Obama and Biden Attempt To Take Credit For Surge Success

So why is his administration attempting to take the credit for it's success?

Oh...another thing....wars aren't perfect. Bad things happen during them. When this happens it doesn't mean the Commander In Chief was incompetent. The trick is showing the leadership it takes to turn a bad war into a success. If that's being incompetent then Bush is.

Mr Biden is known for saying things off the cuff, without any assistance or guidance from the rest of the administration. You all should know that, you continuously make fun of him for doing just that.


I'm not sure how off the cuff Biden's comments were. Gibbs has backed up Bidens words on more then one occasion.

Which means there is a reason Biden is saying this stupid shit.

Gibbs tells whoppers on a regular basis. He's not exactly an honest agent himself.

This all reminds me of when a liar gets called on his lies. He reacts in a typical manner....by calling his detractors liars in return and resorting to personal attacks in the process.

The historical record is not on Bidens' side so he's only making it worse by continuing to stay this unwise course of endeavor in the face of undeniable facts and his own contrary statements in the past.

It was predicted long ago that these folks would try to take credit for any success in Iraq....and now we're seeing it.
These fuckers have alot of gall. They want to claim they were responsible for success in Iraq.

This after opposing the policies that made it happen.

They also want to take credit for the draw-down agreement Bush made with the Iraqi government before he left office.

Obama's press secretary claimed that things were broke and Obama fixed it.

Now I've heard everything.

Fucken Bastards.:evil:

Newsvine - Joe Biden update: Iraq one of Obama's 'great achievements'

I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

I spent -- I've been there 17 times now. I go about every two months -- three months. I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society. It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their difference

Typical, they are two guys without substance, so they wish to use someone else's as their own!

This administration is so weak and trivial it is comical or it would be comical if we didn't have so many serious situations right now.

The sooner we get them out and most of the old imbedded lifers from both parties out of Washington, the better. It's time for the government to be taken back over by the people, for the people.

Its amazing how right wing Conservatives have reduced the Iraq war down to one issue...."The Surge"

Just as they ignore the actual 9-11 attacks in declaring that Bush "Kept us safe for seven years", they ignore the non-existant WMDS, the lack of an Iraqi threat, the fact that Afghanistan should have been the priority and the fact that Bush underestimated the number of troops needed and botched the occupation

Bottom line...

Bush+ Iraq= FAIL
Its amazing how right wing Conservatives have reduced the Iraq war down to one issue...."The Surge"

Just as they ignore the actual 9-11 attacks in declaring that Bush "Kept us safe for seven years", they ignore the non-existant WMDS, the lack of an Iraqi threat, the fact that Afghanistan should have been the priority and the fact that Bush underestimated the number of troops needed and botched the occupation

Bottom line...

Bush+ Iraq= FAIL


Bottom line is left wing loon talking points make you look like a jackass.
Its amazing how right wing Conservatives have reduced the Iraq war down to one issue...."The Surge"

Just as they ignore the actual 9-11 attacks in declaring that Bush "Kept us safe for seven years", they ignore the non-existant WMDS, the lack of an Iraqi threat, the fact that Afghanistan should have been the priority and the fact that Bush underestimated the number of troops needed and botched the occupation

Bottom line...

Bush+ Iraq= FAIL


Bottom line is left wing loon talking points make you look like a jackass.

Which means you do not have a rebuttal...thanks for playing
Its amazing how right wing Conservatives have reduced the Iraq war down to one issue...."The Surge"

Just as they ignore the actual 9-11 attacks in declaring that Bush "Kept us safe for seven years", they ignore the non-existant WMDS, the lack of an Iraqi threat, the fact that Afghanistan should have been the priority and the fact that Bush underestimated the number of troops needed and botched the occupation

Bottom line...

