Obama Admin Will Veto Counter-Terror Measures to Save Nuke Deal


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Secretary of State John Kerry is working to reassure Iranian leaders that recent congressional efforts to tighten counter-terrorism measures will not harm Iranian interests, according to a letter sent by Kerry to Iran’s foreign minister.

The assurances come following efforts by Congress to tighten restrictions in the visa waiver program, which they claim has gaping loopholes that may enable suspected terrorists to legally enter the United States with few background checks.

Iranian leaders expressed anger over the move in recent days, prompting senior Obama administration officials to convey their own concerns to lawmakers.

Kerry wrote to Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif late last week, promising that the Obama administration could veto these new counter-terrorism laws in order ensure Iran is not negatively impacted.

“I want to confirm to you that we remain fully committed to the sanctions lifting provided for under the [nuclear deal],” Kerry wrote Zarif in a Dec. 19 letter that came a day after the two met in person. “We will adhere to the full measure of our commitments, per the agreement. Our team is working hard to be prepared and as soon as we reach implementation day we will lift appropriate sanctions.

A copy of the letter was obtained and published by the National Iranian American Council, a pro-Iran advocacy group long suspected by critics of working on behalf of the Iranian regime.

Kerry vows to ignore new counter-terrorism measures if they impact the administration’s ability to uphold the deal. Iran in recent months has already been accused in recent months of violating the accord by testing multiple ballistic missiles that could carry a nuclear payload.

Obama Admin Will Veto Counter-Terror Measures to Save Nuke Deal


The disaster, better known as the American hating, Israel hating president obama strikes again.

Bravo to the 80% of Jewish Americans who vote for everything democrat. You continue to prove you are the disgraces that the prophets warned us about.
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Secretary of State John Kerry is working to reassure Iranian leaders that recent congressional efforts to tighten counter-terrorism measures will not harm Iranian interests, according to a letter sent by Kerry to Iran’s foreign minister.

The assurances come following efforts by Congress to tighten restrictions in the visa waiver program, which they claim has gaping loopholes that may enable suspected terrorists to legally enter the United States with few background checks.

Iranian leaders expressed anger over the move in recent days, prompting senior Obama administration officials to convey their own concerns to lawmakers.

Kerry wrote to Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif late last week, promising that the Obama administration could veto these new counter-terrorism laws in order ensure Iran is not negatively impacted.

“I want to confirm to you that we remain fully committed to the sanctions lifting provided for under the [nuclear deal],” Kerry wrote Zarif in a Dec. 19 letter that came a day after the two met in person. “We will adhere to the full measure of our commitments, per the agreement. Our team is working hard to be prepared and as soon as we reach implementation day we will lift appropriate sanctions.

A copy of the letter was obtained and published by the National Iranian American Council, a pro-Iran advocacy group long suspected by critics of working on behalf of the Iranian regime.

Kerry vows to ignore new counter-terrorism measures if they impact the administration’s ability to uphold the deal. Iran in recent months has already been accused in recent months of violating the accord by testing multiple ballistic missiles that could carry a nuclear payload.

Obama Admin Will Veto Counter-Terror Measures to Save Nuke Deal


The disaster, better known as the American hating, Israel hating president obama strikes again.

Bravo to the 80% of Jewish Americans who vote for everything democrat. You continue to prove to the disgraces that the prophets warned us about.

Kerry is doing a great job in facilitating Iranian terrorist, Imperialist Ambitions----now threatening the globe in ARABIA
Yes some people prefer war to diplomacy. Iran is not doing anything. Iranian terrorists, you have to be kidding, fighting ISIS , backing Assad their ally , time for the US to pull out of the ME. Nothing wrong with Assad, he has higher ratings than Obama.

The US would be wise to get out of the ME, let Israel and SA fend for itself against Russia and Iran. We do not need to get involved in your war games.
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Secretary of State John Kerry is working to reassure Iranian leaders that recent congressional efforts to tighten counter-terrorism measures will not harm Iranian interests, according to a letter sent by Kerry to Iran’s foreign minister.

The assurances come following efforts by Congress to tighten restrictions in the visa waiver program, which they claim has gaping loopholes that may enable suspected terrorists to legally enter the United States with few background checks.

