Obama: America ‘the World's Second-Largest Source of Climate Pollution’


The CINC said a fact and you just started whining. There are no new facts there, just your own tear stained beliefs.

Ok - what was the national debt when he became President? What did he complain about as a senator - uncontrolled govt spending, debt, no budget! How we doing so far.
Affordable Care Act - you can keep your doctor. It will be cheaper. More people will have better coverage. Fact insurance companies cannot afford ACA and rates will have to increase. Fact - you can't keep your doctor.
Iran Nuke Deal - we will snap back sanctions if they don't comply - Fact. There is no deal they never signed it. Fact they have violated the agreement. Fact Obama has done nothing.
Obama goes to England and interfers on the Brit exit vote. Fact. This is a violation of international law.
Benghazi was the result of a movie. Fact. It was about running arms via the CIA annex.
Fact. Obama lets his ambassador die as well as 4 brave men.
The U.S. Has a law about immigration and enforcement of same. Fact. Obama refuses to enforce the law.
Courts have shown the IRS acted with malice towards conservative groups. Fact. Obama claims they did nothing wrong.
While campaigning Obama promised the most transparent govt ever. Fact. No it ain't and even the MSM agree. He has also hidden all his personal records.
Obama claims to be a Christian. Fact. The call to Muslim prayer is his favourite thing. He has crosses covered where he speaks but allows Muslim crap to be shown.
Obama the use of Chemical wins in Syria is a red line. Fact. It was used and he did nothing.
Suck on those facts!

What has any of that got to do with with pollution?

It's mostly bullshit, and without any evidence like pretty much all of your posts, the brexit part especially made me laugh but I'll gloss over all of it because unlike you I'm staying on topic.

Why do you turrbo post these god awful threads that people on the left and right alike all sigh and say "not again" when you decide to have your 7 or 8 brainfarts all in new threads. Post evidence with your claims, keep them all in one thread and stop spamming up the damn forum!

Here's an idea. Instead of going into thread's that you aren't interested in to post that you aren't interested in them, what if you don't click on threads you aren't in, what if you didn't click on them in the first place?

If you could talk the dim witted OP to title his threads accordingly then I would.

When I read that the President has said that the US is 2nd in the world in polluting I expect a discussion on common sense methods of bringing down particulate discharge, reducing carbon emissions and how tackling pollution is an opportunity for business. I don't expect "OMFG HE'S A MOOOSLIM AND HATES AMERICA AND EVIL AND WANTS TO TAKE MY GUNS AWAY AND HAS A SHIT MIDDLE NAME AND I HATE HIM SOOO MUCH BOO HOO WHY DIDN'T MOMMY LOVE ME????!!!!!!"

Thread titles being clear are a pet peeve for me, so I totally agree with your philosophy. However, I went back and read it and it seems like a great thread title for his post.

And why would you expect his opinion on what Obama said be your opinion? Clearly the left do attempt to use the environment to just generally further restrict business in general.

And while we may be #2 in nominal terms (which I seriously doubt), we are clearly way better in real terms. Attacking the United States over polution is seriously not the biggest bang for the buck. We've reduced real pollution generation for 40 years, unlike most of the rest of the world

If the thread had a link to a story and then some actual fact based arguments it may have ended all so differently.

I agree with your point that things are improving but I don't for a second buy that the "left" (I don't even think America has one, but for argument's sake we'll say Democrats) want to restrict business. I think the widely held and purplexing idea that climate change is a myth invented by leftists to take your job away and infringe on your freedoms to burn tyres is probably closer to the truth.

