Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)
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funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)

How are we stopping people from voting exactly? Care to go into some detail? Or would you care to perhaps back this claim up?

A strawman if I ever did see one. Quiet you.
funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)

If there so few why would you not be in favor of making sure only eligible voters vote? Why the need to game the system with fake votes if you are in such a lead?
funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)

I have to wonder why the Left is so willing to cheapen their right to vote that they will not protect it from being abused and diluted by those who do not have that right?

Is it that they don't care who votes or how many times a person votes as long as their guy or gal wins?
funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)

Stopping whom from voting?
funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)

If there so few why would you not be in favor of making sure only eligible voters vote? Why the need to game the system with fake votes if you are in such a lead?

Interesting that the left is sooooo certain that more Democrats will get elected this time around and that Republicans in Congress don't stand a chance, that they are not even willing to guarantee it through any form voter integrity and increased electoral accuracy.

As far as this "voter suppression" in South Carolina, the state has elected a Republican governor by popular vote even before the voter ID law was talked about being implemented. What voter suppression? They don't even have a proven case, no incidence of voter ID ever causing voter suppression. They are crying wolf in hopes if they "formulate" an excuse and say it often enough ... someone will by into it without proof.
funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)

Stopping whom from voting?

has there been enough voter fraud to change the outcome of an election? Hell no Rightards,. You got more serious problems like convincing people to vote for Establishment Repubs given they like to nation-build by borrowing money and lots of it. :thup:
has there been enough voter fraud to change the outcome of an election? Hell no Rightards,. You got more serious problems like convincing people to vote for Establishment Repubs given they like to nation-build by borrowing money and lots of it. :thup:

I agree that there is a sales problem on the right. But what's your point about borrowing less money last decade than this one?

Did you accidentally have an epiphany?
has there been enough voter fraud to change the outcome of an election? Hell no Rightards,. You got more serious problems like convincing people to vote for Establishment Repubs given they like to nation-build by borrowing money and lots of it. :thup:

Voter ‘fraud’ is a myth contrived by the right; it’s a republican article of religious faith that they lose elections because of ‘fraud,’ when in fact there is no evidence of any ‘fraud,’ and republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject their policies.
has there been enough voter fraud to change the outcome of an election? Hell no Rightards,. You got more serious problems like convincing people to vote for Establishment Repubs given they like to nation-build by borrowing money and lots of it. :thup:

Voter ‘fraud’ is a myth contrived by the right; it’s a republican article of religious faith that they lose elections because of ‘fraud,’ when in fact there is no evidence of any ‘fraud,’ and republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject their policies.

Voter fraud is certainly not a myth. It may be more or less than is claimed by various political contingents, but we know for a fact that it's going on and it's hard to detect.

If you don't think your side would lose even with voter ID laws in effect, then why resist it so much?
How is expecting a i.d to vote to prove that you're a US citizen = voter suppression? This simply doesn't make sense.

Voter ID is not the issue.

It's the obstructions Republicans are putting up to minority voters that will flood the Supreme Court with cases, and drain the po folk in the Southern States.

The cost of obtaining an ID, the distance needed to travel to obtain an ID, the restricted hours to obtain a voter ID, and the unreadable rules to obtain a voter ID .....

Along with limiting voting days and hours to the white folk schedule.....

In any event, as long as the tea party 'angels' will finance the po folks defending the endless law suits from the left .... they have no complaints


In NC the ID's are free and can be obtained by mail, next excuse.
has there been enough voter fraud to change the outcome of an election? Hell no Rightards,. You got more serious problems like convincing people to vote for Establishment Repubs given they like to nation-build by borrowing money and lots of it. :thup:


Finally, whatever the actual level of voter fraud that occurred in the 2012 election, the potential for future fraud is truly staggering. Pew Research Center published a report revealing election rolls in a shambles nationwide. They found:
•24 million invalid or inaccurate voter registrations
•1.8 million deceased voters
•2.75 million registered in multiple states.

As noted earlier, Cloward and Piven’s Motor Voter law is responsible for much of this mess.