Iranian leaders expressed anger over the move in recent days, prompting senior Obama administration officials to convey their own concerns to lawmakers.

Kerry wrote to Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif late last week, promising that the Obama administration could veto these new counter-terrorism laws in order ensure Iran is not negatively impacted.

“I want to confirm to you that we remain fully committed to the sanctions lifting provided for under the [nuclear deal],” Kerry wrote Zarif in a Dec. 19 letter that came a day after the two met in person. “We will adhere to the full measure of our commitments, per the agreement. Our team is working hard to be prepared and as soon as we reach implementation day we will lift appropriate sanctions.

A copy of the letter was obtained and published by the National Iranian American Council, a pro-Iran advocacy group long suspected by critics of working on behalf of the Iranian regime.

Kerry vows to ignore new counter-terrorism measures if they impact the administration’s ability to uphold the deal. Iran in recent months has already been accused in recent months of violating the accord by testing multiple ballistic missiles that could carry a nuclear payload.

Obama Admin Will Veto Counter-Terror Measures to Save Nuke Deal


The disaster, better known as the American hating, Israel hating president obama strikes again.

Bravo to the 80% of Jewish Americans who vote for everything democrat. You continue to prove to the disgraces that the prophets warned us about.

Kerry is doing a great job in facilitating Iranian terrorist, Imperialist Ambitions----now threatening the globe in ARABIA

Any questions?
Now would you call yourself a conservative making fun of a person with Downs syndrome? Is that what you holy rollers do?
Penelope is specifically enamoured of the PERSIANS because it is they who invented the most barbaric form of execution-----crucifixtion------her all time fave
Penelope is specifically enamoured of the PERSIANS because it is they who invented the most barbaric form of execution-----crucifixtion------her all time fave

They hang and don't stone you mean? The Hebrews invented stoning.
Penelope is specifically enamoured of the PERSIANS because it is they who invented the most barbaric form of execution-----crucifixtion------her all time fave

They hang and don't stone you mean? The Hebrews invented stoning.

Penelope is confused again------execution by stoning precedes "the Hebrews"
It's "UP" side is the fact that the death is not actually accomplished by a single
person. Hanging is not a jewish form of execution-----but garroting had been
described as a POSSIBILITY-----with no history of the actual employment thereof.
Try not to discuss topics of which you are utterly ignorant----penny dear
Penelope is specifically enamoured of the PERSIANS because it is they who invented the most barbaric form of execution-----crucifixtion------her all time fave

They hang and don't stone you mean? The Hebrews invented stoning.

Penelope is confused again------execution by stoning precedes "the Hebrews"
It's "UP" side is the fact that the death is not actually accomplished by a single
person. Hanging is not a jewish form of execution-----but garroting had been
described as a POSSIBILITY-----with no history of the actual employment thereof.
Try not to discuss topics of which you are utterly ignorant----penny dear

You Hebrews loved to stone women, Jesus stopped you in the NT. No you just butchered people in the OT. besides that you have no other history, do you?? Hanging is more human than stoning, it use to be done in the US all the time, before the firing squad took over. Your right stoning preceeds the Hebrews, nothing original came from the Hebrews.:eusa_snooty:
Penelope is specifically enamoured of the PERSIANS because it is they who invented the most barbaric form of execution-----crucifixtion------her all time fave

They hang and don't stone you mean? The Hebrews invented stoning.

Penelope is confused again------execution by stoning precedes "the Hebrews"
It's "UP" side is the fact that the death is not actually accomplished by a single
person. Hanging is not a jewish form of execution-----but garroting had been
described as a POSSIBILITY-----with no history of the actual employment thereof.
Try not to discuss topics of which you are utterly ignorant----penny dear

