NYTs Paul Krugman: Riots and looting were imaginary.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
The "economist" who has been wrong on every economic subject decides to weigh in on the months and months of BLM/Antifa riots and looting across the US.

This guy is a Grad A Nutbag.

Paul Krugman


Apr 22

In reality, given that GOP supporters believe that rampaging mobs burned and looted major cities — somehow without the people actually living in those cities noticing — getting them to see facts about something as abstract as the deficit is a hopeless cause 3/

He must be giving some good head to somebody to still be employed.
There is plenty of evidence that the MSM tried to cover-up for the riots. "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests"??


The "economist" who has been wrong on every economic subject decides to weigh in on the months and months of BLM/Antifa riots and looting across the US.

This guy is a Grad A Nutbag.

Paul Krugman

Apr 22

In reality, given that GOP supporters believe that rampaging mobs burned and looted major cities — somehow without the people actually living in those cities noticing — getting them to see facts about something as abstract as the deficit is a hopeless cause 3/

To be fair, Antifa does not really exist, so........................:iyfyus.jpg:
You have to understand the hypocrisy of the left. Everything they do or say is considered normal, needed and morally right. No matter what the right does it is considered wrong and morally corrupt.
the evidence was on camera. It was in photos. It was in journalism.
But being able to deny it makes all evidence null and void.
the left has shot congressmen, bombed congress, threaten to pack courts, rioted and even succeeded from the country. The lefts congressmen have not only called for but condoned violence by the left But that is considered proper and just. The right actually riots and the left becomes unhinged. Just one of many divides between the parties
One of the many behaviors shared by both ends of the spectrum is blatant denial, and Krugman provides yet another example.
BOTH? What a crock. Only dirty Libs use violence. And don't give me Charlottesville. The dirty Lib Mob started that one. Capitol? Who give a shit? One incident. There were ,and ARE ,thousands of incident. Ya can't tame savages. But Antifa can use 'em as storm troopers. Being totally STUPID and inherently violent ,they are easily led.
Progressives are well known for their detachment from reality.
The big problem is that they demand that you also be detached from reality, otherwise they will brand you an uneducated deplorable domestic terrorist white supremist neo nazi klansman hillbilly hick white trash trailer dwelling redneck hayseed
Progressives are well known for their detachment from reality.
The big problem is that they demand that you also be detached from reality, otherwise they will brand you an uneducated deplorable domestic terrorist white supremist neo nazi klansman hillbilly hick white trash trailer dwelling redneck hayseed
Don't forget...A big fat poopy pants.

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