O la la! Could It Be? Will Fox Fire Glenn Beck?

After the recent Beck v. Kristol upheaval, which left Glenn Beck visibly upset, I decided to watch his entire show last evening, knowing he would be wanting the last word (or so he hoped).
So he reviewed all of his contentions on the Islamofascist/Communist plot weave, which of course got more confusing as the show went on because he didn't just have ONE blackboard, but around SIX so that he needed to jump back and forth to attempt to connect his dots. But I was following his theme, and also understood his attempt to justify his conspiracy theory (although Beck said more than once that he wasn't claiming any "conspiracy" at all).

It seems he wants his audience to be "educated" regarding the recent (and historical) uprisings which have given way to unstable governments which then lead to coups by radicals to surreptitiously (my word) take over. The problem with his history is that he has picked and chosen singular events (uprisings) to try to make his point and then attempts (by visuals, including a variety of mob scene clips from newsreels) to convince the audience that all of that was going on RIGHT NOW. (And they're coming for us next.)

Beck loves the word "caliphate" and seems to think caliphate by jihad is on the minds of all people who protest against the tyranny of their government. What does he call the movement against the British which resulted in the Pilgrims founding a "new world" in America, I wonder?

For all Beck's attempts to draw the conclusion that there is an intent to create unstable societies by both Islam and Communism (working together?), he still maintained until the end of the program* that he was not accusing any one group of anything--just putting together some "facts" by which his viewers could "educate themselves" and that his intent was surely not to "scare" anybody.

*The end, however, had Mr. Beck moving from his "this is your daddy speaking" tone to literally slapping magnetic stickys of every "leftist" and Islamic organization slapped onto yet another blackboard, with his voice rising to a crescendo and a great big EQUAL SIGN = NEW WORLD ORDER.

Beck isn't trying to "scare" anybody. Nah. Beck isn't creating a conspiracy theory. Nah. He just wants to EDUCATE you. Uh huh...

Regarding the underlined script above: DID HE? Did he even make an attempt, since that was what incited you to take in his show, well um.. besides looking for something to ridicule?

And how about this clip from Dianne Feinstein:

Feinstein: "I think perhaps we don't understand this"


Your point? Feinstein simply reiterates known knowns (Rumsfeld-speak). We KNOW of the dangers of radicals in that region. Beck, however, wants you to believe that a cozy partnership of radical Muslims and Communists are waiting in the wings for "instability" to come to the United States, which opens the door for some authoritative movement to install itself and destroy our democratic republic. To that I say not a chance.

All we have to do is remember the renewed patriotism we ALL felt (regardless of political preference) when, after the attacks of 911, there was even a hint that some foreign power that could replace our own. There will always be protests here over one thing or another, but to think for one moment that some radical movement (or even a combination thereof) has that kind of power over American people is foolish. I do like to continue to believe that there are far more well-read, common-sense folks than there are wild-eyed reactionaries who think this country could easily submit to such a takeover. But sometimes I wonder.
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Madeline said:
Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?

After the recent Beck v. Kristol upheaval, which left Glenn Beck visibly upset, I decided to watch his entire show last evening, knowing he would be wanting the last word (or so he hoped).

So he reviewed all of his contentions on the Islamofascist/Communist plot weave, which of course got more confusing as the show went on because he didn't just have ONE blackboard, but around SIX so that he needed to jump back and forth to attempt to connect his dots. But I was following his theme, and also understood his attempt to justify his conspiracy theory (although Beck said more than once that he wasn't claiming any "conspiracy" at all).

It seems he wants his audience to be "educated" regarding the recent (and historical) uprisings which have given way to unstable governments which then lead to coups by radicals to surreptitiously (my word) take over. The problem with his history is that he has picked and chosen singular events (uprisings) to try to make his point and then attempts (by visuals, including a variety of mob scene clips from newsreels) to convince the audience that all of that was going on RIGHT NOW. (And they're coming for us next.)

Beck loves the word "caliphate" and seems to think caliphate by jihad is on the minds of all people who protest against the tyranny of their government. What does he call the movement against the British which resulted in the Pilgrims founding a "new world" in America, I wonder?

