O’rielly, trump, foxnews; “dirty liars”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

O’Reilly; “Obama was a “stoner in high school.” “Stoners” don’t get through Harvard and Columbia, they end up like “drug addicted” Rush. On radio. He smoked a little pot and there is not evidence of any kind of addiction. “His actions and belief influenced by “associates” Wright, Ayers and Marshall.” There is nothing in Obama’s actions that remotely show that he was influenced by an alleged “terrorist” “racist” and “communist.”

O’Reilly is a dirty liar. Like people influenced by “tea partiers?”

When are we going to stop blaming parent and associates for grown *** men’s actions and beliefs. If theses people influenced Obama life, it was for the better and not the worse. Obama rap sheet is cleaner than Romney’s. Obama do not have a racist, communist or terrorist mind set. And O’Reilly and Foxnew are “dirty liars.” My best friend is a prostitute and a republican, so that make me……………………..what? What have Obama done that shows influence by his associates? O’Reilly, Fox News and Trump, “put up or shut up.”

I believe Bush was well know alcoholic and admitted it and admitted he used drugs.
Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author - CNET Speakeasy Forums
George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side

O’Reilly; “Obama was a “stoner in high school.” “Stoners” don’t get through Harvard and Columbia, they end up like “drug addicted” Rush. On radio. He smoked a little pot and there is not evidence of any kind of addiction. “His actions and belief influenced by “associates” Wright, Ayers and Marshall.” There is nothing in Obama’s actions that remotely show that he was influenced by an alleged “terrorist” “racist” and “communist.”

O’Reilly is a dirty liar. Like people influenced by “tea partiers?”

When are we going to stop blaming parent and associates for grown *** men’s actions and beliefs. If theses people influenced Obama life, it was for the better and not the worse. Obama rap sheet is cleaner than Romney’s. Obama do not have a racist, communist or terrorist mind set. And O’Reilly and Foxnew are “dirty liars.” My best friend is a prostitute and a republican, so that make me……………………..what? What have Obama done that shows influence by his associates? O’Reilly, Fox News and Trump, “put up or shut up.”

I believe Bush was well know alcoholic and admitted it and admitted he used drugs.
Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author - CNET Speakeasy Forums
George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side
The connections with ayers and soros are enough. The LIAR is obamaturd and the left. Stupid believes them.
I am so tired of the liberal left. REID and OBAMA are the liars. For 17 years Obama claimed to be born in Kenya, I don't believe him I think he lied.

Now the pussy Reid hides behind the Senate and lies and slanders.

Now you try and distract those who actually think. I want to use a four letter word here but won't because I am not a liberal.

O’Reilly; “Obama was a “stoner in high school.” “Stoners” don’t get through Harvard and Columbia, they end up like “drug addicted” Rush. On radio. He smoked a little pot and there is not evidence of any kind of addiction. “His actions and belief influenced by “associates” Wright, Ayers and Marshall.” There is nothing in Obama’s actions that remotely show that he was influenced by an alleged “terrorist” “racist” and “communist.”

O’Reilly is a dirty liar. Like people influenced by “tea partiers?”

When are we going to stop blaming parent and associates for grown *** men’s actions and beliefs. If theses people influenced Obama life, it was for the better and not the worse. Obama rap sheet is cleaner than Romney’s. Obama do not have a racist, communist or terrorist mind set. And O’Reilly and Foxnew are “dirty liars.” My best friend is a prostitute and a republican, so that make me……………………..what? What have Obama done that shows influence by his associates? O’Reilly, Fox News and Trump, “put up or shut up.”

I believe Bush was well know alcoholic and admitted it and admitted he used drugs.
Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author - CNET Speakeasy Forums
George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side
I don't ever recall hearing O'Reilly refer to Obama as a stoner and since you gave no link to him saying that I suspect you got that from Media Matters, Daily Kos or some other liberal source. The fact is O' Reilly does not spend much if any time on Obama's drug and alcohol use of his late teens and early twenties as for what kind of influence if any Wright, Ayers, Marshall had that all depends on one's point of view. Yes Bush did have his problems with alcohol he never admitted to drugs that I saw either way the media especially the more hard left media tried to make a major deal of that. Last I find your put or shut up ending very funny given Harry Reids recent unsubstantiated claims about Romney not paying taxes for ten years and the majority of the left taking that at face value.

O’Reilly; “Obama was a “stoner in high school.” “Stoners” don’t get through Harvard and Columbia, they end up like “drug addicted” Rush. On radio. He smoked a little pot and there is not evidence of any kind of addiction. “His actions and belief influenced by “associates” Wright, Ayers and Marshall.” There is nothing in Obama’s actions that remotely show that he was influenced by an alleged “terrorist” “racist” and “communist.”

O’Reilly is a dirty liar. Like people influenced by “tea partiers?”

When are we going to stop blaming parent and associates for grown *** men’s actions and beliefs. If theses people influenced Obama life, it was for the better and not the worse. Obama rap sheet is cleaner than Romney’s. Obama do not have a racist, communist or terrorist mind set. And O’Reilly and Foxnew are “dirty liars.” My best friend is a prostitute and a republican, so that make me……………………..what? What have Obama done that shows influence by his associates? O’Reilly, Fox News and Trump, “put up or shut up.”

I believe Bush was well know alcoholic and admitted it and admitted he used drugs.
Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author - CNET Speakeasy Forums
George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side

You are either monumentally naive or truly ignorant of history and its participants. Leary for example was a genius. And very successful.

Whether one wants to agree with his advocacy of LSD or other psychedelic drugs, there is no doubt Leary was up there on the richter scale of minds that were ready to go where no man had gone before.

Oh and I guess I should mention Steve Jobs. He did ok in life too.

Timothy Francis Leary (October 22, 1920 – May 31, 1996) was an American psychologist and writer, known for his advocacy of psychedelic drugs.

During a time when drugs such as LSD and psilocybin were legal, Leary conducted experiments at Harvard University under the Harvard Psilocybin Project, resulting in the Concord Prison Experiment and the Marsh Chapel Experiment.

Both studies produced useful data, but Leary and his associate Richard Alpert were fired from the university.


Timothy Leary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

O’Reilly; “Obama was a “stoner in high school.” “Stoners” don’t get through Harvard and Columbia, they end up like “drug addicted” Rush. On radio. He smoked a little pot and there is not evidence of any kind of addiction. “His actions and belief influenced by “associates” Wright, Ayers and Marshall.” There is nothing in Obama’s actions that remotely show that he was influenced by an alleged “terrorist” “racist” and “communist.”

O’Reilly is a dirty liar. Like people influenced by “tea partiers?”

When are we going to stop blaming parent and associates for grown *** men’s actions and beliefs. If theses people influenced Obama life, it was for the better and not the worse. Obama rap sheet is cleaner than Romney’s. Obama do not have a racist, communist or terrorist mind set. And O’Reilly and Foxnew are “dirty liars.” My best friend is a prostitute and a republican, so that make me……………………..what? What have Obama done that shows influence by his associates? O’Reilly, Fox News and Trump, “put up or shut up.”

I believe Bush was well know alcoholic and admitted it and admitted he used drugs.
Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author - CNET Speakeasy Forums
George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side

Can't we get literacy standards in place?

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