A North Carolina group, the Voter Integrity Project, found close to 30,000 dead voters still on the rolls in North Carolina, a state Obama won by only 14,000 votes in 2008. Project Director Jay DeLancey said, “Mainly, what we’re concerned about is the potential [for fraud]. Since there is no voter ID law in North Carolina, anybody can walk in and claim to be anyone else.”

Allen West campaign

Vote fraud was almost certainly the culprit with Rep. Allen West’s Florida loss this November, as was Norm Coleman’s loss to comedian Al Franken in his 2008 U.S. Senate race. Franken ultimately won by 312 votes, but election officials, led by ACORN-connected Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, rejected 12,000 absentee ballots.

Likewise, the West campaign lost its congressional race under highly questionable circumstances.

Initial confusion surrounded counting a two-page ballot as two separate votes, leading to the erroneous conclusion that 141 percent of registered voters cast votes. The actual total votes cast were 123,750 against a total registration of 175,554. Election Supervisor Gertrude Walker engaged in activities many analysts say were blatantly illegal:

•West maintained a 2,000-vote lead in the county until Walker made a recount of early voting ballots. Following the recount, West was suddenly behind by 2,400 votes – a net change of 4,400 votes. Early voting totals were 37,123, so that recount represented a 12% swing.
•Polls were illegally locked following the election, preventing public witness of tabulation procedures.
•Many early voting ballots were tabulated twice by Walker staff members.
•Forced by court order to a recount, St. Lucie elections officials failed to meet the 12 noon, Nov. 18 deadline, and were thus able to certify the original partial recount, which showed Murphy ahead of West by 2,146 votes.
•West’s team sought a court order to impound voting machines and ballots in Palm Beach County District 18 to maintain integrity of ballots prior to an anticipated recount, but were denied by Circuit Judge David F. Crow.

Illegal alien voting

Glenn Cook of the Las Vegas Review Journal reported in early November that illegal aliens were being pressured, even threatened, by Culinary Union Local 226, to register and vote. Cook related the story of two illegals who told him about it. In Florida, an NBC investigative report found that illegals were registered to vote and indeed have been voting
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILJDudUpct0]Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers - YouTube[/ame]
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has there been enough voter fraud to change the outcome of an election? Hell no Rightards,. You got more serious problems like convincing people to vote for Establishment Repubs given they like to nation-build by borrowing money and lots of it. :thup:

Voter ‘fraud’ is a myth contrived by the right; it’s a republican article of religious faith that they lose elections because of ‘fraud,’ when in fact there is no evidence of any ‘fraud,’ and republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject their policies.

So once again, if you have the votes in the bag why are you so hell bound against making sure only legal voters get to vote? You've won right? No way repubs can win because the people don't want their policies right? So what are you afraid of?
funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)

Your post lack honesty to be nice. Fuck you you lying sack of dog shit.
has there been enough voter fraud to change the outcome of an election? Hell no Rightards,. You got more serious problems like convincing people to vote for Establishment Repubs given they like to nation-build by borrowing money and lots of it. :thup:

has their ever been voter fraud?
funny how rw'ers are more concerned about stopping people from voting rather than getting people to vote for their party. :eusa_think: Maybe because they realize that there are few people left willing to buy what they're selling (AKA- welfare to the rich)

Your post lack honesty to be nice. Fuck you you lying sack of dog shit.

It's rare, very rare when you debate a liberal and they don't lie or create strawmen.. they have no choice.. their entire agenda is so far left, they can't be honest and show who they really are.. They've come more out of the closet with Odumbo than ever before but still hide the truth from voters.
You know...there is a shred of logic behind voter ID laws even the most ridiculously restrictive that say you must have a state issued photo ID, but these laws are going WAY beyond that. Someone please explain the logic behind ending early voting days and same day voter registration.
There are requirements for a citizen to vote.
They must be of a certain age and a citizen of the United States.
So there is nothing wrong with states asking for proof that the person meets these requirements before they are issued a voters card.

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