Obama! 35 years ago I a white would look at you...

It is prudent to be cautious around blacks.

Some, not all, many are very good people.
That is very true.

But there is a category of Blacks whose genetically inbred dysfunctional nature and their innate hatred of Whites, whom they hold totally responsible for their hopeless reality, remains the root cause of the current social phenomenon generically referred to as racism. While it seems simplistically offensive to refer to a variety of American citizens as good Blacks and bad Blacks, this nonetheless defines the situation.

While telling of the Zimmerman/Martin tale typically begins with Zimmerman following Martin to observe his actions, the story actually does not begin there. It begins with a veritable wave of intrusive crimes in the community where Zimmerman lives, most (if not all) of which were, according to witnesses, perpetrated by young Black males (bad Blacks). So if Martin truly was, as many are insisting he was, a decent, law-abiding young man (A good Black), there is no question that what happened to him ultimately was the result of the actions of bad Blacks.

And therein lies the tale of what is perceived as racism in contemporary America.

Let me correct my statement, I should have said "most" are very good people. Your genetic theory is BS, as with all bad actors, the behavior is learned and their actions are choices, nothing more, nothing less. We are all the sum total of our choices.
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Look at all the good Obama has done for Black America

Look at how inspiring he was to his son Travyon

Yeah, say that a lot, too.



Could have been our president


What a roll model. :eusa_hand:
Some, not all, many are very good people.
That is very true.

But there is a category of Blacks whose genetically inbred dysfunctional nature and their innate hatred of Whites, whom they hold totally responsible for their hopeless reality, remains the root cause of the current social phenomenon generically referred to as racism. While it seems simplistically offensive to refer to a variety of American citizens as good Blacks and bad Blacks, this nonetheless defines the situation.

While telling of the Zimmerman/Martin tale typically begins with Zimmerman following Martin to observe his actions, the story actually does not begin there. It begins with a veritable wave of intrusive crimes in the community where Zimmerman lives, most (if not all) of which were, according to witnesses, perpetrated by young Black males (bad Blacks). So if Martin truly was, as many are insisting he was, a decent, law-abiding young man (A good Black), there is no question that what happened to him ultimately was the result of the actions of bad Blacks.

And therein lies the tale of what is perceived as racism in contemporary America.

Let me correct my statement, I should have said "most" are very good people. Your genetic theory is BS, as with all bad actors, the behavior is learned and their actions are choices, nothing more, nothing less. We are all the sum total of our choices.

But homosexuality is genetic?
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
― Jesse Jackson

I guess that demonstrates that he in some respect, does speak out about "black on black" crime.

I want all of you wingnuts to keep talking like this publicly. Right up into November 2014.


Interestingly, you avoid addressing the statistics with specificity.

Why is that?

It's a akin to the ever-present claims of racism when no specific evidence is offered...but you're just SURE it's racism. Like when Jesse Jackson claimed we're a racist nation and was asked to point to one example of institutionalized racism. He could not, but claim it's there anyway...the "Because I say so" argument...:doubt:

Why the avoidance/denial of facts? What are you afraid of?
It is prudent to be cautious around blacks.

It's prudent to be cautious period, no matter the race.

You do have a point on that one. :eusa_shhh: I'm always cautious as you never know when some thug is going to do something.

My concern is with people telling me that I should exclude blacks from that list.

I've been carjacked once. I've had a ride by snatcher take a bag of dog poop out of my hands on a bicycle. Both times it was a mexican. Don't trust anyone.
It's prudent to be cautious period, no matter the race.

You do have a point on that one. :eusa_shhh: I'm always cautious as you never know when some thug is going to do something.

My concern is with people telling me that I should exclude blacks from that list.

I've been carjacked once. I've had a ride by snatcher take a bag of dog poop out of my hands on a bicycle. Both times it was a mexican. Don't trust anyone.

in junior high a mexican gang banger put a knife to my face and threatened to cut me up solely because i was a white boy

true story
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
― Jesse Jackson

I guess that demonstrates that he in some respect, does speak out about "black on black" crime.

i suppose so....i wonder why he didn't protest OJ's verdict and make a big stink about it....seems to me he only cares if the person dead is black...he could give a rat's patooey if the dead person is white
and wonder with statistics like these if the odds are in favor that YOU would be one of the following:

1) Being black and walking towards me I would be aware that:
Blacks are (7) seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and
(8) eight times more likely to commit robbery.

2) And if you hand your hands in your hoodie, since
Blacks are (3) three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.

3) and knowing that Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa,
and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
I would definitely 35 years ago look at you very suspiciously!!!!

4) (45%) Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

5) Blacks are seven times more likely to go to prison, Hispanics three times, and the reason is clear,
because from 1980 to 2003 the US incarceration rate has tripled, and so proves that Justice is not only hard won, but well served.

Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz | Examiner.com

SO Obama YES I would be the vast majority of people "BLACKS" included that would be nervous if especially at night, YOU
would be walking towards me wearing a hoodie, your hand in your pocket and if I stopped you as a neighborhood watch volunteer
and ask you some simply question AND YOU JUMPED ME beating my head (visible damages!!) I would be probably if living
in the neighborhood been a lot like the Hispanic Zimmerman!

