Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

The cost of obtaining an ID
Every State that requires an ID to vote offers a free ID.

the distance needed to travel to obtain an ID, the restricted hours to obtain a voter ID
You mean like ... voting??? :lmao:

and the unreadable rules to obtain a voter ID .....
They're too dumb to fill in a form and provide documentation. You really think they are garbage, don't you? Clearly you just want people as stupid as you are voting, because you know stupid people are voting for the same people you do. Because, well, you know, they're...
How is it fair for US citizens to allow illegals to vote within our system???

Why do you vote for this??? Do you really believe that certain groups aren't capable of getting a i.d.

The left would open elections to everyone in the world who wants to vote in American elections. In fairness, they don't really care if they are here or not, it's just more convenient.
the "Right" to cast illegal ballots is what she is wanting to keep.

What does Republican efforts to suppress legal voters have to do with illegals voting? You're just trying to divert the topic. Why do you condone voter suppression? :hmpf:

How is expecting a i.d to vote to prove that you're a US citizen = voter suppression? This simply doesn't make sense.

You need a i.d for food stamps, booze and to drive a car.

It's suppression because it's a solution for which no problem has been demonstrated. It's the equivalent of nuisance regulations that the right keeps complaining about, but this is worse, it's about the right to vote.
How is it fair for US citizens to allow illegals to vote within our system???

Why do you vote for this??? Do you really believe that certain groups aren't capable of getting a i.d.

What illegals are voting? It's said all the time, but I don't see much in the way of evidence, just the occasional anecdote.
The Democrats are all upset.
Voter I.D. stops the busing of voters to different districts, so that they can vote as much as they want in each district , rather than voting once in their own, where they are suppose to.
It stops the people from voting as many times as they want.
One vote one person.
Not 6 votes one person.
None of them have ever pulled out any facts of data, showing the millions of minorities that they claim are not able to vote.
the "Right" to cast illegal ballots is what she is wanting to keep.

What does Republican efforts to suppress legal voters have to do with illegals voting? You're just trying to divert the topic. Why do you condone voter suppression? :hmpf:

Because the perception is that the votes which are suppressed are democratic votes.

Requiring ID does not suppress the vote. Hell you need ID for so many things claiming they can't get it is the BIG lie.
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What does Republican efforts to suppress legal voters have to do with illegals voting? You're just trying to divert the topic. Why do you condone voter suppression? :hmpf:

No Konradv
Illegal ballots not illegal voters

What illegal ballots. Haven't they been proven to be figments of the imagination of those that can't believe they lost? If you have proof, I'd like to see it, otherwise... :dunno:

It's out there all over the internet to look up.
Plenty on both sides have been arrested for voter fraud.

Where is the proof on the Left that millions are not able to vote? They have not produced any data, that large amounts of minorities have not been able to vote.

This is one out of hundreds over the last few years, who have been arrested and convicted.
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The former U.S. secretary of state spoke in San Francisco after receiving the group's highest award for service to the law. She said her upcoming speeches would look at national security and U.S. global leadership.

Next month, she intends to speak in Philadelphia about the "balance and transparency necessary in our national security policies as we move beyond a decade of wars to face new threats." Later, Clinton said she would discuss the implication of American's global leadership and the nation's moral standing around the world.

Oh yes, Hillary is baaaack !!

Penda Hair, co-director of the Advancement Project, said, "Governor McCrory has transformed North Carolina from a state with one of the nation's most progressive voting systems, where we saw some of the highest voter turnout rates of the last two presidential elections, into a state with the most draconian policies we've seen in decades, policies that harken back to the days of Jim Crow."

David Koch has deep pockets to defend the Red Governors after po folk tax money is spent on lawyers!

... and, we assume, all the Southern Red States who think they can win an election by suppressing the minority vote ....


Obama Administration to Challenge State Voting Laws, Starting With Texas

The Obama administration on Thursday sent a clear signal that last month's Supreme Court decision that struck down a key portion of the Voting Rights Act was far from the end of the political and legal struggle over election rules. In what will likely be a series of challenges to state laws currently on the books or winding their way through state legislatures, Eric Holder announced this morning that the Justice Department will ask a federal court in San Antonio to reinstate its authority over voting laws in Texas for the next decade because of its history of discrimination, something that would require the Lone Star State to obtain approval before enacting any future voting changes. (Or, in the always calm words of Drudge, "HOLDER MESSES WITH TEXAS.)

Voting Laws: Eric Holder announces plans to challenge state voting laws.
They're just doing this for show. They can't do diddly squat since the SCOTUS shot down voting rights act.

The turd and his turd friend won't get anything done.
... and, we assume, all the Southern Red States who think they can win an election by suppressing the minority vote ....


Obama Administration to Challenge State Voting Laws, Starting With Texas

The Obama administration on Thursday sent a clear signal that last month's Supreme Court decision that struck down a key portion of the Voting Rights Act was far from the end of the political and legal struggle over election rules. In what will likely be a series of challenges to state laws currently on the books or winding their way through state legislatures, Eric Holder announced this morning that the Justice Department will ask a federal court in San Antonio to reinstate its authority over voting laws in Texas for the next decade because of its history of discrimination, something that would require the Lone Star State to obtain approval before enacting any future voting changes. (Or, in the always calm words of Drudge, "HOLDER MESSES WITH TEXAS.)

Voting Laws: Eric Holder announces plans to challenge state voting laws.

In what way are voters being suppressed?
Be specific. Explain.You don't get to make statements in the form of an inquiry then state your point of view without being called on them or questioned.
This notion or idea that while almost every aspect of life requires the presentation of identification, why is it that voting, a highly important and honorable right should be at risk for fraud by discounting the practice of compelling voters to identify themselves.
Official Identification is available everywhere and free of any out of pocket expense. Where is the problem?
Any reply with "well some people cannot get to a place to acquire an ID" are unacceptable and plain old not true.
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