Obama, a Republican in disguise

Again, I am not defending their Obama, my claim is he is a blue dawg extension of the Bush administration.

Corporate subsidies
Patriot act
Etc etc
I am not making a joke or trying to promote some partisan agenda.

My point is that Obama made a substantial number of progressive proposals in 2008. Yet after taking office he continued and/or expanded many of his predecessors foreign and domestic policies.

He has not been the progressive champion that many including myself thought he would be. No raise in minimum wage, no single payer healthcare, no end to the Bush wars, no cutting of corporate welfare, no real infrastructure money, no closing of Gitmo, etc etc.
I am not making a joke or trying to promote some partisan agenda.

My point is that Obama made a substantial number of progressive proposals in 2008. Yet after taking office he continued and/or expanded many of his predecessors foreign and domestic policies.

He has not been the progressive champion that many including myself thought he would be. No raise in minimum wage, no single payer healthcare, no end to the Bush wars, no cutting of corporate welfare, no real infrastructure money, no closing of Gitmo, etc etc.
obama has been trying hard for many of those things but you understand the president isn't unlimited in power? How that made you run to the GOP is still a mystery though.
I will accept that Obama can't do it alone. That is very true.

But I have heard repeatedly that he is a socialist who wants to redistribute wealth to poor people when he has clearly done the opposite
I am not making a joke or trying to promote some partisan agenda.

My point is that Obama made a substantial number of progressive proposals in 2008. Yet after taking office he continued and/or expanded many of his predecessors foreign and domestic policies.

He has not been the progressive champion that many including myself thought he would be. No raise in minimum wage, no single payer healthcare, no end to the Bush wars, no cutting of corporate welfare, no real infrastructure money, no closing of Gitmo, etc etc.
obama has been trying hard for many of those things but you understand the president isn't unlimited in power? How that made you run to the GOP is still a mystery though.

I did not run to the GoP, I left the GoP for Obama then came back to the GoP in 2012 because he is a fraud. He is a blue dawg who sold us a lie of a progressive agenda
I am not making a joke or trying to promote some partisan agenda.

My point is that Obama made a substantial number of progressive proposals in 2008. Yet after taking office he continued and/or expanded many of his predecessors foreign and domestic policies.

He has not been the progressive champion that many including myself thought he would be. No raise in minimum wage, no single payer healthcare, no end to the Bush wars, no cutting of corporate welfare, no real infrastructure money, no closing of Gitmo, etc etc.
obama has been trying hard for many of those things but you understand the president isn't unlimited in power? How that made you run to the GOP is still a mystery though.

I did not run to the GoP, I left the GoP for Obama then came back to the GoP in 2012 because he is a fraud. He is a blue dawg who sold us a lie of a progressive agenda
That doesn't help.
In 2008 I voted for Barack Obama hoping for a change that never came. All the progressive promises and proposals never came true. In 2012 I returned to the Republican party because I was tired of being lied to, Obama was never a progressive who wanted to change anything.

The income inequality under Reagan, Clinton and Bush that he campaigned to fix was a lie. All he did was give billions to corporations and banks, with no relief for the middle class.

The war he was going to end never ended. He continued the campaign in Mesopotamia. He expanded our drone war that Bush began. He didn't end torture of detainees, he just found an end run around the problem with rendition. We still have thousands of troops in Afghanistan. We tried regime change in Libya.

On civil liberties Obama allowed Bush's patriot act to be reauthorized.

On climate change he failed us miserably. From 2008 til 2015 domestic oil and gas production soared and the price of dirty fuel plunged to 15 year lows.

Obama has in no way been a champion of liberal principles. He has been an extension of George Bush
I voted for Obama in the 08 primary simply because I was sure he'd disillusion the liberals. Of course I didn't vote for him in a general. LOL
Anyone who thinks Obama is a socialist is a person whose head hurts all the time.
I am not making a joke or trying to promote some partisan agenda.

My point is that Obama made a substantial number of progressive proposals in 2008. Yet after taking office he continued and/or expanded many of his predecessors foreign and domestic policies.

He has not been the progressive champion that many including myself thought he would be. No raise in minimum wage, no single payer healthcare, no end to the Bush wars, no cutting of corporate welfare, no real infrastructure money, no closing of Gitmo, etc etc.

You claimed to be a republican at one time yet you're for socialized medicine and wealth redistribution.
You dont pass the smell test.
It is a deep fryer, and HWGA is charge of those at his local Burger King.

He believes you are a threat.
I am not making a joke or trying to promote some partisan agenda.

My point is that Obama made a substantial number of progressive proposals in 2008. Yet after taking office he continued and/or expanded many of his predecessors foreign and domestic policies.

He has not been the progressive champion that many including myself thought he would be. No raise in minimum wage, no single payer healthcare, no end to the Bush wars, no cutting of corporate welfare, no real infrastructure money, no closing of Gitmo, etc etc.

You claimed to be a republican at one time yet you're for socialized medicine and wealth redistribution.
You dont pass the smell test.

Obama promised it and didn't deliver, he is for it

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