For all Beck's attempts to draw the conclusion that there is an intent to create unstable societies by both Islam and Communism (working together?), he still maintained until the end of the program* that he was not accusing any one group of anything--just putting together some "facts" by which his viewers could "educate themselves" and that his intent was surely not to "scare" anybody.

*The end, however, had Mr. Beck moving from his "this is your daddy speaking" tone to literally slapping magnetic stickys of every "leftist" and Islamic organization slapped onto yet another blackboard, with his voice rising to a crescendo and a great big EQUAL SIGN = NEW WORLD ORDER.

Beck isn't trying to "scare" anybody. Nah. Beck isn't creating a conspiracy theory. Nah. He just wants to EDUCATE you. Uh huh...

Explain the left's desire to maintain control over public education, the mainstream media and the university systems.

That's right... to EDUCATE us. :eek:

Public education must be a priority, both by the public and private sectors. To deny that is pure unadulterated ignorance. As for the other two, prove it. If the left is so successful in teaching leftism in universities, then how come there are so many right-wingers emerging, entering politics, contributing to message boards, blog sites, etc. MSM is controlled by mega corporations, most of which are run by conservative elitists.

Hope that helps in your search for proof of your claims.
Ah, Olbermann has no job himself for committing the lefty version of fearmongering. IMO, those two are like Evil Twins.

Are you kidding?

Keith gets half of his material from Beck and the other half from Limbaugh

As he takes over his own network, Current TV he should save a spot for Beck to show that he is being "Fair and Balanced"

So you're saying what kept 0lbermann from getting good ratings was being at MSNBC and had nothing to do with 0lbermann being 0lbermann?

MSNBC is decidedly left-leaning, and they freely admit it. Olbermann had tussled with management before, and after the shooting incident of Representative Giffords, they decided enough is enough with the high-pitched vitriol. Too bad Fox hasn't done the same.
Glen has lost it, he needs to get back on his meds. I am conservative but all his doom and gloom and disaster really drag you down and he has done it for so long I don't listen any more..Both sides of the debate have their boring talking heads. We have Beck and the rest of you have Obama and Bidden. Not sure which is worse but I will go with Obama.

How is telling people the truth a sign that you've lost it? how does facing the truth make you doom and gloom?

How on earth can anyone watch the show and not be uplifted and edified?
I hope he gets fired as his historical revisions are quite frieghtening, and probably lead others to the wrong conclusions. Glenn Beck is an extremeist along with Keith Oberman, and Michael Moore, and they should have their own network channel called the wackaloon channel.
Are you kidding?

Keith gets half of his material from Beck and the other half from Limbaugh

As he takes over his own network, Current TV he should save a spot for Beck to show that he is being "Fair and Balanced"

So you're saying what kept 0lbermann from getting good ratings was being at MSNBC and had nothing to do with 0lbermann being 0lbermann?

Yeah that's right.

Oberman's program was modeled on the right wing hatemonger model that works so well with the audience that watches people like Rush and Glen.

But the typical lefty is not merelyjust like the typical righty only one who has oppositing POV.

If you want to appeal to lefties, NPR is the model.


Well for one thing the REAL left doesn't obsess about what right wing hate mongers are saying.

The only people who CARE what Rush or Beck says are generally right wingers.

That is why almost without exception every post on this board about those idiots was started by a right winger telling us who much the left hates them.

Hates them?

The right wing hate mongers are so inconsequential to the average left thinking person that they never ever ever come up in conserversations that only lefties are involved in. I know you have trouble imagining that, but it is true ya' know.

Seriously boys they loom large only in YOUR very limited black v White POVs about how the world works..

To somebody like me (and there millions of people like me, incidently) they are no more important than an MTV reality show that ALSO attracts millions of idiot viewers

Palin? the same indifference about her exists, actually.

You right winger apparently think we care about her, are outraged and fearful of her vast popularity.

Hey, here's a heads up, boys....we don't.

You want her to get the GOP nod for the next presidential election?

Fine by me. Fine by most thinking liberals, lefties and so forth.

Hell, she might even win, but honestly...after Bush II, so what??

How much worse can Sarah do than Bush II already did?

