NYT: Trump told in January 2017 that Putin ordered hacking

Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:
It was done

What was done?
Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:

So Russia DIDN'T try to affect our election before this last one? Is that what you're claiming, Doc? You do know that's total bullshit...don't you! Yet you're here making the claim anyways? That tells me how little you on the left have to work with these days. Your party is in total disarray. Your leadership is ANCIENT and doesn't want to go away! You don't have any policies to improve the economy...create jobs...secure the borders...reform immigration...and you can't run on a "war on women" because so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators! What's truly sad is that you NEED the Mueller investigation not to get at the truth...but to divert attention from the fact that the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has taken you down the garden path and now you're all lost in the political wilderness!
The alt right denials are ludicrous.

The Russians meddled, they hacked, they aided Trump, they wanted Trump to win, and Trump has gone soft on them the whole time.
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week.

More: From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

This is a big deal that we'll be hearing a lot about tomorrow. What do you think?
We saw him condem Putin in a press conference in Jan 2017. how many times does he need to disown people for you? David Duke now Putin.....he's tired of answering the same shitty questions for years...yet you guys always ask them.
And how many times did he backtrack, obucky?

The President is not stable, does not think of the consequences of what he is saying and his actions. So many of the President's supporters here follow his meandering crazy journey in lock step.

He is the perfect fool and tool for Putin.

And the alt right is infuriated that their enemies attack Trump with the same vicious dedication the alt right attacked Obama.

Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:

So Russia DIDN'T try to affect our election before this last one? Is that what you're claiming, Doc? You do know that's total bullshit...don't you! Yet you're here making the claim anyways? That tells me how little you on the left have to work with these days. Your party is in total disarray. Your leadership is ANCIENT and doesn't want to go away! You don't have any policies to improve the economy...create jobs...secure the borders...reform immigration...and you can't run on a "war on women" because so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators! What's truly sad is that you NEED the Mueller investigation not to get at the truth...but to divert attention from the fact that the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has taken you down the garden path and now you're all lost in the political wilderness!

C'mon Oldy - Don't fein dumb .. ya ain't what I'd call "smart" but ya ain't dumb either.
Respond more intelligently as to the topic which is THIS: Putin hired over a thousand Russian trolls and a Swedish Rapist to rig the election for Donald FUCKING Trump.
And he's done NOTHING to prevent the same in midterms and 2020.

He Likee the Poot - Cuz, you know - Poot got the goods on his bright Orange Ass ..
Got that? :rolleyes:
Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:
It was done

What was done?

You are quite adept at playing stoopid JC Popeye guy.

See ya
Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:
It was done

What was done?

You are quite adept at playing stoopid JC Popeye guy.

See ya
I only follow the posts. you said "it was done" what was done? why can't you answer that? are you proving you're a parrot or a ferret?
This happened when Obama was STILL the President, so OBAMA KNEW, why didn't he ORDER them to do something in October 2016? And if the CIA/FBI/NSA knew about it, why didn’t they do anything? Were they ordered not to? Did Obama tell them to STAND DOWN?

That is the underlining scandal. John Brennan and James Comey should be put UNDER OATH to testify about this situation.

Also countless American Intelligence officials already testified before The United States Senate Committee's that the “Russian interference” had NO effect on the election outcome result.

The questions are now:

What did Obama and his Administration know in October 2016?

Whatever they knew THEN WHY didn't they do something to prevent it?

NO ONE has said that 200,000+ views of fake news from over a thousand paid trolls and bots had "no effect" on the election. What they said was that there was no evidence VOTES WERE CHANGED (IOW, voting machine or election roll tampering).

Only an idiot would believe that it didn't didn't INFLUENCE an electoral outcome which was decided by less than 78,000 votes in three states.

As for Obama doing nothing? - WRONG. He didn't do enough.
Or perhaps Putin had Obama in his pocket. Obama promised to be more flexible and bend over backwards for Putin. Quite possibly the Hussein colluded with Putin to hack the DNC and ruin Hillary’s chances. He did hate Hillary after all for starting the birther movement. Would also explain why Obama’s man, Comey the cuck decided to reopen the Hillary email investigation before the election.

Too many lies here ^ to warrant a response.

There are no lies in my statement. Feel free to point one out.

And there is only so much time in the day = See ya

Trump's False claim Clinton started Obama birther talk
Watch cons deny this fact, too.

This may well be the final nail in the coffin for Putin's Puppet.


Yeah, if I had a dime for every time I’ve heard that...

Be patient Shakalaka - The time is at hand! :)
Dumbass, Comey and Rosestein did not have a personal or political relationship.

Rosenstein's possible recusal is about him being a potential witness in the Obstuction of Justice case against Trump.

Stop posting - you are totally CLUELESS

See how the far left will deny facts even when they are written in the form of a text to a lover on a government device?

....Idiot, Strzok and Rosenstein are actually two different people.

The dumbass shit Trumpsters post never siezes to amaze.
So a now WITNESS in an ongoing investigation is in charge of overseeing the investigation whose wife has ties to many involved has no reason to Recluse himself.........................

No Conflict there at all.........Move along.........

