Obama and Putin Agree on one thing..America is too powerful and needs to be humbled.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Nowadays it's hard to recognize America. The Ruling class has been purchased wholesale by the corporate multi-national giants who would benefit from a demise of American Power projection. The white house has been seized by a man who is Ashamed of this nation and therefore finds himself in a real pickle very much of his own making when it comes to Projecting American Power and Authority.

Putin has rather brilliantly seized on Obama's own political Achilles heel to leverage his takeover of Crimea and possibly several other Ukraine provinces in the near future. Why fight with your enemy when he's doing your bidding? This nation has more to fear from a Manchurian candidate that won the presidential election than it does from the leader of what used to be the only other superpower and soon to be one again, Russia.

The paradox for Obama begins with the his own foundation ideals that the US is an arrogant, overpowered bully that needs to be taught a lesson on the international stage but he doesn't want any help from Putin even though he's going to get it anyway.

In the shadows the purveyors of democracy who are no more than street side knockoff vendors for the money brokers of the world and who fund the efforts to weaken the last bastion of self determination in behalf of the Globalist cabal that sees the United states as an obstacle instead of a great tool for World peace, continue to send in the marching orders for the Obama administration.

" Stand down, don't make waves and stay the course"...

What Course is that? The gradual dismantling and weakening of the greatest nation that has ever existed on the face of this planet.

Remember that the original infiltration of the communist/socialist ideal was introduced by the subterfuge of Academia starting away back in the forties and fifties with unholy alliances such as the one formed by the likes of Frank Marashall Davis who found a home with an American Communist party that shared his hatred for American exceptionalism.

Then there was the Cloward-Piven connection fostered by the likes of Alinsky and his hell spawn Bill Ayers....all " Haters of America "....and willing to do whatever was necessary to take down the land of the free and the home of the brave. In many ways Putin and obama are both products of the same communist egg and share a strange connection therein. This may be one of the reasons and maybe The Major reason why Obama looks like a fish out of water on this issue. To the extent that Putin's actions harm the US Obama finds himself quietly in agreement.

Obama now finds himself at odds with a man who feels the same way he does about America. Not because they have different goals but because one of them makes the other one look like a boy scout on the international stage....and that is just Embarrassing.

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While I would agree with the notion that America is far too quick and willing to stick its nose into the affairs of other countries -- this is NOT our planet -- I would also agree that an un-admitted-to goal of the hard Left is to bring America down a few notches across the board. And that would definitely include economically.

Maybe it's guilt for the standard of living created by capitalism, I don't know. But rather than lead others up, they'd rather us see us fall a ways.

And from the looks of things, they're in the process of getting their way.


While I would agree with the notion that America is far too quick and willing to stick its nose into the affairs of other countries -- this is NOT our planet -- I would also agree that an un-admitted-to goal of the hard Left is to bring America down a few notches across the board. And that would definitely include economically.

Maybe it's guilt for the standard of living created by capitalism, I don't know. But rather than lead others up, they'd rather us see us fall a ways.

And from the looks of things, they're in the process of getting their way.


Who is this "they" you speak of? You talking about anyone in particular? Got any names?
Well, as we see from a lot of Obama followers, they agree with him

not only should we be humbled, we should be shamed, cave into blackmail by other country for (globull warming) and pretty much sold out to the highest bidder...which it looks like China is the winner there

enjoy, you are now nobody
America is being sold out by corporate power.

Honest patriotic but somewhat confused right wingers identify these traitors as socialists.

Interesting that corporate socialists are the winners of the game of lets steal from the nation through monetary manipulation and then let's all agree to call it capitalism, isn't it?

YOUR enemies, citizens, are NOT socialists, neither are they capitalists.

They are crooks -- very rich, very influential very well connected, very powerful crooks.
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America is being sold out by corporate power.

Honest patriotic but somewhat confused right wingers identify these traitors as socialists.

Interesting that corporate socialists are the winners of the game of lets steal from the nation through monetary manipulation and then let's all agree to call it capitalism, isn't it?

YOUR enemies, citizens, are NOT socialists, neither are they capitalists.

They are crooks -- very rich, very influential very well connected, very powerful crooks.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? What a pile of crap.
Obama and Putin Agree on one thing..America is too powerful and needs to be humbled. Nowadays it's hard to recognize America. The Ruling class has been purchased wholesale by the corporate multi-national giants who would benefit from a demise of American Power projection. The white house has been seized by a man who is Ashamed of this nation and therefore finds himself in a real pickle very much of his own making when it comes to Projecting American Power and Authority.