What with China making some serious inroads in to its pollution levels I think Obama might simply be trying to outline he wants America to up it's green game, I don't see why that is an attack, and as for if the US is 2nd in the world, it will be in some areas. Overall would be a difficult statistic to prove so he can only believe the figures he's given. If you read what he says as an attack on America and not simply a statement then I think it says less about his motives and more about your interpretation.
Ok - what was the national debt when he became President? What did he complain about as a senator - uncontrolled govt spending, debt, no budget! How we doing so far.
Affordable Care Act - you can keep your doctor. It will be cheaper. More people will have better coverage. Fact insurance companies cannot afford ACA and rates will have to increase. Fact - you can't keep your doctor.
Iran Nuke Deal - we will snap back sanctions if they don't comply - Fact. There is no deal they never signed it. Fact they have violated the agreement. Fact Obama has done nothing.
Obama goes to England and interfers on the Brit exit vote. Fact. This is a violation of international law.
Benghazi was the result of a movie. Fact. It was about running arms via the CIA annex.
Fact. Obama lets his ambassador die as well as 4 brave men.
The U.S. Has a law about immigration and enforcement of same. Fact. Obama refuses to enforce the law.
Courts have shown the IRS acted with malice towards conservative groups. Fact. Obama claims they did nothing wrong.
While campaigning Obama promised the most transparent govt ever. Fact. No it ain't and even the MSM agree. He has also hidden all his personal records.
Obama claims to be a Christian. Fact. The call to Muslim prayer is his favourite thing. He has crosses covered where he speaks but allows Muslim crap to be shown.
Obama the use of Chemical wins in Syria is a red line. Fact. It was used and he did nothing.
Suck on those facts!

What has any of that got to do with with pollution?

It's mostly bullshit, and without any evidence like pretty much all of your posts, the brexit part especially made me laugh but I'll gloss over all of it because unlike you I'm staying on topic.

Why do you turrbo post these god awful threads that people on the left and right alike all sigh and say "not again" when you decide to have your 7 or 8 brainfarts all in new threads. Post evidence with your claims, keep them all in one thread and stop spamming up the damn forum!

Here's an idea. Instead of going into thread's that you aren't interested in to post that you aren't interested in them, what if you don't click on threads you aren't in, what if you didn't click on them in the first place?

If you could talk the dim witted OP to title his threads accordingly then I would.

When I read that the President has said that the US is 2nd in the world in polluting I expect a discussion on common sense methods of bringing down particulate discharge, reducing carbon emissions and how tackling pollution is an opportunity for business. I don't expect "OMFG HE'S A MOOOSLIM AND HATES AMERICA AND EVIL AND WANTS TO TAKE MY GUNS AWAY AND HAS A SHIT MIDDLE NAME AND I HATE HIM SOOO MUCH BOO HOO WHY DIDN'T MOMMY LOVE ME????!!!!!!"

Thread titles being clear are a pet peeve for me, so I totally agree with your philosophy. However, I went back and read it and it seems like a great thread title for his post.

And why would you expect his opinion on what Obama said be your opinion? Clearly the left do attempt to use the environment to just generally further restrict business in general.

And while we may be #2 in nominal terms (which I seriously doubt), we are clearly way better in real terms. Attacking the United States over polution is seriously not the biggest bang for the buck. We've reduced real pollution generation for 40 years, unlike most of the rest of the world

If the thread had a link to a story and then some actual fact based arguments it may have ended all so differently.

I agree with your point that things are improving but I don't for a second buy that the "left" (I don't even think America has one, but for argument's sake we'll say Democrats) want to restrict business. I think the widely held and purplexing idea that climate change is a myth invented by leftists to take your job away and infringe on your freedoms to burn tyres is probably closer to the truth.

What with China making some serious inroads in to its pollution levels I think Obama might simply be trying to outline he wants America to up it's green game, I don't see why that is an attack, and as for if the US is 2nd in the world, it will be in some areas. Overall would be a difficult statistic to prove so he can only believe the figures he's given. If you read what he says as an attack on America and not simply a statement then I think it says less about his motives and more about your interpretation.

If the left in this country's goal was to actually reduce emissions, they would have a completely different strategy. The bang for the buck is going after a smaller percent of the bigger slice of the pie. "Green" energy production is a piddling and growing it to matter is going to take decades and is uber expensive. On the other hand, the left block zero emissions nuclear which can produce significant energy. They block clean coal just cus it's coal. They block natural gas because it's still a fossil fuel. Focusing on those would have a far larger impact on actual emissions than building more windmills and installing solar panels by far.

Their policies don't fit their words for global warming. Oops, that didn't work, they renamed it climate change. On the other hand, their policies make perfect sense if they want to continue to increase their socialist control of the economy. If you want to know someone's motivation, don't listen to their words, observe their actions. The actions of the left have nothing to do with believing in global warming
We don't manufacture anything anymore....
Obama has been shutting down the coal mining and coal fired powered plants....
The emission standards on cars has been increased year after year....
Farmers have been paid not to farm....

