Obama Administration Apologizes For Winning WW2

While Obama may have not said, "I apologize for America", the spirit of his contriteness is always present.
We finished a war we did not start and the world benefited from our resolve. If the Japanese were as concerned about their citizens, as we seem to be now, one bomb would have sufficed.
Interesting factoid: Do you know why the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor?
Ever since Japan launched the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, American historians have offered numerous accounts as to what caused Japan to go to war with the United States. Many agree that one of the immediate factors that prompted Japan's war decision was the U.S. oil embargo in the summer of 1941. Some of the leading scholars in the United States have pointed out that this oil embargo was the unintended consequence of president Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order on July 25, 1941 to freeze all Japanese assets in the United States. At that time, neither the president nor secretary of state Cordell Hull meant to implement a complete oil embargo through the freeze order because they were aware that the oil embargo might provoke Japan into war. Yet, the mid-level hard-line bureaucrats in the State and Treasury departments instituted a virtual oil embargo through manipulating the financial freeze.
H-Net Reviews

Japan could get oil from New Zealand, but they needed us out of the Phillipines to get there. So they went after our South Pacific Naval fleet to pre-empt our interference.
I bring this up as another reason people should worry about voting for Trump. Even people who know what they're doing sometimes create huge problems with their foreign policy decisions.

Hmmmm not exactly. Yes- the oil embargo was harming Japan- but why was there an oil embargo?

Because Japan had been at war with China and Korea and Vietnam- and had actually attacked an American vessel.

Japan was the instrument of its own destruction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were terrible- but frankly not as bad as what happened to Tokyo- but unlike Tokyo- the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did bring about the surrender and the end of the war- and prevented the greater loss of life.

Kerry was correct- we should all remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the terrible examples of the horrors of nuclear war.

But Kerry was not apologizing for our country dropping the bomb- and not for winning the war- despite the lies of Stevie the Racist, and the Federalist- and their fellow travellers.
While Obama may have not said, "I apologize for America", the spirit of his contriteness is always present.
We finished a war we did not start and the world benefited from our resolve. If the Japanese were as concerned about their citizens, as we seem to be now, one bomb would have sufficed.
Interesting factoid: Do you know why the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor?
Ever since Japan launched the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, American historians have offered numerous accounts as to what caused Japan to go to war with the United States. Many agree that one of the immediate factors that prompted Japan's war decision was the U.S. oil embargo in the summer of 1941. Some of the leading scholars in the United States have pointed out that this oil embargo was the unintended consequence of president Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order on July 25, 1941 to freeze all Japanese assets in the United States. At that time, neither the president nor secretary of state Cordell Hull meant to implement a complete oil embargo through the freeze order because they were aware that the oil embargo might provoke Japan into war. Yet, the mid-level hard-line bureaucrats in the State and Treasury departments instituted a virtual oil embargo through manipulating the financial freeze.
H-Net Reviews

Japan could get oil from New Zealand, but they needed us out of the Phillipines to get there. So they went after our South Pacific Naval fleet to pre-empt our interference.
I bring this up as another reason people should worry about voting for Trump. Even people who know what they're doing sometimes create huge problems with their foreign policy decisions.

Do you suppose that we indiscriminately decided to piss with Japan one day, or was it because Japan was running out of oil, so they started invading other nations for their oil? The embargo was a nice way of saying, stop starting wars with everyone. Their response was to bomb us. Our bomb was bigger. Thank God, our bomb was bigger...
So when the newspaper reports a terrible car accident, and points out the tragedy of the accident- you think the newspaper is apologizing for the accident?

Not only is the newspaper apologizing for the accident, they are admitting legal and financial liability. The only reason newspapers don't go out of business is because nobody knows their rights. Next time you're in an accident, sue the pants off the newspaper for the repairs of your vehicle, as well as pain and suffering.
Think of all the dead patriotic vets spinning in their graves.

Obama Admin Apologizing For America Winning World War II
Seeing how the US baited Japan into attacking the US at Pearl Harbor and KNEW the Japanese were going to attack AND were aiding the British and French when Germany was at war with them and now thanks to the destruction of Europe and the US who has TRULY benefited? Well the jews got a country out of it! Their ideology communism murdered 100 million people and controlled a HUGE chunk of the world for 60 years! I say the US needs to say the war was a mistake and was pushed by jews to benefit jews.
While Obama may have not said, "I apologize for America", the spirit of his contriteness is always present.
We finished a war we did not start and the world benefited from our resolve. If the Japanese were as concerned about their citizens, as we seem to be now, one bomb would have sufficed.
Interesting factoid: Do you know why the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor?
Ever since Japan launched the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, American historians have offered numerous accounts as to what caused Japan to go to war with the United States. Many agree that one of the immediate factors that prompted Japan's war decision was the U.S. oil embargo in the summer of 1941. Some of the leading scholars in the United States have pointed out that this oil embargo was the unintended consequence of president Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order on July 25, 1941 to freeze all Japanese assets in the United States. At that time, neither the president nor secretary of state Cordell Hull meant to implement a complete oil embargo through the freeze order because they were aware that the oil embargo might provoke Japan into war. Yet, the mid-level hard-line bureaucrats in the State and Treasury departments instituted a virtual oil embargo through manipulating the financial freeze.
H-Net Reviews

Japan could get oil from New Zealand, but they needed us out of the Phillipines to get there. So they went after our South Pacific Naval fleet to pre-empt our interference.
I bring this up as another reason people should worry about voting for Trump. Even people who know what they're doing sometimes create huge problems with their foreign policy decisions.

