Obama "Americans are..... soft, lazy, stupid, crybabies, etc...."

Dems proved THEY'RE not racists...a long time ago. LOL

Pubs and dupes- not so much.

Cain: "Libya? Which one is that?" You dupes- and your candidates- are idiots....
Dems proved THEY'RE not racists...a long time ago. LOL

Pubs and dupes- not so much.

Cain: "Libya? Which one is that?" You dupes- and your candidates- are idiots....

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.” -- Dem Civil Rights "Hero" LBJ on Thurgood Marshall
Dems proved THEY'RE not racists...a long time ago. LOL

Pubs and dupes- not so much.

Cain: "Libya? Which one is that?" You dupes- and your candidates- are idiots....
Only why some in thier ranks invented the KKK. This is funny. Tell us another one!:lol:
I do take offense to being called lazy. Especially by this guy. The Vacationer in Chief should just apologize.

Try listening to what he SAID, dupe . The only people calling anyone lazy are dittoheads blaming the unemployed and blacks for everything.:cuckoo::lol:
I do take offense to being called lazy. Especially by this guy. The Vacationer in Chief should just apologize.
No kidding. Lay seeds of dissent, get Americans squabbling amongst themselves and jet off to points around the globe and convince the rest of the world to belive it.
Well, maybe the Prez was talking about just one group of Americans. Like maybe the kind who express all kinds of love for the Constitution but are too STUPID to see there are more ways to interpret it than just their own.

Or maybe LAZY assholes who talk a good game about self-reliance until the benefits they get from the public trough are threatened. IOW, it's only when people they don't like get gubmint cheese that they think it's wasteful.

Or maybe it's dumbasses who are too SOFT to stand up to the guys who are running the big banks and making all kinds of cash by moving other people's around without actually producing a fuckin' thing. No, somehow even guys like these are "job creators".

One thing's for sure: they've shown they can be a big bunch of CRYBABIES.
How bout a President who just loves his country and doesn't call its people lazy? Is that really too much to ask? And laziness has nothing to do with why countries like China are doing better in the Global Economy. He's either too dumb to know better or he's just too lazy to do some research. You know what? Screw China and him. Have a good night all. See ya.
I do take offense to being called lazy. Especially by this guy. The Vacationer in Chief should just apologize.

Try listening to what he SAID, dupe . The only people calling anyone lazy are dittoheads blaming the unemployed and blacks for everything.:cuckoo::lol:
Racist. They said no such thing about blacks...interesting you throw shit in here to make a point.
Oboma does'nt like the U.S.A. thats why he is trying to destroy us from within ! We need another RONALD RAGAN! He is trying to bankrupt us , so we will join the europe union & have a one money . I cant believe people still back him! Wait till they have lost there job, there house &have to rely on the goverment - thats when you lose your freedom !Americans need to wake up & see what he is doing behind the scenes . dont listen to what he says .
I do take offense to being called lazy. Especially by this guy. The Vacationer in Chief should just apologize.

Try listening to what he SAID, dupe . The only people calling anyone lazy are dittoheads blaming the unemployed and blacks for everything.:cuckoo::lol:
Racist. They said no such thing about blacks...interesting you throw shit in here to make a point.
So what! Obama said nothing about the American people. You America hating scum can dish it out but whine and cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites you in your America hating asses.
Oboma does'nt like the U.S.A. thats why he is trying to destroy us from within ! We need another RONALD RAGAN! He is trying to bankrupt us , so we will join the europe union & have a one money . I cant believe people still back him! Wait till they have lost there job, there house &have to rely on the goverment - thats when you lose your freedom !Americans need to wake up & see what he is doing behind the scenes . dont listen to what he says .
Thank you for admitting that the America hating Reagan tried to bankrupt this great country.

July 6, 2010
RUSH: It is said of Reagan -- I think it's true to a certain extent -- Reagan decided to starve the welfare state by creating deficits and spending
Try listening to what he SAID, dupe . The only people calling anyone lazy are dittoheads blaming the unemployed and blacks for everything.:cuckoo::lol:
Racist. They said no such thing about blacks...interesting you throw shit in here to make a point.
So what! Obama said nothing about the American people. You America hating scum can dish it out but whine and cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites you in your America hating asses.
No one whining here but YOU...and he DID say it. Have ears? Use them.
A country can't join the EU until they stop capital punishment, have a living wage, real 40 hr week, 1 month paid vacation- we're WAY off...
A country can't join the EU until they stop capital punishment, have a living wage, real 40 hr week, 1 month paid vacation- we're WAY off...
EU is in it's death throes. What country would throw it's soverignty to others?
Racist. They said no such thing about blacks...interesting you throw shit in here to make a point.
So what! Obama said nothing about the American people. You America hating scum can dish it out but whine and cry like little babies when the Golden Rule bites you in your America hating asses.
No one whining here but YOU...and he DID say it. Have ears? Use them.
No he didn't. The American people do not recruit foreign investment. He was talking about the last three GOP administrations, and there was nothing even remotely American about any one of them.

There are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the U.S. as a great opportunity -- our stability, our openness, our innovative free market culture. But we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We've kind of taken for granted -- well, people will want to come here and we aren't out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new business into America.
I know i'm gonna catch some Hell for this but it has to be said...This is incredibly ironic considering most of his Base is made up of lazy Entitlement hounds. Most Americans who don't want to work and demand stealing from fellow Citzens are definitely Democrats. They are much of his Voting Base. So he didn't insult me but he did insult his own supporters.

Nah. You wont catch any hell for speaking the Truth. I already pointed that out and there have been no serious reprocussions against me lol.

Besides, Im very much aware that it's the people that are the problem. the government is just a symptom of the cancer of progressivism in the hearts of the people. And we have to be careful, because those Robbers may prove the destruction of our entire civilization. They usually do.
Oh yeah I am sure RDEAN , truthmatters , BPDOOP, Lakohata to name a few will criticize him.
Only 4 of the words came from Obama, the words about the American people came from that worthless lying scum BigotBarf. The "we" Obama was talking about was past administrations. When he talks about "stability, openness, etc., he is talking about our government system, not the American people. It's you America hating lying scum CON$ who are calling the American people lazy, by putting your hate for this country in other peoples mouths.

Here is Obama's quote without BigotBarf's words.
You can defend that inept moron until the cows come home, and continue to live with your head firmly planted up your ass so far you hold meaningless conversations with your back teeth, but the following links that GMU provided clearly shows what an asshat Obama truly is. Both in his abject ineptness, and inability to control what comes out of his ignorant mouth.

If Obama was as bad as you America hating scum say, then you wouldn't have to lie and fabricate quotes with your own words. CON$ervative fabrications expose CON$ as the worthless lying America hating scum they are.
Thank you.

Who the fuck is lying??

You're lying by asserting others are...

Now get in the fucking back seat because I would like to drive...

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