Where are all these planet destroying sources in the US coming from?
From the people?
What has any of that got to do with with pollution?

It's mostly bullshit, and without any evidence like pretty much all of your posts, the brexit part especially made me laugh but I'll gloss over all of it because unlike you I'm staying on topic.

Why do you turrbo post these god awful threads that people on the left and right alike all sigh and say "not again" when you decide to have your 7 or 8 brainfarts all in new threads. Post evidence with your claims, keep them all in one thread and stop spamming up the damn forum!

Here's an idea. Instead of going into thread's that you aren't interested in to post that you aren't interested in them, what if you don't click on threads you aren't in, what if you didn't click on them in the first place?

If you could talk the dim witted OP to title his threads accordingly then I would.

When I read that the President has said that the US is 2nd in the world in polluting I expect a discussion on common sense methods of bringing down particulate discharge, reducing carbon emissions and how tackling pollution is an opportunity for business. I don't expect "OMFG HE'S A MOOOSLIM AND HATES AMERICA AND EVIL AND WANTS TO TAKE MY GUNS AWAY AND HAS A SHIT MIDDLE NAME AND I HATE HIM SOOO MUCH BOO HOO WHY DIDN'T MOMMY LOVE ME????!!!!!!"

Thread titles being clear are a pet peeve for me, so I totally agree with your philosophy. However, I went back and read it and it seems like a great thread title for his post.

And why would you expect his opinion on what Obama said be your opinion? Clearly the left do attempt to use the environment to just generally further restrict business in general.

And while we may be #2 in nominal terms (which I seriously doubt), we are clearly way better in real terms. Attacking the United States over polution is seriously not the biggest bang for the buck. We've reduced real pollution generation for 40 years, unlike most of the rest of the world

If the thread had a link to a story and then some actual fact based arguments it may have ended all so differently.

I agree with your point that things are improving but I don't for a second buy that the "left" (I don't even think America has one, but for argument's sake we'll say Democrats) want to restrict business. I think the widely held and purplexing idea that climate change is a myth invented by leftists to take your job away and infringe on your freedoms to burn tyres is probably closer to the truth.

What with China making some serious inroads in to its pollution levels I think Obama might simply be trying to outline he wants America to up it's green game, I don't see why that is an attack, and as for if the US is 2nd in the world, it will be in some areas. Overall would be a difficult statistic to prove so he can only believe the figures he's given. If you read what he says as an attack on America and not simply a statement then I think it says less about his motives and more about your interpretation.

If the left in this country's goal was to actually reduce emissions, they would have a completely different strategy. The bang for the buck is going after a smaller percent of the bigger slice of the pie. "Green" energy production is a piddling and growing it to matter is going to take decades and is uber expensive. On the other hand, the left block zero emissions nuclear which can produce significant energy. They block clean coal just cus it's coal. They block natural gas because it's still a fossil fuel. Focusing on those would have a far larger impact on actual emissions than building more windmills and installing solar panels by far.

Their policies don't fit their words for global warming. Oops, that didn't work, they renamed it climate change. On the other hand, their policies make perfect sense if they want to continue to increase their socialist control of the economy. If you want to know someone's motivation, don't listen to their words, observe their actions. The actions of the left have nothing to do with believing in global warming
What has any of that got to do with with pollution?

It's mostly bullshit, and without any evidence like pretty much all of your posts, the brexit part especially made me laugh but I'll gloss over all of it because unlike you I'm staying on topic.

Why do you turrbo post these god awful threads that people on the left and right alike all sigh and say "not again" when you decide to have your 7 or 8 brainfarts all in new threads. Post evidence with your claims, keep them all in one thread and stop spamming up the damn forum!

Here's an idea. Instead of going into thread's that you aren't interested in to post that you aren't interested in them, what if you don't click on threads you aren't in, what if you didn't click on them in the first place?

If you could talk the dim witted OP to title his threads accordingly then I would.

When I read that the President has said that the US is 2nd in the world in polluting I expect a discussion on common sense methods of bringing down particulate discharge, reducing carbon emissions and how tackling pollution is an opportunity for business. I don't expect "OMFG HE'S A MOOOSLIM AND HATES AMERICA AND EVIL AND WANTS TO TAKE MY GUNS AWAY AND HAS A SHIT MIDDLE NAME AND I HATE HIM SOOO MUCH BOO HOO WHY DIDN'T MOMMY LOVE ME????!!!!!!"