Bush+ Iraq= FAIL

That's hot damn right. In Bush's very first cabinet meeting, months before 9/11, military overthrow of the Sadaam regime was on the agenda. During the summer of 2001, NSA staffer Richard Clarke tried in vain to explain to Paul Wolfowitz that Osama Bin Laden posed a greater threat to the U.S. than Sadaam. On 9/11 itself, Rumsfeld was already casting about for a link between the attacks and Sadaam. Before the vote for war authorization for Bush in Oct. 2002, a Democrat Senator tried to get Bush to lay out in greater detail the threat that Sadaam posed. Bush shot back, "I'm not here to discuss it. I want your vote."

As early as 2004, it was evident even to casual observers that the U.S. occupation in Iraq was under-strength. It was also public knowledge, that the counter-insurgency tactics of Petraeus, McMaster, et. al. were effective against the insurgency. But nothing was done to support or broaden their strategy.

The balance of the credit for defeating the Iraqi insurgency comes from 1) the gradual spread of Petraeus' counter-insurgency doctrine and 2) the Anbar "Awakening," itself a partial consequence of this doctrine. These two factors were turning in results before the "surge."

The Democrats can be forgiven for wanting to bail on Iraq back in the annus horriblis of 2006. To most people, including many Republican lawmakers at the time, Iraq appeared at the time to be a failed state, in the throes of a full-blown civil war.

Bush gambled on a "surge" strategy, mostly out of his usual stubborness. He did not want to accept the recommendations of the Iraq Survey Group - so he went for the Hail Mary pass. As it turns out, we were all very lucky that it worked. As President Obama said last year, the surge strategy worked beyond anyone's expectations (except for the daring men who were on the ground implementing it).

The bottom line is, If Al Gore had been president in 2001, we probably would not have even been attacked. By the end of the Clinton Admin., the executive branch had become highly attuned to terrorist threats. People like John Podesta and Richard Clarke were actively anticipating new, dramatic attacks. If Gore had become president, there would had been much more continuity in this area between administrations - and much greater likelihood that the 9/11 plot would have been scotched. As it was, the new, Republican administration was focussed more on great-power rivalry with China (and with regime change in Iraq), and positively neglected the threat of political Islam. The Republicans failed the country, scammed us into a godforsaken dynastic war, wasted thousands of American lives, and threw away a trillion dollars.

And they have the gall to accuse the Democrats of poor leadership. As always, they don't have a god damn clue.
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Its amazing how right wing Conservatives have reduced the Iraq war down to one issue...."The Surge"

Just as they ignore the actual 9-11 attacks in declaring that Bush "Kept us safe for seven years", they ignore the non-existant WMDS, the lack of an Iraqi threat, the fact that Afghanistan should have been the priority and the fact that Bush underestimated the number of troops needed and botched the occupation

Bottom line...

Bush+ Iraq= FAIL


Bottom line is left wing loon talking points make you look like a jackass.

Which means you do not have a rebuttal...thanks for playing

Since when is rebutting fiction required on a message board....hey...thanks for playing...:eusa_whistle:
Its amazing how right wing Conservatives have reduced the Iraq war down to one issue...."The Surge"

Just as they ignore the actual 9-11 attacks in declaring that Bush "Kept us safe for seven years", they ignore the non-existant WMDS, the lack of an Iraqi threat, the fact that Afghanistan should have been the priority and the fact that Bush underestimated the number of troops needed and botched the occupation

Bottom line...

Bush+ Iraq= FAIL

And dumb-ass lefties think 9/11 was the only justification for going after terrorists. :cuckoo:

To top that off, those that won't even admit that think 9/11 was done by Bush.
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Its amazing how right wing Conservatives have reduced the Iraq war down to one issue...."The Surge"

Just as they ignore the actual 9-11 attacks in declaring that Bush "Kept us safe for seven years", they ignore the non-existant WMDS, the lack of an Iraqi threat, the fact that Afghanistan should have been the priority and the fact that Bush underestimated the number of troops needed and botched the occupation

Bottom line...

Bush+ Iraq= FAIL

And dumb-ass lefties think 9/11 was the only justification for going after terrorists. :cuckoo:

To top that off, those that won't even admit that think 9/11 was done by Bush.


