Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

Of 7 million ballots cast in elections in North Carolina in 2012, exactly 121 were turned over to the Attorney Generals office as possible invalid.

No further action on any of these.

Certainly, spending hundreds of millions of tax payer money is worth finding nothing.


Nothing at all.....

BUT.... is there another agenda here?



Hell, our lame government won't build a fence they put into law, so I know they won't ask someone to take $10.00 out of their monthly government handout to buy an ID


Save your money for the lawyers son, they earn every penny of it.....

Of 7 million ballots cast in elections in North Carolina in 2012, exactly 121 were turned over to the Attorney Generals office as possible invalid.

No further action on any of these.

Certainly, spending hundreds of millions of tax payer money is worth finding nothing.


Nothing at all.....

BUT.... is there another agenda here?



Hell, our lame government won't build a fence they put into law, so I know they won't ask someone to take $10.00 out of their monthly government handout to buy an ID


Save your money for the lawyers son, they earn every penny of it.....


I'm sure there is a point there somewhere..... well, I think

And here is a list of examples of voter fraud...

Did your venerable "Republican National Liars Association" publish a list of voter fraud in Florida, Texas and North Carolina?

How many minorities posting on this forum feel discriminated against every time they have to show their ID to purchase alcohol or cigarettes?? You morons need to get a life.. Get the fuck over your race obsessed existence..
How many black people feel discriminated against when getting a hotel room, they are asked for a photo ID??? Raciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttts
You folks get terribly excited over the inevitable.

Trust Eric Holder, he will be fair to those states who are spending billions to suppress the minority vote.

Very fair ....

You folks get terribly excited over the inevitable.

Trust Eric Holder, he will be fair to those states who are spending billions to suppress the minority vote.

Very fair ....

Holder will not make it to the end of Obama's term. He will be allowed to resign.
Now, in post 136 your wrote...Certainly, spending hundreds of millions of tax payer money is worth finding nothing.
Now you claim it's BILLIONS...What's that? Your version of "flair"?....
You folks get terribly excited over the inevitable.

Trust Eric Holder, he will be fair to those states who are spending billions to suppress the minority vote.

Very fair ....

Are you implying people of minority persuasions are incapable of acquiring an acceptable identification which is available in every state FREE of charge?

Explain in detail how voter ID suppresses the minority vote.
Use your own words and not those of an opinion piece found in the liberal blogosphere.
Have at it.
Explain in detail how voter ID suppresses the minority vote.

Voter ID does not suppress the minority vote.

Republican obstructions to obtaining a voter ID does suppress the minority vote.

The Daily Beast and a lot of other left wing sites are geared to RILE up their zombie members who can't think for themselves...

Don't Feed that beast...let it's cult members pay their bills..

same for Salon, thinkprogress, Hufferpost, mediamatters and a few others
You folks get terribly excited over the inevitable.

Trust Eric Holder, he will be fair to those states who are spending billions to suppress the minority vote.

Very fair ....


"You folks" - notice since Obama how all of his sheeple now say folks all the time?? Who the fuck talks like that??? Talk about backwoods.....
You folks get terribly excited over the inevitable.

Trust Eric Holder, he will be fair to those states who are spending billions to suppress the minority vote.

Very fair ....


"You folks" - notice since Obama how all of his sheeple now say folks all the time?? Who the fuck talks like that??? Talk about backwoods.....

they are sheep and they pick up the talk of their leader like good little sheep
Just like if their leader led to jump off a cliff, they'd fight over who would JUMP FIRST

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