Obama absolutely determined to drive up the cost of energy. Freezes new coal leases on federal land


Meanwhile, on Planet Earth......


Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.
What' a barrel of oil now?
This thread is about coal & regulations not the fact that a war between frackers & opec have driven down the cost of oil despite Obama's best efforts.
You said "the cost of energy"...and now you want to ignore oil costs. Last I looked, Oil was in the energy equation.
Oil is PART of it and as I said it is low DESPITE Obama.

Can you EVER post on topic? Reread the op & try again.

You don't know what you're talking about.
It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.

Renewable energy is not reliable, cost effective, available or reasonable for the vast majority of the US. Obama's mistakes are going to seriously effect the economy for over a decade.

That's what was once said about the airplane and the horseless carriage.
It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.

Renewable energy is not reliable, cost effective, available or reasonable for the vast majority of the US. Obama's mistakes are going to seriously effect the economy for over a decade.

That's what was once said about the airplane and the horseless carriage.

What does that have to do with this?
It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.

Renewable energy is not reliable, cost effective, available or reasonable for the vast majority of the US. Obama's mistakes are going to seriously effect the economy for over a decade.

That's what was once said about the airplane and the horseless carriage.

What does that have to do with this?

The value of Boldy Asserted Predictions.....
It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.

Renewable energy is not reliable, cost effective, available or reasonable for the vast majority of the US. Obama's mistakes are going to seriously effect the economy for over a decade.

That's what was once said about the airplane and the horseless carriage.

What does that have to do with this?

If you're going to say that renewable energy can't be used then you're admitting that the world will eventually have no energy.
You want cheap energy that is cleaner than coal or oil--try natural gas.

We have a plethora of it
It will become cheaper the more we use it.
Power plants for it already exists
Can help us escape our oil dependence.

So why is it that neither the right nor left want to expand on this?
It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.

Translation: coal and oil are cheap, potent, dependable and convenient sources of energy as opposed to "renewables" which are weak, expensive, intermittent and inconvenient.
It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.

Translation: coal and oil are cheap, potent, dependable and convenient sources of energy as opposed to "renewables" which are weak, expensive, intermittent and inconvenient.

Coal is a renewable energy source, plants are busy renewing coal deposits as we speak.
I wonder how many mountains of the Appalachian Mountains have been destroyed by mountain top coal mining?
"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth." Revelations 11:18

They aren't mountains. They're just big hills.
Have you ever been to an environmentally unstable area , because of coal or oil.
Go look for yourself.
They leave a catastrophe and leave without responsibility or little responsibility.

It is about time that this country looks and starts aggressively using renewable energy sources.
Coal and oil have had a strangle hold on this country for to long.


This is about MONEY in the end. Coal from federal lands currently owe the government about 13 cents on the dollar for royalties. They want to increase that dramatically but need a reason. Can you think of a reason? I can.......GOOBER WARMING

Raising the fees won't stop GOOBER WARMING but it will fatten the government's bank account.

Never heard of such a thing. What is an "environmentally unstable area?"

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.

You obviously have no clue what you're talking about as energy prices have fallen considerably during Obama's term in office.

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.

People talk about Obama and coal as if he's some kind of environmentalist who hates fossil fuels. But really, Obama loves the hydrocarbons. Under Obama the United States has become the largest oil producer in the world.

Obama doesn't care about the environment. He cares about rich and powerful friends.

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.

People talk about Obama and coal as if he's some kind of environmentalist who hates fossil fuels. But really, Obama loves the hydrocarbons. Under Obama the United States has become the largest oil producer in the world.

Obama doesn't care about the environment. He cares about rich and powerful friends.
All nonsensical gibberish of course but whatever dumbass

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.

People talk about Obama and coal as if he's some kind of environmentalist who hates fossil fuels. But really, Obama loves the hydrocarbons. Under Obama the United States has become the largest oil producer in the world.

Obama doesn't care about the environment. He cares about rich and powerful friends.
All nonsensical gibberish of course but whatever dumbass

You know Gramps, fuck off. What the fuck have I done to you, eh? Are you in a bad mood? Are you tired or something? Well me too. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this one time that maybe your piss poor attitude is coming from something I won't know about and kindly ask you to stop being a cocksucker.

If you wanted me to explain my point, all you had to do was ask. Here it is:

The right and the left are both wrong about Obama when it comes to his attitude towards coal vs the environment. The right thinks he wants to kill coal because he's a liberal envirowhacko, and they hate him for that. The left thinks he's some kind of champion for Mother Earth and the love him for it. Truth is that Obama is no more concerned about the environment than he is about Wall Street supposedly killing the middle class.

Evidence? Let's look at Obama's ties with big wigs on Wall Street, the campaign funds he's received, and the fact that that Obama hasn't lifted a finger to attempt to stop everything that has led to the US becoming the world's largest producer of oil in the world. If Obama was so much of a damn tree hugger that he wanted to kill the coal industry, why would he be simultaneously letting the US oil industry become world rank 1? And largely thanks to fracking, no less?

Are we really going to sit here and believe that Obama is so anti-coal because he thinks environmentalism is a noble cause? Or does it make more sense with less assumptions to envision Obama being bought and paid for by big oil and doing their bidding, to include trying to throttle a competitor industry?
I love that Iamawhosure is hoping for an economic downturn so a Republican can win the WH......and doesn't care who knows it. Oops!

Just as all left wingers, you are lying, lol. I am not HOPING for a downturn, I am predicting a downturn. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict that, most experts are saying the same thing.

Agreeing with what most economists say, and hoping something happens, is 2 very different things.

Your ridiculous statement is akin to me proclaiming that "you want California to sink into the ocean to prove global warming."

This is how the left operates people. They haven't a leg to stand on, so they misdirect.

Want to determine the social impact of coal use on our nation and take about 3 years to do so.

Just more proof that too much power resides at the top. Legislation desperately needs to be drafted to reign in the power of future presidents.

You obviously have no clue what you're talking about as energy prices have fallen considerably during Obama's term in office.

Ahhhhhh, the typical refrain from the left, lol.

Energy is a commodity, and the less it is required, the lower the price goes, hehehehe.

You know this, or why you even trying to carry on an educated conversation? And why has the demand dropped? Because commodities are used MORE when economies are running strong.

TRANSLATION---------> Kinda shoots in the foot how well the economy of this country and the world are doing, now doesn't it! I know, I know, the facts are against YOUR narrative, but so is almost everything else you people say, so why should this statement of yours, be any different than the rest of your fantasy land goobldy-gook lol!

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