Putin has rather brilliantly seized on Obama's own political Achilles heel to leverage his takeover of Crimea and possibly several other Ukraine provinces in the near future. Why fight with your enemy when he's doing your bidding? This nation has more to fear from a Manchurian candidate that won the presidential election than it does from the leader of what used to be the only other superpower and soon to be one again, Russia.

The paradox for Obama begins with the his own foundation ideals that the US is an arrogant, overpowered bully that needs to be taught a lesson on the international stage but he doesn't want any help from Putin even though he's going to get it anyway.

In the shadows the purveyors of democracy who are no more than street side knockoff vendors for the money brokers of the world and who fund the efforts to weaken the last bastion of self determination in behalf of the Globalist cabal that sees the United states as an obstacle instead of a great tool for World peace, continue to send in the marching orders for the Obama administration.

" Stand down, don't make waves and stay the course"...

What Course is that? The gradual dismantling and weakening of the greatest nation that has ever existed on the face of this planet.

Remember that the original infiltration of the communist/socialist ideal was introduced by the subterfuge of Academia starting away back in the forties and fifties with unholy alliances such as the one formed by the likes of Frank Marashall Davis who found a home with an American Communist party that shared his hatred for American exceptionalism.

Then there was the Cloward-Piven connection fostered by the likes of Alinsky and his hell spawn Bill Ayers....all " Haters of America "....and willing to do whatever was necessary to take down the land of the free and the home of the brave. In many ways Putin and obama are both products of the same communist egg and share a strange connection therein. This may be one of the reasons and maybe The Major reason why Obama looks like a fish out of water on this issue. To the extent that Putin's actions harm the US Obama finds himself quietly in agreement.

Obama now finds himself at odds with a man who feels the same way he does about America. Not because they have different goals but because one of them makes the other one look like a boy scout on the international stage....and that is just Embarrassing.

So do all of the Americans who voted for him twice.
Nowadays it's hard to recognize America. The Ruling class has been purchased wholesale by the corporate multi-national giants who would benefit from a demise of American Power projection. The white house has been seized by a man who is Ashamed of this nation and therefore finds himself in a real pickle very much of his own making when it comes to Projecting American Power and Authority.

Putin has rather brilliantly seized on Obama's own political Achilles heel to leverage his takeover of Crimea and possibly several other Ukraine provinces in the near future. Why fight with your enemy when he's doing your bidding? This nation has more to fear from a Manchurian candidate that won the presidential election than it does from the leader of what used to be the only other superpower and soon to be one again, Russia.

The paradox for Obama begins with the his own foundation ideals that the US is an arrogant, overpowered bully that needs to be taught a lesson on the international stage but he doesn't want any help from Putin even though he's going to get it anyway.

In the shadows the purveyors of democracy who are no more than street side knockoff vendors for the money brokers of the world and who fund the efforts to weaken the last bastion of self determination in behalf of the Globalist cabal that sees the United states as an obstacle instead of a great tool for World peace, continue to send in the marching orders for the Obama administration.

" Stand down, don't make waves and stay the course"...

What Course is that? The gradual dismantling and weakening of the greatest nation that has ever existed on the face of this planet.

Remember that the original infiltration of the communist/socialist ideal was introduced by the subterfuge of Academia starting away back in the forties and fifties with unholy alliances such as the one formed by the likes of Frank Marashall Davis who found a home with an American Communist party that shared his hatred for American exceptionalism.

Then there was the Cloward-Piven connection fostered by the likes of Alinsky and his hell spawn Bill Ayers....all " Haters of America "....and willing to do whatever was necessary to take down the land of the free and the home of the brave. In many ways Putin and obama are both products of the same communist egg and share a strange connection therein. This may be one of the reasons and maybe The Major reason why Obama looks like a fish out of water on this issue. To the extent that Putin's actions harm the US Obama finds himself quietly in agreement.

Obama now finds himself at odds with a man who feels the same way he does about America. Not because they have different goals but because one of them makes the other one look like a boy scout on the international stage....and that is just Embarrassing.


How many American troops do you estimate would be needed to 'save' the Ukraine from Russia,

and where do you propose to get them from?

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