Hmmmm not exactly. Yes- the oil embargo was harming Japan- but why was there an oil embargo?

Because Japan had been at war with China and Korea and Vietnam- and had actually attacked an American vessel.

Japan was the instrument of its own destruction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were terrible- but frankly not as bad as what happened to Tokyo- but unlike Tokyo- the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did bring about the surrender and the end of the war- and prevented the greater loss of life.

Kerry was correct- we should all remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the terrible examples of the horrors of nuclear war.

But Kerry was not apologizing for our country dropping the bomb- and not for winning the war- despite the lies of Stevie the Racist, and the Federalist- and their fellow travellers.
Japan was the instrument of its own destruction
I wasn't making excuses for Japan. I was pointing out that ill-considered foreign policies can cause HUUGGE consequences.
But Kerry was not apologizing for our country dropping the bomb
I am very aware of that too. To some Obama haters, stepping foot in the country means he's kissing ass/humiliating us. To me, anyone who doesn't acknowledge the nastiness of nuclear weapons is dangerous.
Thank you for all your reasonable posts.
While Obama may have not said, "I apologize for America", the spirit of his contriteness is always present.
We finished a war we did not start and the world benefited from our resolve. If the Japanese were as concerned about their citizens, as we seem to be now, one bomb would have sufficed.
Interesting factoid: Do you know why the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor?
Ever since Japan launched the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, American historians have offered numerous accounts as to what caused Japan to go to war with the United States. Many agree that one of the immediate factors that prompted Japan's war decision was the U.S. oil embargo in the summer of 1941. Some of the leading scholars in the United States have pointed out that this oil embargo was the unintended consequence of president Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order on July 25, 1941 to freeze all Japanese assets in the United States. At that time, neither the president nor secretary of state Cordell Hull meant to implement a complete oil embargo through the freeze order because they were aware that the oil embargo might provoke Japan into war. Yet, the mid-level hard-line bureaucrats in the State and Treasury departments instituted a virtual oil embargo through manipulating the financial freeze.
H-Net Reviews

Japan could get oil from New Zealand, but they needed us out of the Phillipines to get there. So they went after our South Pacific Naval fleet to pre-empt our interference.
I bring this up as another reason people should worry about voting for Trump. Even people who know what they're doing sometimes create huge problems with their foreign policy decisions.

Do you suppose that we indiscriminately decided to piss with Japan one day, or was it because Japan was running out of oil, so they started invading other nations for their oil? The embargo was a nice way of saying, stop starting wars with everyone. Their response was to bomb us. Our bomb was bigger. Thank God, our bomb was bigger...
I wasn't making excuses for Japan. I realize there was a reason for our decision. I was pointing out that sometimes our foreign policy decisions (especially when hi-jacked by pols) have unanticipated consequences.
While Obama may have not said, "I apologize for America", the spirit of his contriteness is always present.
We finished a war we did not start and the world benefited from our resolve. If the Japanese were as concerned about their citizens, as we seem to be now, one bomb would have sufficed.
Interesting factoid: Do you know why the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor?
Ever since Japan launched the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, American historians have offered numerous accounts as to what caused Japan to go to war with the United States. Many agree that one of the immediate factors that prompted Japan's war decision was the U.S. oil embargo in the summer of 1941. Some of the leading scholars in the United States have pointed out that this oil embargo was the unintended consequence of president Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order on July 25, 1941 to freeze all Japanese assets in the United States. At that time, neither the president nor secretary of state Cordell Hull meant to implement a complete oil embargo through the freeze order because they were aware that the oil embargo might provoke Japan into war. Yet, the mid-level hard-line bureaucrats in the State and Treasury departments instituted a virtual oil embargo through manipulating the financial freeze.
H-Net Reviews

Japan could get oil from New Zealand, but they needed us out of the Phillipines to get there. So they went after our South Pacific Naval fleet to pre-empt our interference.
I bring this up as another reason people should worry about voting for Trump. Even people who know what they're doing sometimes create huge problems with their foreign policy decisions.

Hmmmm not exactly. Yes- the oil embargo was harming Japan- but why was there an oil embargo?

Because Japan had been at war with China and Korea and Vietnam- and had actually attacked an American vessel.

Japan was the instrument of its own destruction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were terrible- but frankly not as bad as what happened to Tokyo- but unlike Tokyo- the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did bring about the surrender and the end of the war- and prevented the greater loss of life.

Kerry was correct- we should all remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the terrible examples of the horrors of nuclear war.