You Hebrews loved to stone women, Jesus stopped you in the NT. No you just butchered people in the OT. besides that you have no other history, do you?? Hanging is more human than stoning, it use to be done in the US all the time, before the firing squad took over. Your right stoning preceeds the Hebrews, nothing original came from the Hebrews.:eusa_snooty:

the story in the NT is OBVIOUSLY just a parable. The people who wrote the New Testament ASSERTED that Jews did not have the power to execute ANYONE at that time-------that was the cover they used to EXPLAIN why DA JEWS did not execute Jesus. they (LOL) "forced" the romans to do it.
The story of the adulterous woman makes absolutely no sense. In jewish jurisprudence ------no one could be executed except by order of the SANHEDRIN
IN JERUSALEM ------<<<< that is reality------furthermore in that period of time,
the Sanhedrin ordered NO EXECUTIONS at all. Try not to interpret a book
you never read and even if you did, you would not have the background to under-
stand it. -----there is more indicating your remarkable ignorance. Stoning of
adulterous women was NOT DONE-------there was another method of judgement----
try to find out
Penelope is specifically enamoured of the PERSIANS because it is they who invented the most barbaric form of execution-----crucifixtion------her all time fave

They hang and don't stone you mean? The Hebrews invented stoning.

Penelope is confused again------execution by stoning precedes "the Hebrews"
It's "UP" side is the fact that the death is not actually accomplished by a single
person. Hanging is not a jewish form of execution-----but garroting had been
described as a POSSIBILITY-----with no history of the actual employment thereof.
Try not to discuss topics of which you are utterly ignorant----penny dear

You Hebrews loved to stone women, Jesus stopped you in the NT. No you just butchered people in the OT. besides that you have no other history, do you?? Hanging is more human than stoning, it use to be done in the US all the time, before the firing squad took over. Your right stoning preceeds the Hebrews, nothing original came from the Hebrews.:eusa_snooty:

the story in the NT is OBVIOUSLY just a parable. The people who wrote the New Testament ASSERTED that Jews did not have the power to execute ANYONE at that time-------that was the cover they used to EXPLAIN why DA JEWS did not execute Jesus. they (LOL) "forced" the romans to do it.
The story of the adulterous woman makes absolutely no sense. In jewish jurisprudence ------no one could be executed except by order of the SANHEDRIN
IN JERUSALEM ------<<<< that is reality------furthermore in that period of time,
the Sanhedrin ordered NO EXECUTIONS at all. Try not to interpret a book
you never read and even if you did, you would not have the background to under-
stand it. -----there is more indicating your remarkable ignorance. Stoning of
adulterous women was NOT DONE-------there was another method of judgement----
try to find out

They also used that stoning of the adulterous woman to try and trip up Christ. That was the whole situation. They desired to catch him in a sin cause they wanted to be rid of Him.

However, since so many were following Him at the time and since they could not find anything to accuse Him of, they tried to ensnare him with a false charge.

Especially, after He turned over the money changers in the temple where the con artists had obviously made a nice little profitable business, and they used the temple to carry on with their scams. More than likely going on for centuries.

Oh, and there is difference between those who are truly of God and those who parade themselves as being of God. It should be easy to spot for those who are true followers. As for those that are not, they often equate those that are hypocrites to those that are true followers.

Bottom line is this president along with the rest of lying haters of the Land of Canaan use deceit with EVERYTHING they say. Even if they say something that "rings true," their motivation is not pure. There is ALWAYS a political angle and an agenda being pushed. They use the touchy feely rhetoric and make people like penelope to follow their touchy feely rhetoric. It is all deceit and their double talk and hypocrisy is lost on people like that.

Penelope, like most "liberals" are so easily manipulated.

However, and let us not be deceived ourselves. The Lord will not be pigeonholed into ONE ideology or another. Such is the way of truth. There is a distinct possibility if a long haired hippy looking man started talking about turning the other cheek that many of us would be accusing Him of being a peacenik.

So, there it is. Truth can and will be marching on regardless of our pride or opinions.

Having said that, I hate liberals. :)
I got really bad news for you, Theowl. You know nothing about the life and times of "JESUS" I will ask you simple questions-----WHO WERE THE MONEY CHANGERS IN THE TEMPLE COURTYARD? WHO ALLOWED THEM TO BE THERE? and WHO HATED THEM THE
MOST? There is a very real----recorded history on this subject-----recorded AT
THAT TIME (in Aramaic, of course) As to the parable of the adulterous------it cannot be historic for lots and lots of reasons. -----some of which I stated. Someone
wrote it as an afterthought

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