Obama "Americans are..... soft, lazy, stupid, crybabies, etc...."

It's others' fault that Obamination's tax and spend policies don't work, that is his cap & trade threats have harmed the economy, his EPA and DoJ going after companies hurt job growth and his protection of unions cut off economic growth.

Oh, nevermind he wants to raise the highest corporate tax rate in the western world even higher.

Yet, the idiot goes around telling everyone other people have fucked things up......not him.
Ahhhhhh, come on man.....It's the ATM's, Arab Springs, Earthquake, Tsunami, Republicans, Tornado's, Hurricanes, and cops acting stupidly that have gotten in the way of his economic geniusness.

Sheeeeesh, didn't ya' know?:eusa_hand:
When was the last time a president was so demeaning to the American public at large?

He makes us look and sound so bad abroad with these stupid comments.

I don't remember anyone denagrating our country and its people like this since Jane Fonda.
Obamaturd just proving he is a lowlife again.
Lazy is,Lazy does. Look at our current Golfer in Chief. And his supporters really are the lazy Americans he ranted about. The rest of us are not lazy. I resent his comments.

Not all of us are lazy, but enough to screw my country up.
It's others' fault that Obamination's tax and spend policies don't work, that is his cap & trade threats have harmed the economy, his EPA and DoJ going after companies hurt job growth and his protection of unions cut off economic growth.

Oh, nevermind he wants to raise the highest corporate tax rate in the western world even higher.

Yet, the idiot goes around telling everyone other people have fucked things up......not him.
Ahhhhhh, come on man.....It's the ATM's, Arab Springs, Earthquake, Tsunami, Republicans, Tornado's, Hurricanes, and cops acting stupidly that have gotten in the way of his economic geniusness.

Sheeeeesh, didn't ya' know?:eusa_hand:

Yep pretty much the same reasons that Bush left office in a recession.
Obama: China's stooge
President blames America while running economy into the ground

President Obama is overseas on a nine-day Blame America First tour. He’s ostensibly spending time on the other side of the Pacific to explore ways the United States can work better with Asian economies. Instead, he’s using his time in the spotlight to criticize the nation he’s supposed to be leading.
“We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades,” Mr. Obama said at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Honolulu over the weekend. “We’ve kind of taken for granted - ‘Well, people would want to come here’ - and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.” This is the height of chutzpah from the elected official who has done more than anyone else to undermine the competitiveness of U.S. industries. Economic uncertainty is the chief reason businesses aren’t hiring or investing in new projects. The main causes for corporate uncertainty are out-of-control government regulation, spending and taxation - problems Mr. Obama has exacerbated.

I wonder why the same thing keeps happening when Obama goes abroad.
NEWSFLASH!!! Links are provided in this thread, using the inept clown of a presidents own words.
And by that you mean BigotBarf's words passed off as Obama's. That's why no honest person ever takes a quote from the lying scum CON$ as accurate!!!
Noooooooo, I mean the youtube links provided that clearly show Obama stepping on his lil' needledick yet again, in HIS OWN DAMN WORDS!

Christ, you libs just can't seem get through life without continually shoving your lil' pinheads up your boney lil assholes, in desperate, but always failed attempts to hide from the TRUTH!
Only 4 of the words came from Obama, the words about the American people came from that worthless lying scum BigotBarf. The "we" Obama was talking about was past administrations. When he talks about "stability, openness, etc., he is talking about our government system, not the American people. It's you America hating lying scum CON$ who are calling the American people lazy, by putting your hate for this country in other peoples mouths.

Here is Obama's quote without BigotBarf's words.

There are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the U.S. as a great opportunity -- our stability, our openness, our innovative free market culture. But we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We've kind of taken for granted -- well, people will want to come here and we aren't out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new business into America.
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Obama: China's stooge
President blames America while running economy into the ground

President Obama is overseas on a nine-day Blame America First tour. He’s ostensibly spending time on the other side of the Pacific to explore ways the United States can work better with Asian economies. Instead, he’s using his time in the spotlight to criticize the nation he’s supposed to be leading.
“We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades,” Mr. Obama said at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Honolulu over the weekend. “We’ve kind of taken for granted - ‘Well, people would want to come here’ - and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.” This is the height of chutzpah from the elected official who has done more than anyone else to undermine the competitiveness of U.S. industries. Economic uncertainty is the chief reason businesses aren’t hiring or investing in new projects. The main causes for corporate uncertainty are out-of-control government regulation, spending and taxation - problems Mr. Obama has exacerbated.

I wonder why the same thing keeps happening when Obama goes abroad.

Obama: China's stooge
President blames America while running economy into the ground

President Obama is overseas on a nine-day Blame America First tour. He’s ostensibly spending time on the other side of the Pacific to explore ways the United States can work better with Asian economies. Instead, he’s using his time in the spotlight to criticize the nation he’s supposed to be leading.
“We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades,” Mr. Obama said at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Honolulu over the weekend. “We’ve kind of taken for granted - ‘Well, people would want to come here’ - and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.” This is the height of chutzpah from the elected official who has done more than anyone else to undermine the competitiveness of U.S. industries. Economic uncertainty is the chief reason businesses aren’t hiring or investing in new projects. The main causes for corporate uncertainty are out-of-control government regulation, spending and taxation - problems Mr. Obama has exacerbated.

