Obama Administration Paying CNN To Control News Content


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[As I've often said, the old propagandameister Joseph Goebbels never had it so good. CNN is not only in "The toilet" for the Obama administration, they're actually on Obama's payroll. Maybe CNN even throws in a couple of fellatios a week for free for the big guy just to sweeten the deal. And you thought that AP photo of the girl with the wild eyed expression on her face while looking at Romney's backside was just accidental.
Roger Ailes is probably looking at a Fritz Gerlach ending to his life if Obama wins. The Chicago Jesus wont tolerate Fox as the perrenial thorn in his thin skinned side for long.]

"Why would CNN [or CNNi] refuse to air the Nick Robertson report with Muhammed Al Zawahiri (brother of Ayman Al Zawahiri) that clearly shows the Egyptian uprising was 100% in response to his call for protests for release of the Blind sheik on 9-11.? Why would the “most trusted name in news“, hide the report showing the truth, and instead allow the false narrative to be sold, by them, to the American electorate?

Amber Lyon provides the answer(s).

CNN never aired the Nick Robertson report in Egypt because it completely contradicted President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s assertions. In short, the Robertson report, if aired, would have proved Obama and Clinton were lying.

The Nick Robertson CNN report was filmed on 9/9 and, by coincidence, it would have aired at the exact moment Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama began attributing the Egyptian embassy protest to a “U-Tube Video”.

CNN’s refusal to air the real reasoning for the Egyptian Embassy protest turned assault was intentional protection of President Obama, specifically orchestrated by the CNN News group, at the behest of the White House. Specific, intentional, lying.

Apparently they have a history of this no-one knew about. UNTIL NOW

She says she was ordered to report fake stories, delete unfriendly stories adverse to the Obama administration (like the Nick Robertson report), and construct stories in specific manners while working for the left-wing network.

CNN is paid by foreign and domestic Government agencies for specific content.

Let me repeat that.

CNN is paid by the US government for reporting on some events, and not reporting on others. The Obama Administration pays CNN for content control.

CNN Exposed – Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist, Amber Lyon, Blows The Whistle…. Simultaneously Answers One of my questions…. | The Last Refuge
What would we do without fair and unbiased sources such as the 'Conservative Tree House' to keep us informed of such media travesties?
[Another voice crying out in the wildernerss. Erik Eriksen details who is screwing whom among the news makers and news reporters, so they can screw you in favor of Barry when they report the so called news. Just like NBC's John Harwood, who was sued for divorce by his former (?) wife when Mr Harwood began cohabiting with one of the female Democratic Washington State Senators (Patty Murray?) abruptly depriving his legal spouse of her former style of living and her prestige. You don't think Johnny Boy's CNBC reports on the progress of the Budget Deal last summer were simply picked out of thin air, do you? More likely, gleaned out of all the sweet nothings Mr Harwood and Ms Murray exchanged preparing for their bedtime somnolent period. Nice pic, sort of weaselzippers style]

"He really does not get it. Chuck Todd reflects most of the media not getting it. As ratings decline, newspaper fold, and they all scream about how biased Fox News is, they do not get it.

"Neil King is a political reporter for the Wall Street Journal. He is married to Shailagh Murray who left a reporting job at the Washington Post to take the job of Joe Biden’s communications director. She replaced Jay Carney who moved to the White House and who himself left Time to take the communications director role for Biden.

John Harris of the Politico is married to an abortion rights activist who used to run NARAL Virginia.

The Politico’s Chief Washington Correspondent, Jonathan Allen, left the Politico to work for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, then returned to the Politico.

Andy Barr of the Politico left the Politico to work for the Democratic National Committee and now works for Richard Carmona, the Democrats’ candidate for Senate in Arizona against Jeff Flake.

George Stephanopolous of ABC News used to be a strategist for Bill Clinton and even after becoming Chief Washington Correspondent still engaged in regular conversations with Rahm Emanuel, James Carville, and Paul Begala from the Clinton days. (Ironic, isn’t it, that John Harris wrote that story)

Michael Scherer of Time, where Jay Carney left to go to Joe Biden’s office, got his start in left wing publications, as did Ezra Klein of the Washington Post who famously created the left wing Journolist filled with Washington journalists and pundits to bounce around themes in the left wing echo chamber.

Linda Douglass of ABC News left ABC to serve as Chief Propaganda Officer for the Obama White House in charge of getting Obamacare through."

A Look at Chuck Todd and Conspiratorial Media Incest | RedState

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