Obama! 35 years ago I a white would look at you...

I doubt that Obama Sr was his father. It was likely that it was Davis.
Possible. In which case the genetic influence would still apply.

All I know about Davis is he was a writer with strong political sophistication, the influence of which would apply in Obama's example.
That is very true.

But there is a category of Blacks whose genetically inbred dysfunctional nature and their innate hatred of Whites, whom they hold totally responsible for their hopeless reality, remains the root cause of the current social phenomenon generically referred to as racism. While it seems simplistically offensive to refer to a variety of American citizens as good Blacks and bad Blacks, this nonetheless defines the situation.

While telling of the Zimmerman/Martin tale typically begins with Zimmerman following Martin to observe his actions, the story actually does not begin there. It begins with a veritable wave of intrusive crimes in the community where Zimmerman lives, most (if not all) of which were, according to witnesses, perpetrated by young Black males (bad Blacks). So if Martin truly was, as many are insisting he was, a decent, law-abiding young man (A good Black), there is no question that what happened to him ultimately was the result of the actions of bad Blacks.

And therein lies the tale of what is perceived as racism in contemporary America.

Let me correct my statement, I should have said "most" are very good people. Your genetic theory is BS, as with all bad actors, the behavior is learned and their actions are choices, nothing more, nothing less. We are all the sum total of our choices.

Consider the genetic lineage of Barack Obama which includes a father who was an educated, accomplished African whose own history was not rooted in enslavement and systematic mistreatment by Whites. His mother is White, educated, motivated, with roots deriving from successful forebears. Obama's genes carried him to the Presidency.

Now consider the average Jim Johnson whose lineage began with plantation slaves and managed to survive passage through generation after generation of bastardy via illiterate social misfits, whores, pimps, thieves and killers of every stripe and infused with a naturally occurring fear of and loathing for White society and White people imprinted on his DNA.

Generation upon generation of repetitive shaping are what our genes comprise. If you doubt what I'm saying do yourself a favor and read, The Autobiography of Malcolm X (as told to Alex Haley), Soul on Ice, by Eldridge Cleaver, and In The Belly of The Beast, by Jack Henry Abbott.

You are right about behavior being learned. But when something is learned via repetitive generational progression it becomes genetic and the only way to alter the imprint is via an equally impressive progression of genetic conditioning toward the desired characteristics.

I don't think it's genes, I think that it's nature vs nurture. Here's an example; I think that it would be interesting to compare the success rate of Black people who emigrated here voluntarily (West Indians for example) to Black people whose ancestors were bought here involuntarily. I think it would be interesting to compare the demographic and social situation of two peoples that were really oppressed here; the Native Americans and the Blacks who are descended from slaves here in America.
It is very interesting when it comes to black violent crimes there seems to be an acceptance that is the nurture i.e. behavior modification, i.e. the environment that blacks grow up in... YET when it comes to homosexuality.. OH NO... can't be the growing predominance of acceptance of gay behavior! The "I've gotta be me" explanation is desperately trying to find the magic "gay gene"!

I am NOT black bashing nor am I "gay bashing".. just stating an evidently unstated proposition that is this:
It is OK to blame "slave owning" genetics for Black violent crimes .. BUT NOT OK to see "behavior modification" has been the major affect on growing homosexual acceptance.
35 years ago Obama was dating a white woman and going out with white friends.

That is very true.

But there is a category of Blacks whose genetically inbred dysfunctional nature and their innate hatred of Whites, whom they hold totally responsible for their hopeless reality, remains the root cause of the current social phenomenon generically referred to as racism. While it seems simplistically offensive to refer to a variety of American citizens as good Blacks and bad Blacks, this nonetheless defines the situation.

While telling of the Zimmerman/Martin tale typically begins with Zimmerman following Martin to observe his actions, the story actually does not begin there. It begins with a veritable wave of intrusive crimes in the community where Zimmerman lives, most (if not all) of which were, according to witnesses, perpetrated by young Black males (bad Blacks). So if Martin truly was, as many are insisting he was, a decent, law-abiding young man (A good Black), there is no question that what happened to him ultimately was the result of the actions of bad Blacks.

And therein lies the tale of what is perceived as racism in contemporary America.

Let me correct my statement, I should have said "most" are very good people. Your genetic theory is BS, as with all bad actors, the behavior is learned and their actions are choices, nothing more, nothing less. We are all the sum total of our choices.

But homosexuality is genetic?

Please show me the quote where I've said that. No hurry, I'll wait.
35 years ago, I was working with Black, White, Hispanic, and Asian men and women in serving this Country.

All any of us cared about was getting the job done, not who had what color skin. We knew that the one Black guy was the best with the radios, that one of the Hispanics was the best with the Hydraulics, that one of the women was best with the safety gear, and that one of the Whites was best with the Radar.

We went to work, worked hard all day and drank hard that night. That bottle of whiskey that got passed around didn't care what color of lips were put to it... and neither did we.

If one of us had work, we all had work. No one went home until we were all done.

This was the way we worked for a long time until they came out with manditory race classes where we learned that only men could be sexist and only whites could be racist. That is the way it remained for nearly 20 years. It was that long before the Military officially admitted in it's training that Blacks and Hispanics could also be racist and that women could be sexist.
35 years ago, I was working with Black, White, Hispanic, and Asian men and women in serving this Country.

All any of us cared about was getting the job done, not who had what color skin. We knew that the one Black guy was the best with the radios, that one of the Hispanics was the best with the Hydraulics, that one of the women was best with the safety gear, and that one of the Whites was best with the Radar.

We went to work, worked hard all day and drank hard that night. That bottle of whiskey that got passed around didn't care what color of lips were put to it... and neither did we.

If one of us had work, we all had work. No one went home until we were all done.

This was the way we worked for a long time until they came out with manditory race classes where we learned that only men could be sexist and only whites could be racist. That is the way it remained for nearly 20 years. It was that long before the Military officially admitted in it's training that Blacks and Hispanics could also be racist and that women could be sexist.

Ditto here USAF Vet...
35 years ago, I was working with Black, White, Hispanic, and Asian men and women in serving this Country.

All any of us cared about was getting the job done, not who had what color skin. We knew that the one Black guy was the best with the radios, that one of the Hispanics was the best with the Hydraulics, that one of the women was best with the safety gear, and that one of the Whites was best with the Radar.

We went to work, worked hard all day and drank hard that night. That bottle of whiskey that got passed around didn't care what color of lips were put to it... and neither did we.

If one of us had work, we all had work. No one went home until we were all done.

This was the way we worked for a long time until they came out with manditory race classes where we learned that only men could be sexist and only whites could be racist. That is the way it remained for nearly 20 years. It was that long before the Military officially admitted in it's training that Blacks and Hispanics could also be racist and that women could be sexist.

I am a former iowan that in the 50s with less the 2% of the population black my cousin married a black and had a baby.
I'll never forget my WHITE grandmother holding the baby and lovingly stroking his hair! She loved him as we all did.
That was 60 years ago.
Then in the 70s I moved to Texas had had a black business partner.
In the 80s and 90s I had several "black" bosses.
And during all that time.. never had any fear of them except I might be fired!
And now I live in Florida an area when I'm a minority!
I am constantly appalled at the "racist" attitudes of the Sharptons,Jacksons,Obamas who seem to ignore the biggest elephant..
that BLACKs are killing off themselves.. have the most abortions and less then 27% are marrying having kids!
These "black Leaders" are ignoring the REASONS people lock their car doors as many blacks do when they see something
that has evidence of potential harm!

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