russia interfered and conducted illegal activities in United States? Seriously? did you just say that?
their biggest crime is trolling. if that is illegal this board dies tomorrow.

...trolling is not a crime dumbass, stop opening your silly mouth and read the indictments.
again, post the statements from the indictment you feel support your claim. why won't you do that? If you can't, you lose the argument on grounds you can't back up your claim. Open forum have at it.
The alt right and Trumpers have made many charges, some over the top, others outlandish, only relying on Alt Facts and Fake News.

Trump has failed miserably vis a vis Russia and Putin.
heh - and the alt-left isn't pushing RUSSIA w/o a whole lot of proof at all.


...no proof that Russia interfered and conducted illegal activities in United States? Seriously? did you just say that?
their biggest crime is trolling. if that is illegal this board dies tomorrow.

...trolling is not a crime dumbass, stop opening your silly mouth and read the indictments.
again, post the statements from the indictment you feel support your claim. why won't you do that? If you can't, you lose the argument on grounds you can't back up your claim. Open forum have at it.
he's just here to call people FOOL and IDIOT and DUMBASS. zero contribution and just a shitton of anger.
The fallacy of a premise to assertion without proof

>> Collusion with Trump was not required to accomplish that mission. Thus, no evidence of collusion exists. <<

means not much really. Putin wanted to destabilize the American elections. No question exists that Russian govt official and agents interacted with Trump campaign staff.

Any other Russian social media efforts was just added frosting.
Read the indictments, icebert. There is no question that Trump knew the Russians had meddled but did not want to deal with it.

Now it has sprung back on him viciously.

It is hurting the GOP as well: the polls in the last two weeks show not only the President but his party and many of his candidates all slipping together.
heh - and the alt-left isn't pushing RUSSIA w/o a whole lot of proof at all.


...no proof that Russia interfered and conducted illegal activities in United States? Seriously? did you just say that?
their biggest crime is trolling. if that is illegal this board dies tomorrow.

...trolling is not a crime dumbass, stop opening your silly mouth and read the indictments.
again, post the statements from the indictment you feel support your claim. why won't you do that? If you can't, you lose the argument on grounds you can't back up your claim. Open forum have at it.
he's just here to call people FOOL and IDIOT and DUMBASS. zero contribution and just a shitton of anger.
BTW, I never saw a russian walking into voters as they entered the election office. I'm still trying to figure out how they interfered. oh, and I never saw a big ray gun pointed at people either to zap their minds. So, I'm still trying to understand how they exactly interfered. PLEASE?
Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:
The denialists' stubbornness in the far right of the GOP who deny the alt right trickery and deceptions using fake news and aiding the Russians before the election up to now startles, amazes the clear mind.

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