Obama Admin Tells Landlords They Can’t Refuse To House Criminals

We have survived the haters like James Moore because we are Americans and better than his type of crap.

If you are offering a public service, you have to offer to everyone who is qualified.
What about rapists wanting to rent a room in a woman's home? Ex-cons don't have problems find other accommodations. This is a bullshit Obama regulation and liberals love it!
We have survived the haters like James Moore because we are Americans and better than his type of crap.

If you are offering a public service, you have to offer to everyone who is qualified.
What about rapists wanting to rent a room in a woman's home? Ex-cons don't have problems find other accommodations. This is a bullshit Obama regulation and liberals love it!
Yours is a slap out without documentation of compelling interest. The far right always acts on 'feelings', very limited on actual evidence and thought.
Ex-cons have it really hard when they've finished serving their time. I've worked with a lot of guys (and gals) who got out of prison and found the door being shut in their face for housing and for jobs. How they supposed to stay "clean" when they can't get a decent job or place to live? The federal government is one of the biggest discriminators, by the way. I think Obama's reason for this (that it's racist) is a stretch, and kind of dumb. But I do wish people would lighten up and give ex-con's a chance.

Not my problem
I have no obligation to house and employ criminals
Punish ex prisoners forever is what I alwasy say by gum

I'm not punishing them by not giving them a job or renting to them. I am protecting myself from a person with a criminal history

Why don't you let some criminal live in your house for free?
We have survived the haters like James Moore because we are Americans and better than his type of crap.

If you are offering a public service, you have to offer to everyone who is qualified.

A job is not a public service neither is an apartment
Move them into your house.

Its not for Rent

Even better. They can live there for free and get a fresh start.

Its occupied. That has nothing to do with the anti-discrimination stance tho

He, or she only needs a room. You could let him, or her stay there for a few months, for free and really give them a helluva new start.

No big deal, right?

No spare room champ

Not enough room in mommy's basement huh?
well, get ready to be sued if you own a home and don't rent to a Felon or any criminal.

this is how they chip chip chip away at our rights. this administration is filled with red boned Fascist/communist
We have survived the haters like James Moore because we are Americans and better than his type of crap.

If you are offering a public service, you have to offer to everyone who is qualified.

A job is not a public service neither is an apartment
If you hold out housing as a public business, then yeah it is a public service. Stay focused.

Me renting an apartment is not a public business

I rent out several apartments and there are ways of screening out undesirables
One is by not advertising
Another is requiring credit checks and references from past landlords
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Punish ex prisoners forever is what I alwasy say by gum

I'm not punishing them by not giving them a job or renting to them. I am protecting myself from a person with a criminal history

Why don't you let some criminal live in your house for free?

This guy doesnt understand the simple rules of being a landlord

Hey you want to tell other people they have to house criminals so put your money where your big fat mouth is
Read more: Obama Admin Tells Landlords They Can’t Refuse To House Criminals

B. Hussein's recent commutations are just more pokes in the eyes from him to this country - setting criminals, lots of them, free into communities to cause more problems to the Americans he transparently hates (the only thing he and this administration have been transparent about); and, he hates, and has contempt for, all of us, except blacks, and he hasn't done much of anything for them either except to excuse the burning and pillaging of their own communities by those blacks who take the law into their own hands rather than having the situations they are unhappy with adjudicated in courts of law. His goal has always been to take America down, brick by brick, dollar by dollar, citizen by citizen, racial unrest by racial unrest, until we are a shadow of our former strong country. Pretty hypocritical of him to let the criminals with firearms convictions out of prison early - I thought he and all libs don't like people to use those things - oh, except when people with guns are guarding him. We will survive this lying America-hater because we are Americans, but it will take quite a few generations to become whole again because of him. His permanent legacy, however, will be that he tried, but failed to ruin us and make us a third-world country. We're better than that, and he isn't.

It is this simple...democrats/left winger/regressives....are out of their f*****g minds.....they want men using the same public bathrooms as young girls, they want to force people to house violent criminals......

We can't let the insane run this country...stop voting for democrats.....
So in other words.....a person's past behavior should never be admissible when an employer or landlord is deciding whether to enter into a contract with them.

That's what libs want. Eternal amnesty from their bad behaviors.

Because they believe they will never be affected by it......the obama's never will....
End result is no one will rent property. It's already that way now, renters can literally destroy homes and walk away untouched by the law.

So all of the hard working honest people no longer have places to rent at reasonable prices.
End result is no one will rent property. It's already that way now, renters can literally destroy homes and walk away untouched by the law.

So all of the hard working honest people no longer have places to rent at reasonable prices.

No problem.....the democrats/regressives...will simply mandate how many people you must rent to by law...or have your property confiscated....or they will use tax money to buy all the rental properties, nationalize them and create even bigger ghetoes/democrat voter centers............
Punish ex prisoners forever is what I alwasy say by gum

I'm not punishing them by not giving them a job or renting to them. I am protecting myself from a person with a criminal history

Why don't you let some criminal live in your house for free?

This guy doesnt understand the simple rules of being a landlord

Hey you want to tell other people they have to house criminals so put your money where your big fat mouth is

You think landlords dont charge rent so why would I worry about your opinion :laugh2:
Ex-cons have it really hard when they've finished serving their time. I've worked with a lot of guys (and gals) who got out of prison and found the door being shut in their face for housing and for jobs. How they supposed to stay "clean" when they can't get a decent job or place to live? The federal government is one of the biggest discriminators, by the way. I think Obama's reason for this (that it's racist) is a stretch, and kind of dumb. But I do wish people would lighten up and give ex-con's a chance.
And now for the truth: 'Ex-cons' were put in prison because they committed very serious crimes. In virtually every case these people were repeatedly given many "chances".
They continued to commit crimes.
There is a stupid fucking LIB myth that tens of thousands of people in prisons were put there for fucking jaywalking or having a couple of joints on them. BULLSHIT!
Every prisoner costs the 'MAKERS!' somewhere between 30K-50K a year.
NO ONE takes up that many thousands of dollars to keep them away from innocent members of society unless they are SERIOUSLY bad people with pretty much zero chance of changing into a normal peace loving benefit to society.

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