Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

get off your lazy ass and go get a picture Id for Christ sake

you people don't care that not having one can easily perpetrate FRAUD...

But that's what you count on
... and, we assume, all the Southern Red States who think they can win an election by suppressing the minority vote ....


Obama Administration to Challenge State Voting Laws, Starting With Texas

The Obama administration on Thursday sent a clear signal that last month's Supreme Court decision that struck down a key portion of the Voting Rights Act was far from the end of the political and legal struggle over election rules. In what will likely be a series of challenges to state laws currently on the books or winding their way through state legislatures, Eric Holder announced this morning that the Justice Department will ask a federal court in San Antonio to reinstate its authority over voting laws in Texas for the next decade because of its history of discrimination, something that would require the Lone Star State to obtain approval before enacting any future voting changes. (Or, in the always calm words of Drudge, "HOLDER MESSES WITH TEXAS.)

Voting Laws: Eric Holder announces plans to challenge state voting laws.

What about that LAW is voter suppression? Be specific.
Bring it on KOOKS.. North Carolina will win.. Is it racism and suppression when dumbazz liberals have to show ID to purchase a plane ticket?? To get a DL? To purchase beer or cigarettes??? Bunch of fucking liars.. this is all about stealing the vote, NOTHING MORE and everyone knows it. You loser libs cannot win without cheating.. No one buys your extreme leftist propaganda.
We only want to suppress the dead, illegal and double voters from voting

Bring it on KOOKS.. North Carolina will win.. Is it racism and suppression when dumbazz liberals have to show ID to purchase a plane ticket?? To get a DL? To purchase beer or cigarettes??? Bunch of fucking liars.. this is all about stealing the vote, NOTHING MORE and everyone knows it. You loser libs cannot win without cheating.. No one buys your extreme leftist propaganda.

It's racism for me to have to show an ID to buy a gun, it's a violation of my rights to privacy to have to show my CCP to buy a gun.
So here's what the Leftist Kook brigade is saying: Black and latinos are too fucking stupid and cheap to spend 10 bucks on an ID.. They can blow it on smack, fucking twinkies, nice rides.. but they don't have 10 bucks for an ID.. YEA RIGHT.. Go sell that snake oil elsewhere.
Liberals are pathetic from cradle to grave.. They literally depend on the government for every fucking thing.. They're like a bunch of 3 year old's..
Can you imagine a Republican Administration saying, "Nah, we don't like how SOCTUS ruled, we're going at this our own way"

Can you imagine a republican administration saying their members are too damn stupid to get to the polls with an ID?
The hypocrisy of this administration is irritating to say the least!

people have been making fun of Presidents forever!

who do they think they are?

Well they are not! :mad:
I bet hillary is the one behind the scenes who's making a big stink over this.

Something tells me she's the one pulling all the strings. She wants laws in place that allows non-citizens to vote in 2016 so she can win presidency through voter fraud. One of the oldest democrap tricks in the book.

Dreg. Degenerate. Scum sucker.
The left is putting all their efforts to make sure everyone has health care, even giving employers an extra year to comply with the new mandate. Yet the democrats have a problem having a voter ID card system in place for everyone to receive the proper ID by the up coming 2016 Presidential election?

Their other excuse? How do you expect people without a drivers license to get to the DMV without a vehicle? Funny, but I don't recall the Democrats and their union buddies having any trouble bussing people in during the Wisconsin recall election. Then again such strategy efforts may come under threat, if voter ID were used by the state to confirm these individuals voting districts and home residence.
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Obama is my hero, really. He's the caped crusader of truth and a beacon to all stupid people across the earth, especially black people who some how can't get screwed around enough to understand what a pathetic fraud he is.
Why are the Elections Offices open on Sundays for early voting?

They are...Don't know why.
I think early voting should be outlawed. Election day is election day.
Oh, the law also eliminates straight party ticket voting. In other words, the voter must now vote for each candidate individually.
And also outlawed will be 'instant registration'...A practice where a voter could show up at the polls, register to vote on site and immediately cast a ballot.
Frick and Frack are just spouting off like they did after the civic hero Zimmerman was acquitted.


I would love to see it go back to the way it was prior to Clinton.

1 - To register to vote you had to register at City Hall or Elections office.

2 - No early voting.

3 - Absentee ballots had to include a photo copy of your driver's license.

Most on the right would like to go back further than that, back to poll taxes and literacy tests.

(Rhetorical) What is that conservatives fear with regard to more inclusive elections policies.

Oh bullshit.
What is so frightening that you people protest the one method whereby the integrity of an election is all but certain?

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