Obama Admin May Extend Plans Canceled by Obamacare for 3 Years


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Basically, for just after the 2016 elections. Yes folks, yes they will get away with this too.

Retreat: Obama Admin May Extend Plans Canceled by Obamacare for 3 Years | Mediaite

This is either a glaring admission of defeat from the White House or… no, that’s really all it could be.

After weeks of defending the cancellation of health plans insurers discontinued in 2013 in order to comply with the Affordable Care Act’s coverage mandates, the White House announced in November of last year that it was urging insurers to reinstate those plans. The catch was, of course, that most insurers would be unable to turn on a dime and reinstate those plans. Furthermore, the administration allowed individual states leeway to determine whether or not they would even allow insurers to reinstate those cancelled plans.

President Barack Obama’s maneuver was more of a political solution than a policy fix, and a temporary one at that. But that appears to be changing.

“Avalere Health CEO Dan Mendelson said Thursday that the administration may let policyholders keep that coverage for an additional three years,” the AP reported on Thursday.

While Mendelson apparently stressed that “no decision has been made” and that this suggestion arose as the result of “informal discussions” with the administration, this is merely the latest float that should terrify insurers who are increasingly on the hook for the added costs associated with covering the sick and infirmed without being able to compensate for those losses with additional revenues from the healthy.

RELATED: President Obama Announces ‘Keep Your Plan’ Fix: Permit One Year Extension of Cancelled Plans

The AP confirmed that this bombshell did not merely arise from Mendelson falling to accurately relate his conversation with Obama administration officials. Aetna Chief Financial Officer Shawn Guertin confirmed that he was also aware that the White House was considering a three year reprieve for those who lost their plans as a result of the ACA.

This AP report also includes an oblique reference to the ever-looming spiral of death, in which insurers are forced to boost premium rates to a point that forces more healthy people off of the exchanges – a self-perpetuating cycle.

“Now the administration is considering adding more years to this extension to avoid another wave of problems if rates on the exchange climb too high and people are left without an affordable coverage option,” the AP writes. “Health insurers are supposed to submit by May the rates they want to charge on the exchanges next year.”

If the White House pulls the trigger on this, they may mitigate the damage the ACA is doing to the Democrats’ political brand. Perhaps they will even be able to save the Senate majority. But the stability of the ACA will be imperiled, the sense of permanence surrounding the law will be greatly reduced, and the likelihood that the law will be vulnerable to repeal when Obama leaves the White House will increase.

If you like your plan, it just might turn out that you really can keep it.
No only is this an admission that obozocare is a failure it is also illegal as hell. Obozo is again simply rewriting laws. Insurance companies that go along with this will be sued for billions for offering insurance that is obviously illegal.
If Obama felt so strongly about his signature achievement....
He would just enforce it as written....
The more he hands out waivers and exemptions and enforces some of it and does not other parts
of it tells us he realizes it's a clusterfuck!.
If Obama felt so strongly about his signature achievement....
He would just enforce it as written....
The more he hands out waivers and exemptions and enforces some of it and does not other parts
of it tells us he realizes it's a clusterfuck!.

Something like 1500 businesses paid the democrats to give them an exemption from obozocare. Also lots of unions and religious groups and indian tribes. And yet the democrats call it the "law of the land".
The plans weren't cancelled by the ACA.

The insurance companies chose to drop the plans rather than increase their benefits and raise the premiums.
Neither a failure nor illegal.

Lot of kinks that the GOP gets to work out in 2017 and beyond.

It won't be ended.
Repeat: Obamacare didn't order thataany plans be cancelled. That was not a requirement of the ACA.

The insurance companies chose to do this, rather than update the plans to meet the requirements of the ACA.
Repeat: Obamacare didn't order thataany plans be cancelled. That was not a requirement of the ACA.

The insurance companies chose to do this, rather than update the plans to meet the requirements of the ACA.

So you do agree then that the plans were cancelled because of ObamaCare....
That's exactly the way I see it...
Basically, for just after the 2016 elections. Yes folks, yes they will get away with this too.

Retreat: Obama Admin May Extend Plans Canceled by Obamacare for 3 Years | Mediaite

This is either a glaring admission of defeat from the White House or… no, that’s really all it could be.

After weeks of defending the cancellation of health plans insurers discontinued in 2013 in order to comply with the Affordable Care Act’s coverage mandates, the White House announced in November of last year that it was urging insurers to reinstate those plans. The catch was, of course, that most insurers would be unable to turn on a dime and reinstate those plans. Furthermore, the administration allowed individual states leeway to determine whether or not they would even allow insurers to reinstate those cancelled plans.

