Obama Admin Official: Please Delete This Email


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
About all those missing emails...it's not just 20 suspicious and suicidal hard drives.

Michelle Tavenner, Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services specifically said in an emai:

"Please delete this email - but please see if we can work on a call script."

This was in an email exchanged on October 5, 2013.

An email obtained by Congress shows the top official for Healthcare.gov at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under the Department of Health and Human Services, Marilyn Tavenner, instructed the agency’s top spokesman to “Please delete this email.”
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Marilyn Tavenner

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Marilyn Tavenner

The instruction appears significant for several reasons: First, the email to be deleted included an exchange between key White House officials and CMS officials. Second, the email was dated October 5, 2013, five days into the disastrous launch of HealthCare.gov. Third, federal law requires federal officials to retain copies of –not delete– email exchanges. And fourth, the document to be deleted is covered under Congressional subpoena as well as longstanding Freedom of Information requests made by members of the media (including me)....

HHS HealthCare.gov Official: ?Delete this email? | Sharyl Attkisson

And here's the pdf of the email:

More from the article showing the Obama admin connections:

The meaning of the Tavenner email that she wanted deleted, and the reason why she issued the instruction, isn’t clear. Those copied on the email exchange to be deleted include: Jeanne Lambrew, Obama’s Director of the White House Office of Health Reform. Previously, emails obtained by the House Oversight Committee indicated Lambrew exchanged confidential taxpayer information on organizations with IRS official Sarah Hall Ingram and White House health policy advisor Ellen Montz. White House visitor logs indicate that Lambrew also hosted the vast majority of Ingram’s 165 White House visits. The IRS has been found by independent overseers to have improperly targeted and harassed conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. (Incidentally, the IRS has notified Congress that, like HHS, it has “lost” emails responsive to Congressional subpoena).

Other names included on the email to be deleted are: White House Chief Technology Officer Todd Park, White House advisor on health care Christopher Jennings, and other HHS and CMS officials.

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