Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

the "Right" to cast illegal ballots is what she is wanting to keep.

I think you should have to have 4 forms of photo ID in addition to a U.S. passport, an affadavit signed by a notary and witnessed by 3 people, and a blood test to confirm your sobriety before you are allowed to vote - and if you disagree with me that means you want people to cast illegal votes.

Yeah, ok. Lets return from LA LA Land.
the "Right" to cast illegal ballots is what she is wanting to keep.

I think you should have to have 4 forms of photo ID in addition to a U.S. passport, an affadavit signed by a notary and witnessed by 3 people, and a blood test to confirm your sobriety before you are allowed to vote - and if you disagree with me that means you want people to cast illegal votes.

I don't get it. What does this have to do with needing one ID to vote?
the "Right" to cast illegal ballots is what she is wanting to keep.

I think you should have to have 4 forms of photo ID in addition to a U.S. passport, an affadavit signed by a notary and witnessed by 3 people, and a blood test to confirm your sobriety before you are allowed to vote - and if you disagree with me that means you want people to cast illegal votes.

I don't get it. What does this have to do with needing one ID to vote?

I don't get it either. We have those who wish to follow their Constitutional right to own a firearm by going through an application form, criminal background check, a waiting period before making a purchase... and STILL that's not enough to satisfy the left as they seek fingerprints and other government red tape of various hoops before their Constututional rights are "allowed".

It's interesting how the liberals love affair for intrusive federal regulations comes with an exception. Yet they can't justify the "hands off" approach to voting, nor can any liberal cite one single incident where voters were ever found to be suppressed through the added small detail of showing a photo ID. Perhaps these libs need to move past their little hissy fit tantrums and finally keep up with the times through the all to common use of photo verifications in our society... move on past the dark ages that predate the 20th century and into the age of government supplied cell phones, high speed Internet in our schools, and now BILLIONS on available Health Care for everyone (with a growing list of exemptions of course).
North Carolina’s Attack on Voting Rights

A new law rushed through by North Carolina Republicans contains a laundry list of measures brazenly designed to target Democratic voters. Jamelle Bouie on the bill so extreme Hillary Clinton is getting involved.

North Carolina?s Attack on Voting Rights - The Daily Beast

Who makes this shit up? " brazenly designed to target Democratic voters" Unlike the brazenly designed attacks on the tea party by the IRS? But I'll ask anyway what is in the law that attacks democrats? BE FUCKING SPECIFIC.
the "Right" to cast illegal ballots is what she is wanting to keep.

I think you should have to have 4 forms of photo ID in addition to a U.S. passport, an affadavit signed by a notary and witnessed by 3 people, and a blood test to confirm your sobriety before you are allowed to vote - and if you disagree with me that means you want people to cast illegal votes.

I don't get it. What does this have to do with needing one ID to vote?

Racist. You never see minorities on a plane or in a federal building because they don't have ID
Do Cell phones stores suppress minorities??? They require ID to get a phone and a plan.. Do pharmacies suppress minorities?? Doctors offices suppress minorities?? As usual, our resident leftist Kook Brigade caught lying again.. all a hoax.. this is nothing more than needing a democrat voting base made up of felons, dead people, illegals.
I think you should have to have 4 forms of photo ID in addition to a U.S. passport, an affadavit signed by a notary and witnessed by 3 people, and a blood test to confirm your sobriety before you are allowed to vote - and if you disagree with me that means you want people to cast illegal votes.

I don't get it. What does this have to do with needing one ID to vote?

Racist. You never see minorities on a plane or in a federal building because they don't have ID

Yes, and liberals think blacks and Hispanics are too lazy to get a free ID to vote, and we're too racist to see that. At what point are those communities going to start to realize how little Democrats think of them and decide it's time to be grown ups and join people who think they are able to take care of themselves and just want them to be free to do so?
the "Right" to cast illegal ballots is what she is wanting to keep.

I think you should have to have 4 forms of photo ID in addition to a U.S. passport, an affadavit signed by a notary and witnessed by 3 people, and a blood test to confirm your sobriety before you are allowed to vote - and if you disagree with me that means you want people to cast illegal votes.

I don't get it. What does this have to do with needing one ID to vote?

Nothing. It's just a desperate angry rant.
I just read that Daily Beast article...

It should be in the Opinion Section instead of the news section, it is so full of falsehoods and halftruths.

It really isn't a surprise that it is written by a Liberal.

He bases most of the article around these two paragraphs..