Thread titles being clear are a pet peeve for me, so I totally agree with your philosophy. However, I went back and read it and it seems like a great thread title for his post.

And why would you expect his opinion on what Obama said be your opinion? Clearly the left do attempt to use the environment to just generally further restrict business in general.

And while we may be #2 in nominal terms (which I seriously doubt), we are clearly way better in real terms. Attacking the United States over polution is seriously not the biggest bang for the buck. We've reduced real pollution generation for 40 years, unlike most of the rest of the world

If the thread had a link to a story and then some actual fact based arguments it may have ended all so differently.

I agree with your point that things are improving but I don't for a second buy that the "left" (I don't even think America has one, but for argument's sake we'll say Democrats) want to restrict business. I think the widely held and purplexing idea that climate change is a myth invented by leftists to take your job away and infringe on your freedoms to burn tyres is probably closer to the truth.

What with China making some serious inroads in to its pollution levels I think Obama might simply be trying to outline he wants America to up it's green game, I don't see why that is an attack, and as for if the US is 2nd in the world, it will be in some areas. Overall would be a difficult statistic to prove so he can only believe the figures he's given. If you read what he says as an attack on America and not simply a statement then I think it says less about his motives and more about your interpretation.

If the left in this country's goal was to actually reduce emissions, they would have a completely different strategy. The bang for the buck is going after a smaller percent of the bigger slice of the pie. "Green" energy production is a piddling and growing it to matter is going to take decades and is uber expensive. On the other hand, the left block zero emissions nuclear which can produce significant energy. They block clean coal just cus it's coal. They block natural gas because it's still a fossil fuel. Focusing on those would have a far larger impact on actual emissions than building more windmills and installing solar panels by far.

Their policies don't fit their words for global warming. Oops, that didn't work, they renamed it climate change. On the other hand, their policies make perfect sense if they want to continue to increase their socialist control of the economy. If you want to know someone's motivation, don't listen to their words, observe their actions. The actions of the left have nothing to do with believing in global warming

A convincing and effectively irrefutable argument. Where are the pro-nuke AGW protests?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Here's an idea. Instead of going into thread's that you aren't interested in to post that you aren't interested in them, what if you don't click on threads you aren't in, what if you didn't click on them in the first place?

If you could talk the dim witted OP to title his threads accordingly then I would.

When I read that the President has said that the US is 2nd in the world in polluting I expect a discussion on common sense methods of bringing down particulate discharge, reducing carbon emissions and how tackling pollution is an opportunity for business. I don't expect "OMFG HE'S A MOOOSLIM AND HATES AMERICA AND EVIL AND WANTS TO TAKE MY GUNS AWAY AND HAS A SHIT MIDDLE NAME AND I HATE HIM SOOO MUCH BOO HOO WHY DIDN'T MOMMY LOVE ME????!!!!!!"

Thread titles being clear are a pet peeve for me, so I totally agree with your philosophy. However, I went back and read it and it seems like a great thread title for his post.

And why would you expect his opinion on what Obama said be your opinion? Clearly the left do attempt to use the environment to just generally further restrict business in general.

And while we may be #2 in nominal terms (which I seriously doubt), we are clearly way better in real terms. Attacking the United States over polution is seriously not the biggest bang for the buck. We've reduced real pollution generation for 40 years, unlike most of the rest of the world

If the thread had a link to a story and then some actual fact based arguments it may have ended all so differently.

I agree with your point that things are improving but I don't for a second buy that the "left" (I don't even think America has one, but for argument's sake we'll say Democrats) want to restrict business. I think the widely held and purplexing idea that climate change is a myth invented by leftists to take your job away and infringe on your freedoms to burn tyres is probably closer to the truth.

What with China making some serious inroads in to its pollution levels I think Obama might simply be trying to outline he wants America to up it's green game, I don't see why that is an attack, and as for if the US is 2nd in the world, it will be in some areas. Overall would be a difficult statistic to prove so he can only believe the figures he's given. If you read what he says as an attack on America and not simply a statement then I think it says less about his motives and more about your interpretation.