SO Obama once again you've done more harm then good! It's too bad you've not learned in the past 35 years you can't do as
you said in "Dreams of My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

You obviously aren't TRICKING US NOW are you???

From your link:

"Verification of these claims comes from the sources below, extrapolation methods are verified by the New Century Foundation, "

The New Century Foundation, founded November 1990 and based in Oakton, Virginia, is a "self-styled think tank that publishes a monthly journal and a Web site called American Renaissance. Also hosts biannual conferences. The Foundation promotes pseudoscientific and questionably researched and argued studies to validate the superiority of whites."[1]

The Foundation is headed by Samuel Jared Taylor, "author of Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America, a 1991 book that documented fundamental problems with U.S. policies on civil rights, crime and welfare. ... But Mr. Taylor was criticized as an advocate of 'the new white racism' by conservative author Dinesh D'Souza, whose 1995 book The End of Racism reported many of the same racial problems Mr. Taylor had examined in his earlier book."[2]

New Century Foundation - SourceWatch
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Some, not all, many are very good people.
That is very true.

But there is a category of Blacks whose genetically inbred dysfunctional nature and their innate hatred of Whites, whom they hold totally responsible for their hopeless reality, remains the root cause of the current social phenomenon generically referred to as racism. While it seems simplistically offensive to refer to a variety of American citizens as good Blacks and bad Blacks, this nonetheless defines the situation.

While telling of the Zimmerman/Martin tale typically begins with Zimmerman following Martin to observe his actions, the story actually does not begin there. It begins with a veritable wave of intrusive crimes in the community where Zimmerman lives, most (if not all) of which were, according to witnesses, perpetrated by young Black males (bad Blacks). So if Martin truly was, as many are insisting he was, a decent, law-abiding young man (A good Black), there is no question that what happened to him ultimately was the result of the actions of bad Blacks.

And therein lies the tale of what is perceived as racism in contemporary America.

Let me correct my statement, I should have said "most" are very good people. Your genetic theory is BS, as with all bad actors, the behavior is learned and their actions are choices, nothing more, nothing less. We are all the sum total of our choices.

Consider the genetic lineage of Barack Obama which includes a father who was an educated, accomplished African whose own history was not rooted in enslavement and systematic mistreatment by Whites. His mother is White, educated, motivated, with roots deriving from successful forebears. Obama's genes carried him to the Presidency.

Now consider the average Jim Johnson whose lineage began with plantation slaves and managed to survive passage through generation after generation of bastardy via illiterate social misfits, whores, pimps, thieves and killers of every stripe and infused with a naturally occurring fear of and loathing for White society and White people imprinted on his DNA.

Generation upon generation of repetitive shaping are what our genes comprise. If you doubt what I'm saying do yourself a favor and read, The Autobiography of Malcolm X (as told to Alex Haley), Soul on Ice, by Eldridge Cleaver, and In The Belly of The Beast, by Jack Henry Abbott.

You are right about behavior being learned. But when something is learned via repetitive generational progression it becomes genetic and the only way to alter the imprint is via an equally impressive progression of genetic conditioning toward the desired characteristics.
You do have a point on that one. :eusa_shhh: I'm always cautious as you never know when some thug is going to do something.

My concern is with people telling me that I should exclude blacks from that list.

I've been carjacked once. I've had a ride by snatcher take a bag of dog poop out of my hands on a bicycle. Both times it was a mexican. Don't trust anyone.

in junior high a mexican gang banger put a knife to my face and threatened to cut me up solely because i was a white boy

true story

Oh I believe it! I've seen too much. Lost too many friends, white and black to mexicans.
It is prudent to be cautious around blacks.

It's prudent to be cautious period, no matter the race.

You do have a point on that one. :eusa_shhh: I'm always cautious as you never know when some thug is going to do something.

My concern is with people telling me that I should exclude blacks from that list.

I would never tell you to eliminate any race or demographic from the list. As a person who takes their dogs for a walk @ 4:50am ; I can tell you there are weirdos in almost every demographic! We have a lot of transients in our area because it's also a vacation spot, so I run into people from fellow walkers and joggers, to really sketchy looking people of all backgrounds. So when I come up on the sketchy ones, I'm not looking for what race they are (save being able to formulate a description) , I'm looking at how they carry themselves. I look at their hands first, body movement, and I see if they make eye contact. If they make eye contact, I will give them a greeting; "good morning", "morning", "hi", etc. . For instance; I passed by a young black male today who didn't make eye contact and I took note of that. Shortly thereafter; I realized that I messed up and had on two different sneakers (both were black but with different laces) because I put them on in the dark. So, to prevent embarrassment I turned to go back home and I can swear, that i saw a guy who fit his description riding on a bicycle, possible one that he may have stolen. I wasn't totally sure so I didn't call the police, but his initial reaction when I passed him by told me to look out for him. It wasn't because of his "race", it was because they way he acted............................

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