Obama administration underreported number of Americans who were unmasked by NSA in 2016


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama administration underreported number of Americans who were unmasked by NSA in 2016

"The Obama administration made history during the 2016 election by releasing statistics for the first time showing how many times government officials sought to unmask the names of Americans captured in accidental National Security Agency intercepts. There was just one problem: the number of affected Americans was grossly underreported.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, now under new management with President Donald Trump, confirms that the 654 unmaskings reported last year for fiscal 2015 was underreported by a factor of more than three times. The correct number was actually 2,232.

National intelligence officials say the 654 figure reported last year actually represented the number of times a government official had a request approved to unmask an American name and not the total number of U.S. persons’ identities that actually were unredacted after the fact in intelligence reports, as had been represented in last year’s report.

“Transparency isn’t any good if the numbers you expose aren’t correct. And there seems to have been a lot of downplaying of unmaskings so I think this a question worth exploring. Who approved the inaccurate number and was it an innocent mistake or part of a larger pattern,” said a congressional aide directly involved in the investigations, speaking only on condition of anonymity because they were not approved to talk to reporters.

Republicans want to question former Obama administration National Security Adviser Susan Rice, who originally denied know about any unmasking of identities of Trump campaign associates. But after Circa reported she had in fact requested or read several intelligence reports with the names of Trump associates unmasked, Rice reversed course and acknowledged she had done so but insisted her intentions were national security related and not political.

The NSA is allowed under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on foreign powers without a court warrant but the law prohibits the targeting of Americans for such surveillance. If the NSA accidentally intercepts Americans or information about them overseas, it is supposed to legally put the information in a virtual lock box.

But starting in 2011, former President Obama made it easier to access that information, essentially creating keys for intelligence professionals and even his own political aides to unlock the NSA’s lock box to consume surveillance on Americans."

Circa reported last week that since those changes, the number of requests to search NSA records for Americans’ information more than tripled under the former administration from about 10,000 in 2013 to more than 25,000 in 2016."

Remember when Clapper testified that the Obama administration was not spying on Americans....and then it was revealed that they were?


"The passage of more than three years hasn’t cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans."

Not only was the Obama administration secretly spying on millions of Americans (so much for 'The Most Transparent Administration Evuh''), James Clapper NOT being indicted and brought up on Perjury charges was just another example of how Obama administration personnel who were flat-out caught committing crimes were protected from prosecution.

As they say, history has a way of repeating itself. Susan Rice admitted that she was partly responsible for the illegal unmasking of Trump team members. Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified before congress that the Un-Masking / illegal leaking of Protected Classified Personal information of trump Team members constitutes Felony Espionage, and the release of that information to the 16 Intel agencies when that information had no Intel Value was done so for purely political purposes...which is a crime....which means Susan Rice's Un-Masking of Trump team members was a crime.
I have a feeling many Americans were exposed, with not even a smidgen of guilt of anything other than being of the other party, and they didn't like what they exposed.
You people really need to embrace objective reality, you are the most incarcerated and surveilled population on the planet and your idiotic partisanshit just makes the stripping of your civil liberties even easier.
Gee, go figure? Obama massively expanded domestic spying on Citizens during his tenure.

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