The centerpiece of the law is a strict new mandate for voter identification, that’s more notable for what it bans than what it permits. Of the various forms of state-issued ID, only four are valid for voting: driver’s licenses, passports, veteran’s IDs, and tribal cards. Everything else is unacceptable. This includes college IDs, public or municipal employee IDs, ID from public-assistance agencies, and out-of-state driver’s licenses.

It’s no accident that those are the excluded categories. As with similar laws in other states, the restrictions target Democratic voters, from students and young people—who are more likely to rely on university-issued identification—to public employees and the poor. And of course, a large share of these voters are black and Latino. Overall, the state estimates that as many as 318,000 voters could lack (PDF) appropriate identification.

Of course he doesn't tell you why those ID's are not acceptable.

Out of State ID Drivers Licenses are never good, as far as I know, for Voting. Every State requires that you get their DL when you become a Resident of that State. You can't vote in a State you aren't a Resident of.

The other ID's don't have the same requirements for anti-fraud as do the acceptable ones do.

He's lying by omission.
Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

this will really rile up the rw :rofl: Its the only way they can hope to win elections is prevent people from voting. Sad that :(
Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

this will really rile up the rw :rofl: Its the only way they can hope to win elections is prevent people from voting. Sad that :(

Yes.. We don't want people voting 6 times like that Democrat Woman in Ohio did. We don't want illegals voting as happened in South Florida.

It's a real shame that we only want legal ballots cast, isn't it.
I just read that Daily Beast article...

It should be in the Opinion Section instead of the news section, it is so full of falsehoods and halftruths.

It really isn't a surprise that it is written by a Liberal.

He bases most of the article around these two paragraphs..

The centerpiece of the law is a strict new mandate for voter identification, that’s more notable for what it bans than what it permits. Of the various forms of state-issued ID, only four are valid for voting: driver’s licenses, passports, veteran’s IDs, and tribal cards. Everything else is unacceptable. This includes college IDs, public or municipal employee IDs, ID from public-assistance agencies, and out-of-state driver’s licenses.

It’s no accident that those are the excluded categories. As with similar laws in other states, the restrictions target Democratic voters, from students and young people—who are more likely to rely on university-issued identification—to public employees and the poor. And of course, a large share of these voters are black and Latino. Overall, the state estimates that as many as 318,000 voters could lack (PDF) appropriate identification.

Of course he doesn't tell you why those ID's are not acceptable.

Out of State ID Drivers Licenses are never good, as far as I know, for Voting. Every State requires that you get their DL when you become a Resident of that State. You can't vote in a State you aren't a Resident of.

The other ID's don't have the same requirements for anti-fraud as do the acceptable ones do.

He's lying by omission.

Of course. The way the piece is written continues the narrative.
It's an opinion piece disguised as news.
The news part are the facts. What makes this piece eligible for the opinion page is the editorial bias of the piece.
The writer has an obvious objection to ANY voter ID law.
Any business requires those same types of ID.
For example. If I go to board a passenger aircraft I must present an ID that reflects my current address. So If I have moved recently and not yet changed my driver's license, I am not getting on board.
Of 7 million ballots cast in elections in North Carolina in 2012, exactly 121 were turned over to the Attorney Generals office as possible invalid.

No further action on any of these.

Certainly, spending hundreds of millions of tax payer money is worth finding nothing.


Nothing at all.....

BUT.... is there another agenda here?


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Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

this will really rile up the rw :rofl: Its the only way they can hope to win elections is prevent people from voting. Sad that :(

Yes.. We don't want people voting 6 times like that Democrat Woman in Ohio did. We don't want illegals voting as happened in South Florida.

It's a real shame that we only want legal ballots cast, isn't it.

There was a woman who in 2008 voted in both Minnesota and then moved to Florida a few days later where she voted again.
And there was a democrat operative. A young kid who was admitted democrat operative was advising people on how to vote more than once.
And here is a list of examples of voter fraud...
Republican National Lawyers Association | (RNLA)
Leaves the democrat whiners pretty much out of gas.
Of 7 million ballots cast in elections in North Carolina in 2012, exactly 121 were turned over to the Attorney Generals office as possible invalid.

No further action on any of these.

Certainly, spending hundreds of millions of tax payer money is worth finding nothing.


Nothing at all.....

BUT.... is there another agenda here?



Hell, our lame government won't build a fence they put into law, so I know they won't ask someone to take $10.00 out of their monthly government handout to buy an ID


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