He wrote the memo justifying Comey's firing..............LOL

This whole thing is a JOKE.

Yes he wrote the MEMO, which was then used as a FALSE pre-tense to fire Mueller. Trump admitted it was a false pretense in a public interview.

Your "wife has relationship" is straight nonence. There has to be a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP, not guilt by association. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump, I guess you can say that too is evidence of bias, because he would treat him too nice :rolleyes:

THERE IS a valid conflict of interest question IF he is a witness in the case he oversees. But the LAW on the requirement of the recusal is not clear, and from the high view is subject to a simple question - can Rosenstein impartially oversee case? And the naswer to that is in the details of the case we do not have.

They fired Comey.......

Just ignore the ties from Open Secrets and the other information I posted.

The far left always denies reality when you post it to them.

Although after Comey was fired, most of the leaks stopped!
Got a citation for that fucked up allegation?

Fucked up allegation? Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that Russia has been trying to undermine Western democracies for as long as Putin has been in power? You actually think it just started in this last election because Putin wanted Trump to win? I'm constantly amazed at how clueless some of you are on the left. Seriously...

Yes, each and EVERY one of our intel and law enforcement heads concur. It was done because Putin wanted Trump to win.
These new revelations make it even clearer as did the 26 page indictment of a dozen additional Putin Toadies.
I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how clueless some of you DENIALISTS are on the RIGHT! :rolleyes-41:

So Russia DIDN'T try to affect our election before this last one? Is that what you're claiming, Doc? You do know that's total bullshit...don't you! Yet you're here making the claim anyways? That tells me how little you on the left have to work with these days. Your party is in total disarray. Your leadership is ANCIENT and doesn't want to go away! You don't have any policies to improve the economy...create jobs...secure the borders...reform immigration...and you can't run on a "war on women" because so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators! What's truly sad is that you NEED the Mueller investigation not to get at the truth...but to divert attention from the fact that the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party has taken you down the garden path and now you're all lost in the political wilderness!

C'mon Oldy - Don't fein dumb .. ya ain't what I'd call "smart" but ya ain't dumb either.
Respond more intelligently as to the topic which is THIS: Putin hired over a thousand Russian trolls and a Swedish Rapist to rig the election for Donald FUCKING Trump.
And he's done NOTHING to prevent the same in midterms and 2020.

He Likee the Poot - Cuz, you know - Poot got the goods on his bright Orange Ass ..
Got that? :rolleyes:
If he rigged the 2016 elections why didn’t obama stop him? Was Obama incompetent? Or Putin’s bitch? Methinks the latter is true!
See how the far left will deny facts even when they are written in the form of a text to a lover on a government device?

....Idiot, Strzok and Rosenstein are actually two different people.

The dumbass shit Trumpsters post never siezes to amaze.
So a now WITNESS in an ongoing investigation is in charge of overseeing the investigation whose wife has ties to many involved has no reason to Recluse himself.........................

No Conflict there at all.........Move along.........

He wrote the memo justifying Comey's firing..............LOL

This whole thing is a JOKE.

Yes he wrote the MEMO, which was then used as a FALSE pre-tense to fire Mueller. Trump admitted it was a false pretense in a public interview.

Your "wife has relationship" is straight nonence. There has to be a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP, not guilt by association.

THERE IS a valid conflict of interest question IF he is a witness in the case he oversees. But the LAW on the requirement of the recusal is not clear, and from the high view is subject to a simple question - can Rosenstein impartially oversee case? And the naswer to that is in the details of the case we do not have.

See how the far left denies reality!

Obvious far left bias and they do not see it!

If they followed the law to the letter Hilary would be in jail!

Hey moron, reality is that Trump's DOJ Inspector General did a WHOLE FN REPORT on Comey's handling of Email Probe and found that it's conclusion was proper.

By you STILL repeating "by law Hillary should be in Jail!" you are DENYING SIMPLE REALITY.

DOJ Clinton Report Blasts Comey, Agents, but Finds No Bias in Conclusion

She didn’t follow protocol for classified material and Comey chose not to indict her. Most reasonable people think she belongs in jail bc that’s what happens when you fuck up regarding measures of national security. Comey went with, “she was extremely careless in her handling of classified information” but do you really think Hillary Clinton is that stupid? Most other people would be in jail for her actions and THAT is simple reality. Just look up what she got away with and then look up the laws in place for those “mistakes.” Then you’ll see the truth.
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records

No there aren't moron, because you just made that bullshit up.

I don’t know how much money it was, but as the New York Times reported in 2015, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
The Russians meddled in the elections.

Obama was told by Ryan and McConnell if he publicly announced the Russians were meddling on the side of Trump, the GOP would blow a gasket.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

Russia gave massive aid to Trump and none to Clinton: there is no actual record of any help.
Putin gave Hillary 150 mill and there are records
No, he did not, and no there are not.

Probably not $150 mil, but looks like Clinton did benefit monetarily from giving Putin the nod to acquire a portion of the US’s uranium. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

If Hillary was so good to Putin and Russia, then why would Putin want Trump to win? Doesn't quite make sense does it? Unless Trump has something going on with Putin behind the scenes right?

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