If the left in this country's goal was to actually reduce emissions, they would have a completely different strategy. The bang for the buck is going after a smaller percent of the bigger slice of the pie. "Green" energy production is a piddling and growing it to matter is going to take decades and is uber expensive. On the other hand, the left block zero emissions nuclear which can produce significant energy. They block clean coal just cus it's coal. They block natural gas because it's still a fossil fuel. Focusing on those would have a far larger impact on actual emissions than building more windmills and installing solar panels by far.

Their policies don't fit their words for global warming. Oops, that didn't work, they renamed it climate change. On the other hand, their policies make perfect sense if they want to continue to increase their socialist control of the economy. If you want to know someone's motivation, don't listen to their words, observe their actions. The actions of the left have nothing to do with believing in global warming
Here's an idea. Instead of going into thread's that you aren't interested in to post that you aren't interested in them, what if you don't click on threads you aren't in, what if you didn't click on them in the first place?

If you could talk the dim witted OP to title his threads accordingly then I would.

When I read that the President has said that the US is 2nd in the world in polluting I expect a discussion on common sense methods of bringing down particulate discharge, reducing carbon emissions and how tackling pollution is an opportunity for business. I don't expect "OMFG HE'S A MOOOSLIM AND HATES AMERICA AND EVIL AND WANTS TO TAKE MY GUNS AWAY AND HAS A SHIT MIDDLE NAME AND I HATE HIM SOOO MUCH BOO HOO WHY DIDN'T MOMMY LOVE ME????!!!!!!"

Thread titles being clear are a pet peeve for me, so I totally agree with your philosophy. However, I went back and read it and it seems like a great thread title for his post.

And why would you expect his opinion on what Obama said be your opinion? Clearly the left do attempt to use the environment to just generally further restrict business in general.

And while we may be #2 in nominal terms (which I seriously doubt), we are clearly way better in real terms. Attacking the United States over polution is seriously not the biggest bang for the buck. We've reduced real pollution generation for 40 years, unlike most of the rest of the world

If the thread had a link to a story and then some actual fact based arguments it may have ended all so differently.

I agree with your point that things are improving but I don't for a second buy that the "left" (I don't even think America has one, but for argument's sake we'll say Democrats) want to restrict business. I think the widely held and purplexing idea that climate change is a myth invented by leftists to take your job away and infringe on your freedoms to burn tyres is probably closer to the truth.

What with China making some serious inroads in to its pollution levels I think Obama might simply be trying to outline he wants America to up it's green game, I don't see why that is an attack, and as for if the US is 2nd in the world, it will be in some areas. Overall would be a difficult statistic to prove so he can only believe the figures he's given. If you read what he says as an attack on America and not simply a statement then I think it says less about his motives and more about your interpretation.

If the left in this country's goal was to actually reduce emissions, they would have a completely different strategy. The bang for the buck is going after a smaller percent of the bigger slice of the pie. "Green" energy production is a piddling and growing it to matter is going to take decades and is uber expensive. On the other hand, the left block zero emissions nuclear which can produce significant energy. They block clean coal just cus it's coal. They block natural gas because it's still a fossil fuel. Focusing on those would have a far larger impact on actual emissions than building more windmills and installing solar panels by far.

Their policies don't fit their words for global warming. Oops, that didn't work, they renamed it climate change. On the other hand, their policies make perfect sense if they want to continue to increase their socialist control of the economy. If you want to know someone's motivation, don't listen to their words, observe their actions. The actions of the left have nothing to do with believing in global warming

A convincing and effectively irrefutable argument. Where are the pro-nuke AGW protests?

Thanks! I have a lot of energy industry experience. My career is management and management consulting, so I've worked in a lot of industries. But I was in management at both GE Nuclear Energy as well as GE Energy Services as well as other assorted energy gigs, so I know a lot about the industry.
Obama Declares America ‘the World's Second-Largest Source of Climate Pollution’

Obama hates America. I bet he would love to shut down all our factories. You can't say this about America without hating America. When is the secret service going to have a bad day?

The traitor never misses an opportunity to run down his country.

Things that make you go hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

All scientists agree that

1 + 1 = 2

but not all scientists agree that there is such as thing as "climate pollution"

so one wonders whether the entity is a socialist/fascist/ludditic fiction


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