But Kerry was not apologizing for our country dropping the bomb- and not for winning the war- despite the lies of Stevie the Racist, and the Federalist- and their fellow travellers.
Japan was the instrument of its own destruction
I wasn't making excuses for Japan. I was pointing out that ill-considered foreign policies can cause HUUGGE consequences.
But Kerry was not apologizing for our country dropping the bomb
I am very aware of that too. To some Obama haters, stepping foot in the country means he's kissing ass/humiliating us. To me, anyone who doesn't acknowledge the nastiness of nuclear weapons is dangerous.
Thank you for all your reasonable posts.
Barry is an horses ass..
We use the article "a" instead of "an" before a hard consonant sound. Barry is A horses ass, or AN ass.
So, right--to some people, it wouldn't matter what he did. It will always be wrong.
No apology by America is needed for dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

If Japan had had the atomic bomb it would have dropped it.

Same goes for Germany, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France or any country - better still - every country would have dropped it.
Remember, He's jetting off to England to tell the Brits they just HAVE to stay in The EU or He'll.....He'lll.....He'lllllll pitch a fit! And, of course, while there, apologize for America having won back in the day.......

I've seen ants stand taller.......
Think of all the dead patriotic vets spinning in their graves.

Obama Admin Apologizing For America Winning World War II
Seeing how the US baited Japan into attacking the US at Pearl Harbor and KNEW the Japanese were going to attack AND were aiding the British and French when Germany was at war with them and now thanks to the destruction of Europe and the US who has TRULY benefited? Well the jews got a country out of it! Their ideology communism murdered 100 million people and controlled a HUGE chunk of the world for 60 years! I say the US needs to say the war was a mistake and was pushed by jews to benefit jews.

No surprise that the anti-semites drop by......
Think of all the dead patriotic vets spinning in their graves.

Obama Admin Apologizing For America Winning World War II
Seeing how the US baited Japan into attacking the US at Pearl Harbor and KNEW the Japanese were going to attack AND were aiding the British and French when Germany was at war with them and now thanks to the destruction of Europe and the US who has TRULY benefited? Well the jews got a country out of it! Their ideology communism murdered 100 million people and controlled a HUGE chunk of the world for 60 years! I say the US needs to say the war was a mistake and was pushed by jews to benefit jews.

No surprise that the anti-semites drop by......
Otherwise known as the FACT TELLERS. Deny all you want...I am used to it. But facts don't lie.
Think of all the dead patriotic vets spinning in their graves.

Obama Admin Apologizing For America Winning World War II
Seeing how the US baited Japan into attacking the US at Pearl Harbor and KNEW the Japanese were going to attack AND were aiding the British and French when Germany was at war with them and now thanks to the destruction of Europe and the US who has TRULY benefited? Well the jews got a country out of it! Their ideology communism murdered 100 million people and controlled a HUGE chunk of the world for 60 years! I say the US needs to say the war was a mistake and was pushed by jews to benefit jews.

No surprise that the anti-semites drop by......
Otherwise known as the FACT TELLERS. Deny all you want...I am used to it. But facts don't lie.

Anti-Semites lie.

As you are well aware of.
Think of all the dead patriotic vets spinning in their graves.

Obama Admin Apologizing For America Winning World War II
Seeing how the US baited Japan into attacking the US at Pearl Harbor and KNEW the Japanese were going to attack AND were aiding the British and French when Germany was at war with them and now thanks to the destruction of Europe and the US who has TRULY benefited? Well the jews got a country out of it! Their ideology communism murdered 100 million people and controlled a HUGE chunk of the world for 60 years! I say the US needs to say the war was a mistake and was pushed by jews to benefit jews.

Pure garbage.
I really think the left creates this image that the world hates America out of their own sense of guilt. I've met people from other countries and they don't seem to hate America. A lot of them come here. I don't know where this is coming from other than the mouths and minds of the left. The only people who hate America come from countries where we have some kind of issue with them such as Iran and many middle eastern countries. Maybe it is a coincidence that the most anti-american sentiment comes from people living in these countries but I suspect they are bombarded with propaganda that Americans did all sorts of evil in the world. If you were subject to that on a daily basis then you would have a negative opinion of this country. I think they should call this the CNN effect because if you watch enough liberal news you begin to hate America quite a lot.
I would like to point out that war is brutal by definition. Bombing, killing, raping, pillaging, have always been a part of war. Their is no nice way to fight a war and if you did the other side will just see that as weakness. The whole point of war is to inflict enough pain on the other side to make them want to stop and if you are not interested in inflicting pain on other human beings (that is a good thing) then don't go to war. And if you are not interested in having pain inflicted on you then don't go to war. That is the advice I would give to the Japanese living back then.
I would like to point out that war is brutal by definition. Bombing, killing, raping, pillaging, have always been a part of war. Their is no nice way to fight a war and if you did the other side will just see that as weakness. The whole point of war is to inflict enough pain on the other side to make them want to stop and if you are not interested in inflicting pain on other human beings (that is a good thing) then don't go to war. And if you are not interested in having pain inflicted on you then don't go to war. That is the advice I would give to the Japanese living back then.


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