Or for that matter can she make it any worse than Obama is currently making it?

Seriously boys, your heros are truly no threat to the left. Many of us embrace them, actually.


Because the worse it gets the sooner the revolution

They're your heros, but they're bearly on our radar.

OBAMA is a greater threat to our POV than your hatemongering heros are because OBAMA has fooled enough independents that he is something OTHER THAN another Republican lite.

He's NOT.

He's no less a part of the system we've been complaining about since the late 60s.

He's part of the SHAMOCRACY, Kids.

That's why really things are not getting better and aren't likely to, either.

Not in the near future, that is. This country is too big to fail. In order to make a major overhaul, it will take years of baby steps. That's why in the meantime, I still think we have the best system of government to deal with the myriad other systems that create a way of life which is the envy of the rest of the planet.

Good post, but I'm nowhere near as negative about the future as you are. I've lived through too many administrations run by both party powers, seen too many events occur that we always manage to overcome because of our resiliency. There are always fearmongers during bad events, ALWAYS, but we've never folded yet.
Are you kidding?

Keith gets half of his material from Beck and the other half from Limbaugh

As he takes over his own network, Current TV he should save a spot for Beck to show that he is being "Fair and Balanced"

So you're saying what kept 0lbermann from getting good ratings was being at MSNBC and had nothing to do with 0lbermann being 0lbermann?

MSNBC is decidedly left-leaning, and they freely admit it. Olbermann had tussled with management before, and after the shooting incident of Representative Giffords, they decided enough is enough with the high-pitched vitriol. Too bad Fox hasn't done the same.

Care to back that up with facts?

Didnt think so :cuckoo:
Not in the near future, that is. This country is too big to fail. In order to make a major overhaul, it will take years of baby steps. That's why in the meantime, I still think we have the best system of government to deal with the myriad other systems that create a way of life which is the envy of the rest of the planet.

Good post, but I'm nowhere near as negative about the future as you are. I've lived through too many administrations run by both party powers, seen too many events occur that we always manage to overcome because of our resiliency. There are always fearmongers during bad events, ALWAYS, but we've never folded yet.

Maggie, there is no such thing as too big to fail.
Actually, Olbermann has been successful wherever he has gone.

He took a job with fledgling ESPN and with Dan Patrick created the tongue in cheek format for Sports Center. He brought good ratings but eventually wore out his welcome

At MSNBC, he took a page from FoxNews and brought liberal propaganda to cable news. MSNBC converted their whole format to complement Countdown and are making a good profit. Olbermann wore out his welcome and was fired

Now he goes to Current TV that has nowhere else to go but up. If History has any bearing, Olbermann will draw viewers and controversy and eventually wear out his welcome

What a joke.

Same goes for Al Gore's network...... what a JOKE!

Why is it a joke? Almost none of their programming is political. Some of it IS funny. I recently watched a montage of the 50 most viral videos which was hilarious. Is it really always necessary for you to draw a conclusion based on a person you hate (and probably don't even know why)? For you to make that judgment clearly suggests you've never watched CurrentTV in your life.

Current TV Schedule // Current
I hope he gets fired as his historical revisions are quite frieghtening, and probably lead others to the wrong conclusions. Glenn Beck is an extremeist along with Keith Oberman, and Michael Moore, and they should have their own network channel called the wackaloon channel.

Coming from someone whom I would bet a crapload of money doesnt know their history.

How about you give us a few things he has wrong :cuckoo:
Actually, Olbermann has been successful wherever he has gone.

He took a job with fledgling ESPN and with Dan Patrick created the tongue in cheek format for Sports Center. He brought good ratings but eventually wore out his welcome

At MSNBC, he took a page from FoxNews and brought liberal propaganda to cable news. MSNBC converted their whole format to complement Countdown and are making a good profit. Olbermann wore out his welcome and was fired

Now he goes to Current TV that has nowhere else to go but up. If History has any bearing, Olbermann will draw viewers and controversy and eventually wear out his welcome

What a joke.

Same goes for Al Gore's network...... what a JOKE!

