Obama and The Copy-Cat Criminal


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Early in his career, Barack Obama was a card-carrying member of the socialist New Party.
And that is why Ira Stoll calls "Bill de Blasio, the Obama of New York."

1. " The man New York Democrats seemed poised to choose this week as their candidate for mayor, Bill de Blasio, sure has a lot in common with President Obama.

2. Both politicians have degrees from Columbia University and ....both once lived under different names — Obama as Barry Soetoro and de Blasio as Warren Wilhelm Jr., the name he was born with.

3. They both have ties to the far left New Party; de Blasio reportedly worked as executive director of the New York branch of the New Party, while documents indicate that Obama joined the Chicago New Party and signed its candidate pledge.

4. .... the two politicians seem to be following the same political and policy playbook. They want to raise taxes on the rich to fund health-care and education sectors whose government-spending-reliant growth they are unwilling to restrain.

5. De Blasio has backed an increased minimum wage at the local level, just as President Obama has supported one nationally. De Blasio has used his teenaged son in a campaign commercial against the New York Police Department’s “stop, question, and frisk,” tactics, while President Obama famously said, after the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

6. De Blasio and Obama both have scant private-sector experience, which may account for their tendency to see successful businesspeople as cows to be milked for the maximum possible tax revenue.

7. .... the reality that a tax, spend, polarize, and regulate approach to government inevitably confronts. It’s wasteful, it’s expensive, it doesn’t function particularly well, it breeds corruption and resentment, and eventually the people who are being taxed to excess decide to stop participating, either by moving or by restructuring their affairs so as to generate less taxable revenue (and usually fewer jobs, too).

8. If de Blasio governs as he has campaigned, though, don’t be surprised if in a few years he finds himself wishing he could ask the City Council for the authority to attack New Jersey." Meet Bill de Blasio, the Obama of New York - Reason.com

A reminder:

" On September 24 (2010) the F.B.I. raided the homes of several leftist activists across the U.S.A. looking for links to foreign terrorist organizations.
Most if not all of those raided or questioned were members of the “Fightback” faction of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Formed from several Maoist factions in 1986, Freedom Road split in the late 1990s two form two distinct organizations of the same name. The “Fightback” group publishes a newspaper of that name and is strongest in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Though of Maoist origin, Freedom Road became integrated into “orthodox” international communist networks and worked with Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America and Committees of Correspondence in organizations such as the Chicago New Party and supporting leftist Democrats.

One leading Freedom Roader, Bill Fletche, Jr. also joined D.S.A. and helped found the both the socialist leaning New Party andProgressives for Obama.

Barack Obama, of course joined the New Party and its parent organization Progressive Chicago and remained a member for several years in the mid 1990s." Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Terror Support Suspects Moved in Obama "Orbit" ? Why is Nobody Surprised?

At this level, it's called 'class warfare'.....but when the Left is strong enough, it's 'Up against the wall!'

So, if you support Obama, or de Blasio, don't hide behind the effete name 'Democrat,' but in actuality, 'socialist' is your real identification.

Don't hide from it.
Once the population is sufficiently dumbed down by the leftists educational influence they can call themselves anything they like. People won't even understand the ramifications that socialism has on a country. We are not the most powerful country in the world because of 200 years of socialism.
NY will never learn. some of the highest taxes in the nation. some of the most restricted freedoms. bu they continue to reelect democrats
NY will never learn. some of the highest taxes in the nation. some of the most restricted freedoms. bu they continue to reelect democrats

If NY was the only place in which this was true, one could, as President Reagan suggested, 'vote with your feet.'

But it's a national disease.

Books will be written about the amazing nation that lasted a century and a half......1776-1937...

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