I Win! Two "crazy guys" to One
Its amazing how right wing Conservatives have reduced the Iraq war down to one issue...."The Surge"

Just as they ignore the actual 9-11 attacks in declaring that Bush "Kept us safe for seven years", they ignore the non-existant WMDS, the lack of an Iraqi threat, the fact that Afghanistan should have been the priority and the fact that Bush underestimated the number of troops needed and botched the occupation

Bottom line...

Bush+ Iraq= FAIL

And dumb-ass lefties think 9/11 was the only justification for going after terrorists. :cuckoo:

To top that off, those that won't even admit that think 9/11 was done by Bush.


I Win! Two "crazy guys" to One

Yup...crazy people usually think they are the ones that are sane.
It appears Biden voted nay on the bill that funded the predator drone
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

In the Defense Appropriations Act for FY 1997, the Congress transferred Predator's production funding from the Defense-wide Procurement account to the Navy's Procurement account and increased the amount by $50 million to $115.8 million for the year (which included funding for U-CARS integration on Predator and Outrider).

It appears Biden voted nay on the bill that funded the predator drone
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

In the Defense Appropriations Act for FY 1997, the Congress transferred Predator's production funding from the Defense-wide Procurement account to the Navy's Procurement account and increased the amount by $50 million to $115.8 million for the year (which included funding for U-CARS integration on Predator and Outrider).


:lol: Joe's a lying sack of shit.
The mission accomplished banner was for the carrier finishing deployment but you on the left in your infinite stupidity, attempts to derail Bush and other political bullshit reasons, this is what you tards twisted it into...said it meant the War in Iraq was over.

The combat operations WERE in fact completed. The Iraqi government fell and we now controlled the country. There was no insurgency at the time. After a failed plan was implemented by the Iraqi provisional government an insurgency fueled by Sunni muslims and Al Qaeda fighters ensued plunging the country into chaos. After a change in strategy late 2007 into 2008 the insurgency was finally crushed and Bush negotiated the troop withdrawal.

What part of:

"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." –President Bush, standing under a "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier, May 2, 2003[/QUOTE]"

Do you have trouble understanding?

And now you're saying that there was no combat in Iraq after that speech? Are you high?

Why don't you tell that to the 3000 soldiers that died after that speech was made? Or the tens of thousands of soldiers that were maimed or seriously injured?

Seriously, I'm not sure what you're smoking, to think people will believe a line of crap like this.
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You're another idiot who can't understand english...best if you just shut your pie hole.

OR ("pie holes" aside) it's your twisting of the language, in an obvious attempt to obfuscate the actual events, that is leading everyone to contradict you.
You're another idiot who can't understand english...best if you just shut your pie hole.

OR ("pie holes" aside) it's your twisting of the language, in an obvious attempt to obfuscate the actual events, that is leading everyone to contradict you.

Tell me what the CAG said, the sailors on board the ship said and what Boooooooosh said. Then tell us who twisted what...OK skippy?
Tell me what the CAG said, the sailors on board the ship said and what Boooooooosh said. Then tell us who twisted what...OK skippy?

What the hell does it matter what the CAG or the sailors said?

THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES made an internationally televised speech stating that the "Battle of Iraq" had been won, and that "Major combat operations in Iraq" were over.

That's pretty damn straightforward, Sparky.

Just because you feel it necessary to re-write history and pretend he didn't mean what he said, doesn't mean other people have to take your word for it.

And then you went on to say that he was actually CORRECT, as if combat operations lessened after the announcement was made, which is a complete load of horse-shit.
These fuckers have alot of gall. They want to claim they were responsible for success in Iraq.

This after opposing the policies that made it happen.

They also want to take credit for the draw-down agreement Bush made with the Iraqi government before he left office.

Obama's press secretary claimed that things were broke and Obama fixed it.

Now I've heard everything.

Fucken Bastards.:evil:

Newsvine - Joe Biden update: Iraq one of Obama's 'great achievements'

I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

I spent -- I've been there 17 times now. I go about every two months -- three months. I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society. It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their difference

Yes, well they have to take credit for something,:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: because this last year with their super majority and liberals running amok everywhere they ACCOMPLISHED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

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