Why is it a joke? Almost none of their programming is political. Some of it IS funny. I recently watched a montage of the 50 most viral videos which was hilarious. Is it really always necessary for you to draw a conclusion based on a person you hate (and probably don't even know why)? For you to make that judgment clearly suggests you've never watched CurrentTV in your life.

Current TV Schedule // Current

:clap2: Yep, never watched it and dont plan to either.....didnt need to listen to Air America either to know it was a stupid leftwing apperatus.

As for their programming... bet they dont do alot of global warming bullshit either.

Yeah right!

& yes... yes I do know why I hate Al Gore. Thanks for asking though.
Read the linked article in the Op, Avatar. That is what the reporter says Beck has been spewing of late.

Crazy talk, is it not?

No, its not.... how about you watch his show for yourself, and dont just watch a couple of minutes. Watch several episodes back to back -- with an open mind, and if you still think he is crazy, stop watching.
I have done my own fact checking and he is 99% spot on in his analysis.
The only reason I watch his show... and I dont get to very often because I have a job when his show is on (only get to watch rebroadcasts late at night) is because he just reinforces what I already feel to be true. He just puts it all together in a nice package for me to research.

But whatever....

Let me put it like this, The Infidel. If Bush I and Bush II told me face to face they were part of a decades-long conspiracy to hand World Power over to Muslims, I STILL would not believe it.

I dun think any US President has EVER conspired to end American-run America, and no amount of Glenn Beck viewing could EVER convince me otherwise.

Beck says it's gonna be subtle. We won't even know what hit us. That's why I remind folks that I like to think we're a little smarter and have a much bigger edge than your basic Egyptian citizen who has lived under a pretend democracy (but really a dictatorship) for 30 years and has had enough. There is no comparison.
I hope he gets fired as his historical revisions are quite frieghtening, and probably lead others to the wrong conclusions. Glenn Beck is an extremeist along with Keith Oberman, and Michael Moore, and they should have their own network channel called the wackaloon channel.

Coming from someone whom I would bet a crapload of money doesnt know their history.

How about you give us a few things he has wrong :cuckoo:

I dun really want to see this thread get hijacked, The Infidel. I would prefer we discuss whether Fox will fire Beck, and what that would mean if they did.

If you wish to debate the accuracy of The History Of The World According To Beck, can I ask please, as a buddy, would you start a new thread for it?

Thankies, dear man.
Beck says it's gonna be subtle. We won't even know what hit us. That's why I remind folks that I like to think we're a little smarter and have a much bigger edge than your basic Egyptian citizen who has lived under a pretend democracy (but really a dictatorship) for 30 years and has had enough. There is no comparison.

What is going to be subtle?

Yes, I do agree with you on this... we are much more educated than the average Egyptian. Its not their fault though... they do need a new leader, but its that unknown that I am afraid of. Who will that new leader be?

I dont know why we cant see that The Muslim Brotherhood fingerprints are all over Egypt right now, and our dear leader wants to BS us about it.
Glen has lost it, he needs to get back on his meds. I am conservative but all his doom and gloom and disaster really drag you down and he has done it for so long I don't listen any more..Both sides of the debate have their boring talking heads. We have Beck and the rest of you have Obama and Bidden. Not sure which is worse but I will go with Obama.

How is telling people the truth a sign that you've lost it? how does facing the truth make you doom and gloom?

How on earth can anyone watch the show and not be uplifted and edified?

Because it's NOT truth. Piecing together a lot of statements, past (or present) policies, ideologies, etc., and then PREDICTING an outcome is not TRUTH. Truth is when our radar detects incoming missiles.
I hope he gets fired as his historical revisions are quite frieghtening, and probably lead others to the wrong conclusions. Glenn Beck is an extremeist along with Keith Oberman, and Michael Moore, and they should have their own network channel called the wackaloon channel.

Coming from someone whom I would bet a crapload of money doesnt know their history.

How about you give us a few things he has wrong :cuckoo:

I dun really want to see this thread get hijacked, The Infidel. I would prefer we discuss whether Fox will fire Beck, and what that would mean if they did.

If you wish to debate the accuracy of The History Of The World According To Beck, can I ask please, as a buddy, would you start a new thread for it?

Thankies, dear man.

His views on Egypt are key here though.

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