President Barack Obama’s maneuver was more of a political solution than a policy fix, and a temporary one at that. But that appears to be changing.

“Avalere Health CEO Dan Mendelson said Thursday that the administration may let policyholders keep that coverage for an additional three years,” the AP reported on Thursday.

While Mendelson apparently stressed that “no decision has been made” and that this suggestion arose as the result of “informal discussions” with the administration, this is merely the latest float that should terrify insurers who are increasingly on the hook for the added costs associated with covering the sick and infirmed without being able to compensate for those losses with additional revenues from the healthy.

RELATED: President Obama Announces ‘Keep Your Plan’ Fix: Permit One Year Extension of Cancelled Plans

The AP confirmed that this bombshell did not merely arise from Mendelson falling to accurately relate his conversation with Obama administration officials. Aetna Chief Financial Officer Shawn Guertin confirmed that he was also aware that the White House was considering a three year reprieve for those who lost their plans as a result of the ACA.

This AP report also includes an oblique reference to the ever-looming spiral of death, in which insurers are forced to boost premium rates to a point that forces more healthy people off of the exchanges – a self-perpetuating cycle.

“Now the administration is considering adding more years to this extension to avoid another wave of problems if rates on the exchange climb too high and people are left without an affordable coverage option,” the AP writes. “Health insurers are supposed to submit by May the rates they want to charge on the exchanges next year.”

If the White House pulls the trigger on this, they may mitigate the damage the ACA is doing to the Democrats’ political brand. Perhaps they will even be able to save the Senate majority. But the stability of the ACA will be imperiled, the sense of permanence surrounding the law will be greatly reduced, and the likelihood that the law will be vulnerable to repeal when Obama leaves the White House will increase.

If you like your plan, it just might turn out that you really can keep it.

New Mexico insurors had already trashed their old policies and written new ones to accommodate ACA. And when the temporary extension was issued before, they announced that it just wasn't feasible to go through the expense of rewriting them again for just a few months. So those who lost their insurance plans had no option but go with the Obamacare plans that many people simply cannot afford and most of which are far less satisfactory and affordable than the old plans were.

Don't know if Obama has enough smoke and mirrors to fool even his most gullible constituency on this one, but we'll see how it goes.
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An extension would be an admittance of what a colossal cluster fuck BarryCare turned out to be under the guiding leadership of our president who's never guided or led a damn thing in his life other than community agitating.
This is crystal clear.

Obama doesn't want to suffer the side-effects of his own law. He has 3 years left and he wants to push the damage till after he leaves office.

He also wants the credit for doing it. He conveniently forgets how he and his minions thrashed and trashed the GOP when they said the ACA wasn't ready for Primetime and wanted to at least postpone it until the bugs were worked out.
The plans weren't cancelled by the ACA.

The insurance companies chose to drop the plans rather than increase their benefits and raise the premiums.

The truth has never gotten in the way of GOP lies before. Why should it start now?
opinion: that many people simply cannot afford and most of which are far less satisfactory and affordable than the old plans were.
The plans weren't cancelled by the ACA.

The insurance companies chose to drop the plans rather than increase their benefits and raise the premiums.

The truth has never gotten in the way of GOP lies before. Why should it start now?

The democrats sure love to spin the bullshit when the facts are right in your nose. Tell me what 50 year old man needs maternity care?
The plans weren't cancelled by the ACA.

The insurance companies chose to drop the plans rather than increase their benefits and raise the premiums.

The truth has never gotten in the way of GOP lies before. Why should it start now?

They voted for a bill that doesn't even exist anymore. They've changed so many parts of it after the fact that it is unrecognizable in it's current form. One of the changes they made was to change the grandfather clause which the CBO predicted would cause the cancellation of millions of policies, thus rendering invalid Obama's lie that "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance".

It was predicted that as much as 67% of the policies in force would be cancelled. The cancellations were planned by the Democrats making it easier to usher in single-payer. Playing with the lives of millions of people doesn't seem to bother them a bit.
Tell that to people with aids

(Reuters) - Hundreds of people with HIV/AIDS in Louisiana trying to obtain coverage under President Barack Obama's healthcare reform are in danger of being thrown out of the insurance plan they selected in a dispute over federal subsidies and the interpretation of federal rules about preventing Obamacare fraud

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