Obama: "A shameful day in Washington"

I found this comment by Obama really disturbing. Polls not the Second Amendment count to this man.

Noting polls that showed 90% support for such a measure, Obama called it a "pretty shameful day for Washington" and wondered of Congress: "Who are we here to represent?"

Just as disturbing Reid again citing the will of the people; not the Second Amendment.

Reid earlier warned Republicans that the strong majority of Americans who support expanded background checks won't forget votes against the Manchin-Toomey compromise.

"The American people ... have a long, long memory," he said.

Actually the whole article is disturbing. "Vigilance" will be the word of the future for all Constitution lovers.

Senate rejects expanded gun background checks - CNN.com

I am trying to get the full text of this bill. If it only extended the background checks to gun shows and internet deals, as it said, I would not be against it.

I'm sorry the expansion of background checks from what I've read was just the first step on the pathway to a full Federal Gun Registry. I just spent years up here in Canada working to get in a Conservative Majority to repeal our long gun registry.

It was a billion dollar boondoggle that penalized joe six pack by levying all sorts of extra fees with the registry aka taxes on the law abiding citizens of Canada.

Meanwhile criminals never registered their guns. And violent gun crime continued despite the registry. Thank heavens the long gun registry is now history.
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I am trying to get the full text of this bill. If it only extended the background checks to gun shows and internet deals, as it said, I would not be against it.

Its on Mancheons website (sp).

Can you link, I don't get any google results from "mancheon"

PM'ed it to ya, but you can see it here to-

Its funny, the twerps who wanted this SOOOOOO bad, dont have a single clue whats in it. And when they do, they will never admit that it was nothing more then feel good legacy building. The authors of the bill all but admit it. I linked it, read it then pleas point out exactly where anything in there would have done anything to save one child's life, or anyone's life for that matter.
First, they did not all agree this was the thing to do, second, if you are willing to be a useful idiot then you need to be ready to take your lumps.

GOPers, you're loud & clear: Newtows are A-OK. We gotcha.

Why don't you share with the rest of the class how you feel this bill would have stopped Adam Lanza?

The burden of proof is on the right to prove why he and his stupid mom should have been allowed to have the guns they had.

The next mass murder is the GOP's fault. Mark it down.
GOPers, you're loud & clear: Newtows are A-OK. We gotcha.

Why don't you share with the rest of the class how you feel this bill would have stopped Adam Lanza?

The burden of proof is on the right to prove why he and his stupid mom should have been allowed to have the guns they had.

The next mass murder is the GOP's fault. Mark it down.

Was there any signs that would of warned us that he shouldn't of?
Why don't you share with the rest of the class how you feel this bill would have stopped Adam Lanza?

The burden of proof is on the right to prove why he and his stupid mom should have been allowed to have the guns they had.

The next mass murder is the GOP's fault. Mark it down.

Was there any signs that would of warned us that he shouldn't of?

Yes, like "I would like to buy an AR-15" when you live in a cushy rich neighborhood in Connecticut. That to me is a red flag. Just saying. Having a weapon like that in her circumstances was not justifiable and could only lead to an awful conclusion, which it did. I blame Nancy, Adam and the NRA.
Reid earlier warned Republicans that the strong majority of Americans who support expanded background checks won't forget votes against the Manchin-Toomey compromise.
"The American people ... have a long, long memory," he said.
That's what also is said about elephants, that elephants never forget. Given the opportunity I expect elephants would also support gun control. :)
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GOPers, you're loud & clear: Newtows are A-OK. We gotcha.

Why don't you share with the rest of the class how you feel this bill would have stopped Adam Lanza?

The burden of proof is on the right to prove why he and his stupid mom should have been allowed to have the guns they had.

The next mass murder is the GOP's fault. Mark it down.

The claim that the "burden of proof" is on or should be on the purchasers is

wrong and kind of just plain silly.

The proponent of the claim that Lanza's mother should not have been allowed to possess such weapons is on the ones making that claim -- and making the claim DESPITE the 2nd Amendment at that.
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The burden of proof is on the right to prove why he and his stupid mom should have been allowed to have the guns they had.

The next mass murder is the GOP's fault. Mark it down.

Was there any signs that would of warned us that he shouldn't of?

Yes, like "I would like to buy an AR-15" when you live in a cushy rich neighborhood in Connecticut. That to me is a red flag. Just saying. Having a weapon like that in her circumstances was not justifiable and could only lead to an awful conclusion, which it did. I blame Nancy, Adam and the NRA.

So only people who live in low income neighborhoods should be allowed guns?
It does my heart good to see you so pissed about this. A sure indicator that the right decision was made.

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