Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Voter Suppression Laws

Don't you mean
Obama Administration Will Challenge NC, TX and FL Illegal Voter Suppression Laws

After all, the only votes that are going to be suppressed are those that would be illegally cast.
... and, we assume, all the Southern Red States who think they can win an election by suppressing the minority vote ....


Obama Administration to Challenge State Voting Laws, Starting With Texas

The Obama administration on Thursday sent a clear signal that last month's Supreme Court decision that struck down a key portion of the Voting Rights Act was far from the end of the political and legal struggle over election rules. In what will likely be a series of challenges to state laws currently on the books or winding their way through state legislatures, Eric Holder announced this morning that the Justice Department will ask a federal court in San Antonio to reinstate its authority over voting laws in Texas for the next decade because of its history of discrimination, something that would require the Lone Star State to obtain approval before enacting any future voting changes. (Or, in the always calm words of Drudge, "HOLDER MESSES WITH TEXAS.)

Voting Laws: Eric Holder announces plans to challenge state voting laws.

"Voter suppression" laws is your term, Gertrude...stop the bullshit.
... and, we assume, all the Southern Red States who think they can win an election by suppressing the minority vote ....


Obama Administration to Challenge State Voting Laws, Starting With Texas

The Obama administration on Thursday sent a clear signal that last month's Supreme Court decision that struck down a key portion of the Voting Rights Act was far from the end of the political and legal struggle over election rules. In what will likely be a series of challenges to state laws currently on the books or winding their way through state legislatures, Eric Holder announced this morning that the Justice Department will ask a federal court in San Antonio to reinstate its authority over voting laws in Texas for the next decade because of its history of discrimination, something that would require the Lone Star State to obtain approval before enacting any future voting changes. (Or, in the always calm words of Drudge, "HOLDER MESSES WITH TEXAS.)

Voting Laws: Eric Holder announces plans to challenge state voting laws.

Non US Citizens and Dead People should not be voting.......did not realize they are Minorities.
I would love to see it go back to the way it was prior to Clinton.

1 - To register to vote you had to register at City Hall or Elections office.

2 - No early voting.

3 - Absentee ballots had to include a photo copy of your driver's license.
Lets allow millions of illegal votes as this is the only way the Dems keep am advantage.
I would love to see it go back to the way it was prior to Clinton.

1 - To register to vote you had to register at City Hall or Elections office.

2 - No early voting.

3 - Absentee ballots had to include a photo copy of your driver's license.

The new NC Voter ID law has the NAALCP in a fury. That is due to the reduction in the number of days allowed for early voting.
What is ignored is the fact that even though the period has been shortened from 17 to 10 days, the number of hours the polls are open for early voting stays the same.
The NAALCP is pissed off because the law reduces the number of Sunday's there can be early voting.
Here's why. Typically the NAALCP or local pastors round up buses on the two early voting Sunday's to take church goers to the polls after sermons.
The NAALCP claims these people cannot get to the polls by themselves.
Oh? How do they get to church then.
I find it amazing anyone would stay in the democrat party. Their entire chant is their members are too damn stupid to get an ID, too damn dumb to purchase birth control and way to f*cking stupid to negotiate their wages, home loans, credit cards, healthcare etc.

Democrats are the party of stupid people that can't take care of any aspect of their own lives.
I would love to see it go back to the way it was prior to Clinton.

1 - To register to vote you had to register at City Hall or Elections office.

2 - No early voting.

3 - Absentee ballots had to include a photo copy of your driver's license.

Most on the right would like to go back further than that, back to poll taxes and literacy tests.

(Rhetorical) What is that conservatives fear with regard to more inclusive elections policies.
I would love to see it go back to the way it was prior to Clinton.

1 - To register to vote you had to register at City Hall or Elections office.

2 - No early voting.

3 - Absentee ballots had to include a photo copy of your driver's license.

Most on the right would like to go back further than that, back to poll taxes and literacy tests.

(Rhetorical) What is that conservatives fear with regard to more inclusive elections policies.

Where is your proof in your stupid statement or is it more inflammatory liberal bullshit you are spewing?
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I would love to see it go back to the way it was prior to Clinton.

1 - To register to vote you had to register at City Hall or Elections office.

2 - No early voting.

3 - Absentee ballots had to include a photo copy of your driver's license.

Most on the right would like to go back further than that, back to poll taxes and literacy tests.

(Rhetorical) What is that conservatives fear with regard to more inclusive elections policies.
Inclusive doesn't mean people that aren't eligible to vote in the first place.
As good as the liberal ground game is, they would have no problem making sure their constituents got ID's. They understand that a huge amount of their votes are fraudulent, and that is why they are vehemently opposed.
As good as the liberal ground game is, they would have no problem making sure their constituents got ID's. They understand that a huge amount of their votes are fraudulent, and that is why they are vehemently opposed.

Excellent point! They have the resources to get dead people to vote but an ID is too big a hurdle?
Funny how you have to have ID by law for many, many things. Yet, you don't need ID to vote for those that make the laws requiring ID for said other things :cuckoo:

... and, we assume, all the Southern Red States who think they can win an election by suppressing the minority vote ....


Obama Administration to Challenge State Voting Laws, Starting With Texas

The Obama administration on Thursday sent a clear signal that last month's Supreme Court decision that struck down a key portion of the Voting Rights Act was far from the end of the political and legal struggle over election rules. In what will likely be a series of challenges to state laws currently on the books or winding their way through state legislatures, Eric Holder announced this morning that the Justice Department will ask a federal court in San Antonio to reinstate its authority over voting laws in Texas for the next decade because of its history of discrimination, something that would require the Lone Star State to obtain approval before enacting any future voting changes. (Or, in the always calm words of Drudge, "HOLDER MESSES WITH TEXAS.)

Voting Laws: Eric Holder announces plans to challenge state voting laws.

How is requiring ID minority voter suppression?
One thing we have to all remember.

This administration has made it clear that they don't care about the White Men's vote. They said that they will not prosecute any voter initimidation acts performed by Minorities against Whites.

And they have followed up on that promise.
I would love to see it go back to the way it was prior to Clinton.

1 - To register to vote you had to register at City Hall or Elections office.

2 - No early voting.

3 - Absentee ballots had to include a photo copy of your driver's license.

Most on the right would like to go back further than that, back to poll taxes and literacy tests.

(Rhetorical) What is that conservatives fear with regard to more inclusive elections policies.

reported as TDM's sock :cuckoo:

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