And to that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted it in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf. And that hasn't shifted. And one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, because the civil rights movement became so court-focused, I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which to bring about redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.

ahh some of my favorite parts.

Last warning America
It won't matter... Obama can do anything and say anything he wants and people will and the media will just let it go... It just doesn't matter anymore....

Deperate people are apt to accept radical solutions and radical government in the hopes of those making things better.

The rich have nobody to blme but themselves.

They've given themselves every advantage in the last thirty years or so, and now so many Ameircans are having a hard time paying their bills they're willing to listen to the siren call of wealth redistribution.

They busted the unions, they shipped the jobs off shore, they gave themselves enormous tax breaks to the point that the nation and the states are going bankrupt and they blme their victims for the fallout.

If you cannot see what has happened to this nation, regardless of how well you might personally be doing then you are fucking blind as a bat.
Obama has the money and the power to turn the US into a Socialist State. It will happen and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.
Deperate people are apt to accept radical solutions and radical government in the hopes of those making things better.

The rich have nobody to blme but themselves.

They've given themselves every advantage in the last thirty years or so, and now so many Ameircans are having a hard time paying their bills they're willing to listen to the siren call of wealth redistribution.

They busted the unions, they shipped the jobs off shore, they gave themselves enormous tax breaks to the point that the nation and the states are going bankrupt and they blme their victims for the fallout.

If you cannot see what has happened to this nation, regardless of how well you might personally be doing then you are fucking blind as a bat.

I hate to break this to you, it's not only the rich that will be suffering.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel or envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

Winston Churchill
Deperate people are apt to accept radical solutions and radical government in the hopes of those making things better.

The rich have nobody to blme but themselves.

They've given themselves every advantage in the last thirty years or so, and now so many Ameircans are having a hard time paying their bills they're willing to listen to the siren call of wealth redistribution.

They busted the unions, they shipped the jobs off shore, they gave themselves enormous tax breaks to the point that the nation and the states are going bankrupt and they blme their victims for the fallout.

If you cannot see what has happened to this nation, regardless of how well you might personally be doing then you are fucking blind as a bat.

You realize of course that you are probably far from the poorest person in the country and money will be coming out of your pocket and going to the pocket of others. Is that ok with you?
I'll try to make my position on this issue as clear as possible

Southern sucession apologists are morally bankrupt.

They are equivicating on behalf of evil.

I can foresee a Southern secession movement due to Obama-Pelosi-Reid morally bankrupt policies of gay marriage, wealth re-distribution, not defending our borders, not supporting our military, infringement of personal property rights and government takeovers of business. The resultant Federal government would be in default of its contractual obligations, therefore the agreement binding the States together, the COTUS, could be declared null and void.
I can foresee a Southern secession movement due to Obama-Pelosi-Reid morally bankrupt policies of gay marriage, wealth re-distribution, not defending our borders, not supporting our military, infringement of personal property rights and government takeovers of business. The resultant Federal government would be in default of its contractual obligations, therefore the agreement binding the States together, the COTUS, could be declared null and void.

And Obama's version of Janet Reno will kill anyone who becomes part of this movement.
And Obama's version of Janet Reno will kill anyone who becomes part of this movement.
I'm thinking that they will be too busy dealing with the Mexican Army's take over of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California and Southern Colorado; Russia's takeover of Alaska; and the resultant loss in US crude production and refinery capacity. Since The South contains most of US coal and natural gas reserves and has a few well-placed nuclear power plants, we'll be in energy "high cotton" and can pretty much call the shots. :badgrin:
I'm thinking that they will be too busy dealing with the Mexican Army's take over of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California and Southern Colorado; Russia's takeover of Alaska; and the resultant loss in US crude production and refinery capacity. Since The South contains most of US coal and natural gas reserves and has a few well-placed nuclear power plants, we'll be in energy "high cotton" and can pretty much call the shots. :badgrin:

Count me in!
I hate to break this to you, it's not only the rich that will be suffering.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel or envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

Winston Churchill

I hate to break it to you, but I did not say that "only the rich" will be suffering.

Feel free to comment on what I did say, however.

Go ahead give it a try.

You might find responding to what I said, rather that what you'd wished I'd said, might actually elicit something other than my usual contempt for your retorts, Jeeves.
Count me in!
You, me, and a huge percentage of the South! Go Obama!!

Once we institute the Constitutional ideals with a restricted Southern Federal Government there will be no handouts. The resultant mass migration of deadbeats to northern cities will bankrupt their social programs, further reducing the ability of Northern Aggression. :badgrin:
You, me, and a huge percentage of the South! Go Obama!!