I wonder why the same thing keeps happening when Obama goes abroad.

The room moved, the camera was tilted, the rug had a wrinkle in it, the Japanese earthquake affected the Earth's rotation, a piano was dropped on the floor above, He didn't want to look down on the Arabs....

Obama: China's stooge
President blames America while running economy into the ground

President Obama is overseas on a nine-day Blame America First tour. He’s ostensibly spending time on the other side of the Pacific to explore ways the United States can work better with Asian economies. Instead, he’s using his time in the spotlight to criticize the nation he’s supposed to be leading.
“We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades,” Mr. Obama said at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Honolulu over the weekend. “We’ve kind of taken for granted - ‘Well, people would want to come here’ - and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.” This is the height of chutzpah from the elected official who has done more than anyone else to undermine the competitiveness of U.S. industries. Economic uncertainty is the chief reason businesses aren’t hiring or investing in new projects. The main causes for corporate uncertainty are out-of-control government regulation, spending and taxation - problems Mr. Obama has exacerbated.

I wonder why the same thing keeps happening when Obama goes abroad.

When was the last time a president was so demeaning to the American public at large?

He makes us look and sound so bad abroad with these stupid comments.

I don't remember anyone denagrating our country and its people like this since Jane Fonda.

Well, anti-Americans elected an anti-American president with some help from the dead and the mentally retarded...

Progressives literally hate the present day United States and want it to be more like the USSR was - just with their ideas enforced. Problem is they really don't know what they want - they just know what they don't like, but don't have any alternative other than socialism er pseudo-capitalism...
We proved we weren't racists by electing this idiot. Now let's prove were not completely stupid and elect someone with a clue.
And by that you mean BigotBarf's words passed off as Obama's. That's why no honest person ever takes a quote from the lying scum CON$ as accurate!!!
Noooooooo, I mean the youtube links provided that clearly show Obama stepping on his lil' needledick yet again, in HIS OWN DAMN WORDS!

Christ, you libs just can't seem get through life without continually shoving your lil' pinheads up your boney lil assholes, in desperate, but always failed attempts to hide from the TRUTH!
Only 4 of the words came from Obama, the words about the American people came from that worthless lying scum BigotBarf. The "we" Obama was talking about was past administrations. When he talks about "stability, openness, etc., he is talking about our government system, not the American people. It's you America hating lying scum CON$ who are calling the American people lazy, by putting your hate for this country in other peoples mouths.

Here is Obama's quote without BigotBarf's words.

There are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the U.S. as a great opportunity -- our stability, our openness, our innovative free market culture. But we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We've kind of taken for granted -- well, people will want to come here and we aren't out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new business into America.
You can defend that inept moron until the cows come home, and continue to live with your head firmly planted up your ass so far you hold meaningless conversations with your back teeth, but the following links that GMU provided clearly shows what an asshat Obama truly is. Both in his abject ineptness, and inability to control what comes out of his ignorant mouth.

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Noooooooo, I mean the youtube links provided that clearly show Obama stepping on his lil' needledick yet again, in HIS OWN DAMN WORDS!

Christ, you libs just can't seem get through life without continually shoving your lil' pinheads up your boney lil assholes, in desperate, but always failed attempts to hide from the TRUTH!
Only 4 of the words came from Obama, the words about the American people came from that worthless lying scum BigotBarf. The "we" Obama was talking about was past administrations. When he talks about "stability, openness, etc., he is talking about our government system, not the American people. It's you America hating lying scum CON$ who are calling the American people lazy, by putting your hate for this country in other peoples mouths.

Here is Obama's quote without BigotBarf's words.

There are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the U.S. as a great opportunity -- our stability, our openness, our innovative free market culture. But we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We've kind of taken for granted -- well, people will want to come here and we aren't out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new business into America.
You can defend that inept moron until the cows come home, and continue to live with your head firmly planted up your ass so far you hold meaningless conversations with your back teeth, but the following links that GMU provided clearly shows what an asshat Obama truly is. Both in his abject ineptness, and inability to control what comes out of his ignorant mouth.

If Obama was as bad as you America hating scum say, then you wouldn't have to lie and fabricate quotes with your own words. CON$ervative fabrications expose CON$ as the worthless lying America hating scum they are.
Thank you.
Only 4 of the words came from Obama, the words about the American people came from that worthless lying scum BigotBarf. The "we" Obama was talking about was past administrations. When he talks about "stability, openness, etc., he is talking about our government system, not the American people. It's you America hating lying scum CON$ who are calling the American people lazy, by putting your hate for this country in other peoples mouths.

Here is Obama's quote without BigotBarf's words.
You can defend that inept moron until the cows come home, and continue to live with your head firmly planted up your ass so far you hold meaningless conversations with your back teeth, but the following links that GMU provided clearly shows what an asshat Obama truly is. Both in his abject ineptness, and inability to control what comes out of his ignorant mouth.

If Obama was as bad as you America hating scum say, then you wouldn't have to lie and fabricate quotes with your own words. CON$ervative fabrications expose CON$ as the worthless lying America hating scum they are.
Thank you.
He stated it. Why are you in denial?
I do take offense to being called lazy. Especially by this guy. The Vacationer in Chief should just apologize.

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