Once we institute the Constitutional ideals with a restricted Southern Federal Government there will be no handouts. The resultant mass migration of deadbeats to northern cities will bankrupt their social programs, further reducing the ability of Northern Aggression. :badgrin:


and, I love yer avatar!
You, me, and a huge percentage of the South! Go Obama!!

Once we institute the Constitutional ideals with a restricted Southern Federal Government there will be no handouts. The resultant mass migration of deadbeats to northern cities will bankrupt their social programs, further reducing the ability of Northern Aggression. :badgrin:


We'll need a base of operations. Let's call it Galt's Gulch:

John Galt says,"The political system we will build is contained in a single moral premise: no man may obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force," and claims, "no rights can exist without the right to translate one’s rights into reality—to think, to work and to keep the results—which means: the right of property."
I hate to break it to you, but I did not say that "only the rich" will be suffering.

Feel free to comment on what I did say, however.

Go ahead give it a try.

You might find responding to what I said, rather that what you'd wished I'd said, might actually elicit something other than my usual contempt for your retorts, Jeeves.
The rich have nobody to blme but themselves.

They've given themselves every advantage in the last thirty years or so, and now so many Ameircans are having a hard time paying their bills they're willing to listen to the siren call of wealth redistribution.
They busted the unions, they shipped the jobs off shore, they gave themselves enormous tax breaks to the point that the nation and the states are going bankrupt and they blme their victims for the fallout.

If you cannot see what has happened to this nation, regardless of how well you might personally be doing then you are fucking blind as a bat.

My response seems pretty appropriate....

Or maybe you could explain what you really meant?
iirc, the term is oligarchy, which our disparity displays quite nicely for anyone who might be interested....

United for a Fair Economy is a good start for any inquiries

and i'm amused by this association of Obama to socialism, in light of the current administrations biggest act of socialism since the depression re; the bailout

gonna be a hard act to follow for any socialist potus imho....
It is illegal to buy votes, one could make an argument that he is trying to do JUST that. If one wants to get technical.

Politicians buy votes all the time..they're called "promises". McCain is one of the worst panderers of all time!
Is there any more egregious wealth distribution system than legalized SLAVERY?

We've got plenty of people right here on this very board who are shocked by the concept of wealth distribution TODAY

But these SAME people are usually more than willing to defend the Southern Cause which seceded so they could continue their system of economic wealth distribution called SLAVERY.

Smell their hypocracy?

To them, that race based classism was perfectly okay, as long the Black people are getting screwed.

As long as slaves distributed wealth to slave owners, that was perfectly okay CAPITALISM.

But now when the decendents of those slave demand reparations, those people seeking repayment on that long overdue debt are SOCIALIST?!?

What a wonderful double standard that is, eh?

NOBODY who defends the Southern States RIGHT to succeed in defence of slavery, has any right to whine about anybody's wealth redistribution plans today, folks.

Consider the total value of the slave labor that the redistribution of wealth given to the slave owners.

Did those slave owners EVER repay that their victims for that THEFT?

Of course they didn't. In fact they couldn't repay that debt. Their society was destroyed, and the debt was probably larger than the value of their society even before it was destroyed. Slavery is not only evil, it's a highly inefficient system of amassing weath, too

So you racist jerkoffs ought to stop whining when Blacks ask to be paid for the value labors that were stolen from their families.

We all know that the Blacks are never going to be repaid for that debt.

But to suggest that these white racist have some high moral ground when they start talking about how evil the concept of wealth redistribution or socialism is, is freaking absurd.

This nation has been redistributing wealth and has been socialistic since day one.

I am going to have one of those rare disagreements with you regarding reparations Editec...

On the premise that if my great-great grandpa did own your great-great grandma, most likely we're related. So who pays?

America doesn't need to 'redistribute' anything...

America needs a fair and simple tax code that does not require the employment of professional paper pushers like lawyers and accountants to comply with.

America needs a business tax code that treats Exxon/Mobile exactly the same as it treats 'Mom & Pop Inc.'

America needs to, as a people, invest in itself. A fool with money buys a toy... an intelligent person invests that money in a factory or farm which will produce wealth for his grandchildren.

There is no reason We, The People can't invest in ourselves. Instead of loaning GM $25 billion, why not invest in GM through direct stock purchases?

There is nothing wrong with the US treasury collecting dividends from American corporations. There is nothing wrong with Congress having a shareholders say in corporate decisions like building a factory in Mexico vs Michigan.

I hate to break this to you, it's not only the rich that will be suffering.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel or envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

Winston Churchill

There is a way for The People to be involved in, and have ownership in the means of production that is not socialistic in nature.

What is more Capitalistic than stock ownership? Is there a reasonable reason that the government can't own stock in American companies?


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